Bose-Einstein condensation of atomic gases

In summary, superfluidity and Bose-Einstein condensation are not the same thing. Superfluidity requires an energy gap to prevent low energy excitations, while a BEC is defined as a macroscopic occupation of a single quantum energy level. A well-known example of a superfluid is ultracold 4He, where only a small percentage is actually Bose condensed.
  • #1
How is superfluidity studied in a BEC?
Physics news on
  • #2
First of all: a superfluid IS a BEC. But how do you mean the question? Do you want to know how to perform an experiment that shows wether or not you have a superfluid.
  • #3
Originally posted by heumpje
First of all: a superfluid IS a BEC. But how do you mean the question? Do you want to know how to perform an experiment that shows wether or not you have a superfluid.

Yes, experiment please
  • #4
I've done such an experiment a few years ago. We used a resonating wire between two permanent magnets to determine the superfluid density...I can't remember the details though. I thought that the resonance frequency shifts as the superfluid density increases. It had something to do with viscosity as well...The experiment is well known so searching for resonating wire experiments might work.
  • #5

This seems to be the "extended" of the experiment i was talking about. Perhaps one of the ref's could help (No.1 if available)
Good luck.
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  • #6
I know that this is a super old thread, but I came across it when searching for something else and had to comment about this statement:

First of all: a superfluid IS a BEC

Actually, superfluidity and Bose-Einstein condensation are not the same thing. To have superfluidity, you need an energy gap that prevents the creation of low energy excitations. An ideal BEC, where the particles do not interact, is not a superfluid because a lot of the energy levels are degenerate.

It's actually way easier than that. A BEC is defined as a macroscopic occupation of a single quantum energy level. One of the most famous superfluids is ultracold 4He. In this system, only roughly 7% of the helium is Bose condensed. The rest is still a superfluid, but is not a BEC.

FAQ: Bose-Einstein condensation of atomic gases

What is Bose-Einstein condensation of atomic gases?

Bose-Einstein condensation is a phenomenon that occurs when a large number of bosonic particles, such as atoms, are cooled to a very low temperature. At this temperature, the particles start to behave like a single quantum entity, known as a Bose-Einstein condensate.

What is the significance of Bose-Einstein condensation in atomic gases?

Bose-Einstein condensation is a crucial concept in quantum mechanics and has various applications in fields such as atomic physics, condensed matter physics, and quantum information science. It allows us to study the behavior of large numbers of particles at extremely low temperatures and has provided insights into the nature of superfluidity and superconductivity.

How is Bose-Einstein condensation achieved in atomic gases?

To achieve Bose-Einstein condensation, atoms are first cooled to extremely low temperatures using techniques such as laser cooling and evaporative cooling. Then, the atoms are confined in a trap and further cooled until they reach the critical temperature, also known as the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature.

What is the difference between a Bose-Einstein condensate and a traditional gas?

A Bose-Einstein condensate is a state of matter that exhibits particle-wave duality, unlike traditional gases. In a traditional gas, each atom behaves as an individual particle, but in a Bose-Einstein condensate, all the atoms behave as a single entity. Additionally, the atoms in a Bose-Einstein condensate all occupy the same quantum state, whereas in a traditional gas, they occupy different energy levels.

What are the potential applications of Bose-Einstein condensation of atomic gases?

Bose-Einstein condensation has potential applications in quantum computing, precision measurements, and the creation of new states of matter. It has also been used to study various physical phenomena, such as quantum phase transitions and vortices in superfluids. Additionally, Bose-Einstein condensates are being studied for their potential use in creating new types of sensors and lasers.

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