Boundary value problem involving eigenvalues

In summary, DonRico asked a question about boundary value problems and then explained how he solved them.
  • #1
I need a bit of help with these boundary value problems. I'm trying to find their eigenvalues and eigenfunctions and although I pretty much know how to do it, I want to exactly WHY I'm doing each step. I attached part of my work, and on it I have a little question next to the steps I need explained. The biggest question I have is how do you know what form to choose for the eigenfunctions. Thanks a lot for taking the time to help me out.


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  • #2
I HATE trying to read those Jpg things!

In the first problem, you have
[tex]y"+ \lambda y= 0[/tex]
with boundary conditions y'(0)= 0, y(0)= 0.
You first try [itex]\lambda< 0[/itex] and determine that there are no non-trivial functions satisfying that so no negative [itex]\lambda[/itex] is an eigenvalue.

You then try [itex]\lambda= 0[/itex] so your equation is y"= 0 which has general solution y(x)= C1x+ C2. y'= C1 so the boundary conditions give C1= 0. But C2 can be anything so there exist non-trivial solutions of the form y= C. That is,
0 is in fact an eigenvalue. Since the set of all such solutions is an "subspace" of the space of all functions, you can find a basis for it. The simplest is y= 1 so that y= C= C(1). Actually, any number (except 0) would have worked.

If [itex]\lamba> 0[/itex], then you get general solution
[tex]y= C_1 cos(\sqrt{\lambda}x)+ C_2 sin(\sqrt{\lamba x})[/itex]
[tex]y'= -C_1/sqrtr{\lambda}sin(\sqrt{\lambda}x)+ C_2\sqrt{\lamba}cos{\lamba x})[/tex]
The boundary conditions give
[tex]y'(0)= C_2= 0[/tex]
and then
[tex]y'(L)= -C_1\sqrt{\lamba}sin(\sqrt{\lambda}L)= 0[/tex]
which says that [itex]\sqrt{\lamba}L) must be a multiple of [itex]\pi[/itex] and so we must have
[tex]\sqrt{\lamba}= \frac{n\pi}{L}[/tex]
so the eigenvalues are of the form
[tex]\frac{n^2\pi^2}{L^2}= \(\frac{n\pi}{L}\)^2[/tex]
for n an integer (that, by the way, includes 0 which you had already found). That means that the "eigenvectors" or solutions are
[tex]C_1 cos(\frac{n\pix}{L})[/tex]
Again, any multiple of a single solution is also a solution so we might as well take C1= 1.
The way you've written it, you have [itex]\lamba_0= 0, y_0(x)= 1[/itex] separate but you could as easily take
[tex]\lamba_n= \(\frac{n\pi}{L}\)^2 y_n(x)= cos(\frac{n\pix}{L})[/itex]
with n= 0, 1, 2,... (since cosine is an even function, we don't get anything new taking negative values for n).

I think your basic question in both problems is why, after having gotten a non-trivial solution, involving an undetermined constant C1, do they then drop the constant. The answer is that the set of all vectors satisfying the equation [itex]Ay= \lamba y[/itex] is a subspace of the set of all vectors and so there exists a basis for it. In particular, in these problems the "eigenspaces" are 1 dimensiona. Since we want a solution yn such that any solution can be written y= Cyn for some number C, and we already have y= C1f(x) we might as well take C1= 1 and use that. In fact, we could have as easily let C1 be any non-zero number.
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  • #3
That explained it perfectly! Thanks sooo much for taking the time help me out with that...and sorry about the .jpg
  • #4
I also face a big difficulty in this question! Could anyone help me though, please?


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  • #5
Hello DonRico. Welcome to PF. I have quoted a few lines that you will see if you click on the Rules tab above:

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  • #6
=) Sorry for breaking rules ! I just read HallsofIvy's solution again wisely ! and I found a way though =) thank you all

FAQ: Boundary value problem involving eigenvalues

1. What is a boundary value problem?

A boundary value problem is a mathematical problem that involves finding a solution to a differential equation or system of differential equations with constraints or conditions at two or more points, known as the boundary points. The solution must satisfy both the differential equation and the boundary conditions.

2. What are eigenvalues?

Eigenvalues are special numbers associated with a linear transformation or matrix that represent the scalar factors by which a corresponding eigenvector is scaled. In other words, an eigenvalue is a value that, when multiplied by its corresponding eigenvector, gives back the same vector. In the context of a boundary value problem, eigenvalues are important because they determine the possible solutions to the problem.

3. How are eigenvalues used in boundary value problems?

Eigenvalues are used in boundary value problems to determine the possible solutions that satisfy both the differential equation and the boundary conditions. The eigenvalues are found by solving a characteristic equation, and the corresponding eigenvectors are used to construct the general solution to the problem.

4. What is the significance of boundary conditions in a boundary value problem?

Boundary conditions are constraints that must be satisfied at the boundary points in a boundary value problem. These conditions help to determine the specific solution to the problem, as there may be multiple solutions that satisfy the differential equation but not the boundary conditions. The choice of boundary conditions can greatly affect the behavior of the solution.

5. Can boundary value problems involving eigenvalues be solved analytically?

In general, boundary value problems involving eigenvalues cannot be solved analytically, meaning that there is no closed-form solution. However, there are some special cases where analytical solutions can be found, such as when the boundary conditions are simple enough or when the eigenvalues and eigenvectors have special properties. In most cases, numerical methods must be used to approximate the solution.

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