Boundary Value Problem and ODE: How to Rescale and Solve for Inner Solutions?

In summary: This means that the solution at the origin is not stable, and will eventually become zero as ##x \to 1##.
  • #1
Hi, I'm not sure if this is on the right thread but here goes. It's a perturbation type problem.

Consider the boundry value problem

$$\epsilon y'' + y' + y = 0$$
Show that if $$\epsilon = 0$$ the first order constant coefficient equation has
the solution
$$y_{outer} (x) = e^{1-x} $$
I have done this fine.
Find a suitable rescaling $$X = x/\delta$$ so that the highest derivative is important and balances another term and find the solutions $y_{inner}(X)$ of
this equation, containing one free parameter, satisfying the boundary
condition at $$x = X = 0$$

So I am at the rescaling part and solved the differential equation (after neglecting the δy part of the full equation)
$$\frac{d^2y}{dX^2} + \frac{dy}{dX} = 0 $$
yielding $$ y = Ae^{-X} + B$$

imposing the boundry condition $$x = X = 0$$

gives $$A = B$$

so is $$y_{inner} = Ae^{-X}$$ ??
I think I covered that the highest derivative is important (Although again I was unsure about the wording)

When I continue on I think I either have this part wrong or the matching is wrong as I am not getting the right answer. I am supposed to be doing intermediate scaling. If anyone has any comments about this that would also be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
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  • #2
You have yet to do the matching, the matching will yield the value for A.

However the rest of your work seems okay.
  • #3
You haven't actually told us the second condition that ##y## is supposed to satisfy along with ##y(0) = 0##, but assuming your ##y_{outer}## is correct it must be ##y(1) = 1##.

You have the correct ODE for the inner solution, but you haven't solved it correctly.

The equation for the inner solution is 2nd order, and you have two boundary conditions. The first is ##y_{inner}(0) = 0##, which requires ##A + B = 0##. The second, which comes from matching with the outer solution, is ##y_{inner}(X) \to y(1) = 1## as ##X \to \infty##. Since ##e^{-X} \to 0## as ##X \to \infty##, we must have ##B = 1##.

The idea behind the second condition is that ##x = \epsilon X##, so ##x = 1## corresponds to ##X = 1/\epsilon##; since ##\epsilon## is small ("0"), ##X## must be large ("##\infty##").
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FAQ: Boundary Value Problem and ODE: How to Rescale and Solve for Inner Solutions?

What is a Boundary Value Problem (BVP)?

A Boundary Value Problem is a type of mathematical problem in which the solution is sought within a specified range of values, known as the boundary conditions. In other words, the problem involves finding a function that satisfies both the given differential equation and the boundary conditions.

What is an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE)?

An Ordinary Differential Equation is a type of mathematical equation that describes how a dependent variable changes with respect to an independent variable. It involves derivatives of the dependent variable with respect to the independent variable. ODEs are commonly used to model various physical, biological, and economic systems.

What are the main methods for solving Boundary Value Problems?

The main methods for solving Boundary Value Problems include the Shooting Method, the Finite Difference Method, and the Finite Element Method. Each method has its own advantages and is suitable for different types of problems. These methods involve numerical techniques for approximating the solution to the given BVP.

What are the applications of Boundary Value Problems and ODEs?

Boundary Value Problems and ODEs have numerous applications in various fields of science and engineering. They are used to model and understand various physical phenomena such as heat transfer, fluid flow, and population dynamics. They are also used in statistics, economics, and finance to analyze data and make predictions.

What are some challenges in solving Boundary Value Problems and ODEs?

Solving Boundary Value Problems and ODEs can be challenging due to the complexity of the equations involved and the need for accurate numerical methods. Additionally, finding appropriate boundary conditions and ensuring the solution is valid within the given range can also be challenging. It is important to carefully select the appropriate method and verify the solution for accuracy.

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