Bosons and Fermions in a One-Dimensional Infinite Potential Well?

In summary, the conversation discusses the solution for a single particle in an infinite square-well potential and the corresponding energies and normalized energy eigenfunctions of the ground and first excited states. It also explores the two-particle wavefunction for bosons and fermions in the same potential, with the former having a symmetric state and the latter having an anti-symmetric state. The conversation also mentions the probability density of finding two particles at the same location in the potential well, which is determined by integrating the wavefunction squared over any position in the well.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle of mass m is confined to the region |x| < a in one dimension by an infinite
square-well potential. Solve for the energies and corresponding normalized energy
eigenfunctions of the ground and first excited states.

(b) Two particles are confined in the same potential. The particles are bosons and do not
interact. What is the two-particle wavefunction, ψ(x1 , x2 ), of lowest energy? Is it an
eigenfunction of total energy? Explain.

(c) Answer part (b) with the two bosons replaced by two fermions (neglect spin).

(d) For each case [(b) and (c)] write down the probability density to find the two particles
at the same location in the potential well.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So I solved for the single particle in an infinite well and I get a sin function

For b) I think it should be 1/sqrt(2) *(2psi(x1)psi(x2))? but what confuses me here is, do I need the normalisation constant? and since psi 1 and psi 2 are already normalised, I feel my normalisation constant is not right...

and c) I take the anti symetric state 1/sqrt(2) (psi1(x1)psi2(x2)-psi2(x1)psi1(x2))

now d) is where I'm REALLY confused. so due to paulis exclusion principal the antisymetric case can't exist right (ie fermions can be at the same location in the potential well)

but for bosons... what do I integrate between? and do I do a double integral? dx1, dx2

Physics news on
  • #2
(a) ... as per usual, which you can verify by looking them up.

(b) you can check your normalization constant by applying the normalization condition.

(c) don't forget to explain your reasoning

(d) PEP does not restrict the particle "locations" - the potential does that already.
Review your notes on PEP.
  • #3
Oh ok, that sounds right, how do I find the probability that the particles are at the same location? Do I just integrate between two arbitary numbers?
  • #5
Yeah, the modulus across x.
so... would I integrate wrt d(x1-x2) with limits 0?
  • #6
The wavefunction corresponding to x1=x2=x would be ##\psi(x,x)## right?
  • #7
yes, right, So I plug in x1=x2, so.. the limits of the integration don't matter? or.. the limits are from -a to pos a..
RIGHT any place in the well.. as long as they're together

Thanks that makes sense

FAQ: Bosons and Fermions in a One-Dimensional Infinite Potential Well?

1. What is the difference between bosons and fermions?

Bosons and fermions are two types of particles that make up the universe. Bosons have integer spin, meaning they have a whole number value for their intrinsic angular momentum, while fermions have half-integer spin. This difference in spin leads to different behaviors and interactions between the particles.

2. How do bosons and fermions interact with each other?

Bosons and fermions can interact in several ways, including through the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces. Bosons can also interact with each other through the exchange of virtual particles, while fermions can interact through the exchange of gauge bosons.

3. What is the Pauli exclusion principle and how does it relate to bosons and fermions?

The Pauli exclusion principle states that no two identical fermions can occupy the same quantum state simultaneously. This means that fermions, such as electrons, must have different quantum numbers and cannot occupy the same energy level. Bosons, on the other hand, do not follow this principle and can occupy the same quantum state.

4. What is the significance of boson-fermion interactions in particle physics?

Boson-fermion interactions are crucial in understanding the behavior and properties of matter at the smallest scales. They play a role in many fundamental processes, such as the formation of atoms and the behavior of particles in particle accelerators. Studying these interactions helps us understand the fundamental forces and building blocks of the universe.

5. Can bosons and fermions be converted into each other?

According to the laws of quantum mechanics, it is possible for bosons and fermions to be converted into each other. This can occur in certain high-energy collisions or through other processes involving the exchange of energy and momentum. However, this conversion is not a common occurrence in nature and is only observed in extreme conditions.
