Boundary value problem with substitution

In summary: By writingx^{k}=e^{k\log x}My solutions becomey=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}B_{n}\sin (n\pi\log x).In summary, the general solution to the boundary value problem is y = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}B_{n}\sin (n\pi\log x), where n is an arbitrary constant. This solution can be obtained by expanding the given differential equation using the Euler equation and then using the boundary conditions to find the coefficients of the sine terms.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the general solution to the boundary value problem.

Homework Equations

(xy')' + \lambda x^{-1}y = 0
[tex]y(1) = 0[/tex]
[tex]y(e) = 0[/tex]
use [tex]x = e^t[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

[tex]x = e^t[/tex] so [tex]\frac{dx}{dt} = e^t[/tex]

using chain rule:
[tex]y' = e^{-t}\frac{dy}{dt}[/tex]

Substituting this in:

[tex]\frac{d}{dx}(e^t(e^{-t}\frac{dy}{dt})) + \lambda e^{-t}y = 0[/tex]
[tex]\frac{d}{dx}(\frac{dy}{dt}) = \lambda e^{-t}y = 0[/tex]
[tex]\frac{d}{dx}(y'e^t) + \lambda e^{-t}y = 0[/tex]

From this point, I feel like I am going in circles. I want to get everything in equal powers of [tex]e[/tex], so I can cancel it out, get a general solution in terms of [tex]t[/tex], and plug in the boundary values to find my constants.
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  • #2
Expand out the ODE fully:
\frac{dy}{dx}+x\frac{d^{2}y}{dx^{2}}+\frac{\lambda}{x}y\Rightarrow x^{2}\frac{d^{2}y}{dx^{2}}+x\frac{dy}{dx}+\lambda y=0
This is called the Euler equation, look for solutions of the form x^{n}.
  • #3
hunt_mat said:
Expand out the ODE fully:
\frac{dy}{dx}+x\frac{d^{2}y}{dx^{2}}+\frac{\lambda}{x}y\Rightarrow x^{2}\frac{d^{2}y}{dx^{2}}+x\frac{dy}{dx}+\lambda y=0
This is called the Euler equation, look for solutions of the form x^{n}.

How did you arrive at that?

Here is my attempt at expanding it out fully:

[tex]\frac{d}{dx}(x\frac{dy}{dx}) + \frac{\lambda}{x}y = 0[/tex]
[tex]\frac{dy}{dx} + x\frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + \frac{\lambda}{x}y = 0[/tex]
[tex]x^2y'' + y'x + \lambda y = 0[/tex]

... Ah, I see what you did, ok. Thanks for the tip. Do I even need a substitution with this?
  • #4
I continued the problem, using the method you suggested, and I ended up with the following differential equation, in terms of t:

[tex]\ddot{y} + \lambda y = 0[/tex]

The general solution to this, in terms of [tex]t[/tex], is:

[tex]y = A\cos{\sqrt{\lambda}t} + B\sin{\sqrt{\lambda}t}[/tex]

Boundary conditions holding true, I get:

[tex]A = 0[/tex]
[tex]B[/tex] is arbitrary

[tex]y(x) = Bsin(n\ln{x})[/tex] where [tex]n = 1, 2, 3, \ldots[/tex]

If you want, I can be more thorough as to how I got this answer, especially if it's wrong!
  • #5
As I said sibstitute in y=x^{n} to obtain the following:
\left[ n(n-1)+n+\lambda\right] x^{n}=0
We require an equation for n, just like the constant coefficient case, can you say what this equation is?

I think that in general you're over thinking it. You don't need a substitution for this equation.
  • #6
Using the substitution method, when solving using the second boundary condition, I am ending up with a discrepancy when attempting a solution with both methods, and it's minor.

For the method of substituting like what the problem suggests, I get:

[tex]0 = B\sin{\sqrt{\lambda}}[/tex]


[tex]\lambda = n^2\pi^2[/tex]

Using the euler format, I am getting...

[tex]0 = B\sin{n\sqrt{\lambda}}[/tex]


[tex]\lambda = \frac{m^2pi^2}{n^2}[/tex]

where [tex]m[/tex], in this case, is [tex]n[/tex] in the first method.

I checked my algebra, and I don't see how these can be so different. Is it because [tex]n[/tex] and [tex]m[/tex] are arbitrary, and can combine to equal a single [tex]n[/tex]?
  • #7
The two solutions are:
So the solution becomes:
Then just use the boundary conditions to find A and B.
  • #8
hunt_mat said:
The two solutions are:
So the solution becomes:
Then just use the boundary conditions to find A and B.

Really? So, the solution is not periodic at all? That's strange. I kept getting imaginary roots, which, by doing it two different methods, resulted in getting a sine and cosine. I will post my work in a little bit.
  • #9
I made a mistake in my algebra, my solutions should have been
n=\pm i\sqrt{\lambda}
Then my solution reduces to yours... The solution my method becomes:
y=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}A_{n}\left( x^{n\pi i}-x^{-n\pi i}\right)
  • #10
hunt_mat said:
I made a mistake in my algebra, my solutions should have been
n=\pm i\sqrt{\lambda}
Then my solution reduces to yours... The solution my method becomes:
y=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}A_{n}\left( x^{n\pi i}-x^{-n\pi i}\right)

That's actually an interesting notation. It seems to be more properly descriptive of what all the solutions are.
  • #11
By writing
x^{k}=e^{k\log x}
My solutions become
y=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}B_{n}\sin (n\pi\log x)

FAQ: Boundary value problem with substitution

1. What is a boundary value problem?

A boundary value problem is a type of mathematical problem that involves finding a solution to a differential equation or a system of differential equations subject to a set of boundary conditions. These boundary conditions specify the values of the solution at certain points in the domain.

2. What is substitution in a boundary value problem?

In a boundary value problem, substitution refers to the process of replacing the variables in the differential equation(s) with new variables to make the problem more manageable. This can involve using a change of variables or introducing new functions to simplify the equations.

3. Why is substitution used in solving boundary value problems?

Substitution is used in solving boundary value problems because it can help simplify the equations and make them easier to solve. It can also help to transform the problem into a more familiar or standard form, which may have known solutions or methods for solving.

4. What are some common substitution techniques used in boundary value problems?

Some common substitution techniques used in boundary value problems include the Laplace transform, Fourier transform, and separation of variables. These techniques can help to reduce the problem to a set of algebraic equations, which can then be solved using standard methods.

5. Can substitution always be used in solving boundary value problems?

No, substitution cannot always be used in solving boundary value problems. It is only effective in certain types of problems and may not work for more complex or nonlinear systems. In these cases, other methods such as numerical techniques may be necessary to find a solution.
