Boundary conditions with dielectrics question

In summary, the conversation discusses solving for the potential in a conducting sphere surrounded by an insulating layer using a Legendre Polynomial expansion. The issue arises when trying to match boundary conditions at the interfaces. The first interface requires the potential to be continuous, while the second interface has additional conditions for the normal electric displacement and parallel electric field. The solution to this problem can be found in Griffiths' book on page 2. The reason for the difference in boundary conditions is due to the permeability of the dielectric and the fact that the conductor has an infinite permeability.
  • #1
Hi all,

I'm doing what should be a pretty simple problem, but some theory is giving me trouble.

Basically, in this problem I have a conducting sphere, surrounded by a thick insulating layer, and then vacuum outside that. I'm attempting to solve for the potential in the insulating layer by using a Legendre Polynomial expansion. To find the coefficients of the expansion in the different regions, I have to match boundary conditions (BC's) at the interfaces.

Now, I just did a different problem in Jackson, a dielectric sphere in a uniform E field. Here, he uses the same method, and the BC's he applies at the dielectric/vacuum interface are that [itex]E_{parallel}[/itex] and [itex]D_{normal}[/itex] must be continuous at the boundary, which he writes as (a is the radius of the dielectric sphere and epsilon is its dielectric constant):


[itex](-1/a)\frac{\partial \phi_{in}}{\partial \theta} |_{r =a}= (-1/a)\frac{\partial \phi_{out}}{\partial \theta}|_{r =a}[/itex]


[itex]-\epsilon\frac{\partial \phi_{in}}{\partial r}|_{r =a} = -\epsilon_0\frac{\partial \phi_{out}}{\partial r}|_{r =a}[/itex]

And then he proceeds to solve it like that. So I tried applying that to this problem, but it gave me garbage answers (the potential of the conducting sphere is constant, so [itex]E_{parallel}[/itex] & [itex]D_{normal}[/itex] are zero for it, which then made all the coefficients of the Legendre expansion for the insulator potential 0...which clearly isn't right).

Luckily, I found a solution to this problem (It's actually problem 4.24 in Griffiths), but I still don't understand it. In this problem, the BC's they used were that the potential has to be continuous on the conductor/insulator interface, but nothing about either D or E. They said the same thing about the insulator/vacuum interface, but that one also seems to have the [itex]D_{normal}[/itex] condition.

My question is, why is the continuous potential the only BC on the first interface, while they use both on the second interface? Further, why isn't there the E_parallel BC at all?

If it helps, the solution I found to this problem is here, on page 2:

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  • #2
VortexLattice said:
My question is, why is the continuous potential the only BC on the first interface, while they use both on the second interface? Further, why isn't there the E_parallel BC at all?

At each interface, you want to use the continuity condition to "connect" the potential in the two adjacent regions. Conditions (1) just demands that the potential is finite at the origin. Condition and (2) conveys the information that the sphere is placed in an otherwise uniform electric field. Condition (5) conveys the information about the permeability of the dielectric - you could just as well use the same type of boundary condition at the 1st interface instead of at the second if not for the fact that the permealibilty of the conductor is infinite (if you had a hollow core instead of a conductor, you wouldn't have that problem).
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FAQ: Boundary conditions with dielectrics question

1. What are boundary conditions with dielectrics?

Boundary conditions with dielectrics refer to the rules that govern the behavior of electric fields at the interface between two different materials, one of which is a dielectric. These conditions dictate how the electric field and its components change as they cross the boundary between the two materials.

2. How do boundary conditions with dielectrics differ from those without dielectrics?

Boundary conditions with dielectrics take into account the presence of a dielectric material, which has a different permittivity (ability to store electric charge) than the surrounding materials. This results in a change in the behavior of the electric field at the interface, compared to boundary conditions without dielectrics.

3. What are the main equations used to calculate boundary conditions with dielectrics?

The main equations used to calculate boundary conditions with dielectrics are the Gauss's law, Ampere's law, and the continuity of the electric displacement field. These equations are used to determine the electric field and its components at the interface between two materials with different permittivities.

4. How do boundary conditions with dielectrics affect the behavior of electric fields?

Boundary conditions with dielectrics can significantly affect the behavior of electric fields, as they determine how the electric field changes when it crosses the interface between two materials. This can result in changes in the direction, magnitude, and distribution of the electric field, which can have various implications in different applications.

5. What are some practical applications of boundary conditions with dielectrics?

Boundary conditions with dielectrics have numerous practical applications, such as in the design of electronic devices, dielectric materials, and optical devices. They are also important in understanding the behavior of electromagnetic waves at the interface between different materials, which has implications in fields such as telecommunications and remote sensing.

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