Boundary Value Problem from Laplace's eq (Thermal)

In summary: So the kn's are c_0,c_1,c_2,...,c_6. To determine the cn's, you use the boundary condition at x = 10 to determine the cn's for the solution that satisfies the boundary condition at y = 0. This is c_7, c_8, c_9,..., c_15.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A rectangular plate extends to infinity along the y-axis and has a width of 20 cm. At all faces except y=0, T= 0°C. Solve the semi-infinite plate problem if the bottom edge is held at
T = {0°C when, 0 < x < 10,
T = {100°C when, 10 < x < 20.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I generalized Laplace's equation for two dimensions, then used separation of variables to find solutions of the form T(x,y)=X(x)Y(x) such that
Y = {eky , e-ky }
X = {sinkx, coskx }

Then, by applying two of the initial conditions required to satisfy T (y→∞ T=0 and x=0 T=0) I was able to eliminate one of the possible choices for X and Y each, leaving a T of:


Here is where I'm having trouble. In other problems from this section I could continue to apply the boundary conditions and solve for k then use a Fourier series approximation to solve the remaining condition where T=100°C. However, with x broken into several more cases I am unsure how to solve for a k that works for all of the conditions (for which there are a confusing six, rather than the previous 3 I solved). Any guidance would be much appreciated.
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  • #2
Hi lanan. Welcome to Physics Forums.

I don't consider myself an expert on this type of problem, but the first thing I would do would be to shift the origin to x = 10, so that the region of interest is from x = -10 to x = + 10. The base temperature would then be 0 from x = -10 to x = 0, and 100 from x = 0 to x = +10. I would then represent the solution as the linear superposition of two solutions. In solution 1, T = 50 over the entire base from x = -10 to x = +10. This could be described by a cosine series. In solution 2, the base temperature would be T = -50 from x = -10 to x = 0, and T =+50 from x = 0 to x = +10. This could be described by a sine series. This approach should simplify things considerably (I think).

  • #3
Chestermiller said:
In solution 1, T = 50 over the entire base from x = -10 to x = +10. This could be described by a cosine series. In solution 2, the base temperature would be T = -50 from x = -10 to x = 0, and T =+50 from x = 0 to x = +10. This could be described by a sine series.


Thank you, this is helping a little. However, this is my first time actually solving a physical problem with difeq, so I'm not sure how to apply multiple boundary conditions over x for these two circumstances (do I just use 20?). Also, I'm not sure why you used T=50 over the entire base for solution one. Also, do I construct the same T for each solution? I'm really quite lost.
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  • #4
There are only certain values of k that are allowed. Use the condition for x=20 cm to find these. So you have a solution of the form
$$T(x,y) = \sum_n c_nT_n(x,y) = \sum_n c_ne^{-k_n y}\sin k_n x.$$ You now apply the boundary condition at y=0 to solve for the ##c_n##'s.
  • #5
This is follow up to vela's post. You need to determine the kn's and cn's. To determine the kn's, you choose the sequence of values for the kn's that automatically satisfy the boundary conditions at both x boundaries. The solution vela wrote down already satisfies the boundary condition at x = 0.

FAQ: Boundary Value Problem from Laplace's eq (Thermal)

1. What is a boundary value problem in the context of Laplace's equation for thermal systems?

A boundary value problem in this context refers to a mathematical problem that involves finding a solution to Laplace's equation for a thermal system, subject to specified boundary conditions. The boundary conditions define the behavior of the system at its boundaries, and the goal is to find a solution that satisfies both the equation and the boundary conditions.

2. What is Laplace's equation and how is it related to thermal systems?

Laplace's equation is a partial differential equation that describes the distribution of thermal energy in a system. It relates the temperature at any point in the system to the temperature at nearby points, and it is often used to model heat transfer and thermal equilibrium in various systems.

3. What are some common boundary conditions used in solving boundary value problems for Laplace's equation?

Some common boundary conditions used in this context include specifying the temperature at the boundaries (Dirichlet boundary conditions), specifying the rate of change of temperature at the boundaries (Neumann boundary conditions), and specifying a combination of both (Robin boundary conditions). In some cases, other physical constraints may also be used as boundary conditions.

4. How are numerical methods used to solve boundary value problems for Laplace's equation?

Numerical methods, such as finite difference or finite element methods, are often used to solve boundary value problems for Laplace's equation. These methods involve dividing the system into smaller discrete elements and approximating the solution at each element. By solving the equations at each element and considering the boundary conditions, an overall solution for the system can be obtained.

5. What are some applications of boundary value problems for Laplace's equation in real-world systems?

Boundary value problems for Laplace's equation have numerous applications in various fields, including heat transfer, fluid flow, electrostatics, and more. Some specific examples include determining the temperature distribution in a building or a heat exchanger, studying the flow of air around an airplane wing, or predicting the electric field in a circuit.
