Bounded Function on Closed Interval: Proving Boundedness

In summary, the proof involves using the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem to show that if f is unbounded on [a,b], then it must also be unbounded on a neighbourhood of any point c in [a,b], which contradicts the given hypothesis that f is bounded on all neighbourhoods of points in [a,b]. Therefore, f must be bounded on [a,b].
  • #1
If f is defined on [a,b] and for every x in [a,b] there is a d_x such that if is bounded on [x-d_x, x+d_x]. Prove that f is bounded on [a,b].

This question seems very odd. If every point, and indeed the neighbourhood of every point is bounded, then of course the function itself must be bounded. Of course I doubt this can be passed as a proof, so any suggestions would be helpful.
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  • #2
The statement "[x-d_x, x+d_x] is bounded" is a tautology. Is it meant to say f is bounded on [x-d_x, x+d_x]?
  • #3
Yes, I believe so. I've made the modification but on the question sheet it was written exactly as I had copied it. My professor has a habit of handing out handwritten assignments.
  • #4
Suppose that f was not bounded on [a,b]. Then there must exist a point c in [a,b] such that f(c) > M for all real M.

Does that sound like the right beginning?

Proceed to show a contradiction with boundedness on [x-d_x,x+d_x] for all x in [a,b].
  • #5
If every point, and indeed the neighbourhood of every point is bounded, then of course the function itself must be bounded.

Consider 1/x on (0, 1) then.

If we assume that all d_x are strictly greater than 0, then I believe you can use the compactness of [a, b] to solve this problem.
  • #6
Muzza said:
Consider 1/x on (0, 1) then.

The interval must be closed.
  • #7
The interval must be closed.

You missed my point. I was objecting to your implication that the statement was rather trivial (or obvious) just because the function was bounded on every neighbourhood in its domain.
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  • #8
True. However, I have found a proof using Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem. Thanks for the inputs.
  • #9
Icebreaker said:
True. However, I have found a proof using Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem. Thanks for the inputs.
When you have a chance can you post a sketch of that proof?
  • #10
This will be sketchy, but the proof itself is not mine:

Assume the contrary, that f is unbounded. By Weierstrass, we can find a sequence x_n that converges to some number c in I = [a,b] and f(x_n)>n for every n. For this c, let d_c be as in the hypothesis. Then, for n large enough, x_n is in (c-d_c, c+d_c). This contradicts our hypothesis that f is bounded on (c-d_c, c+d_c).

FAQ: Bounded Function on Closed Interval: Proving Boundedness

1. What does it mean for a function to be bounded on a closed interval?

A function is considered bounded on a closed interval if there exists a finite number M such that the absolute value of the function is always less than or equal to M for all values within the interval.

2. How do you prove that a function is bounded on a closed interval?

To prove that a function is bounded on a closed interval, you must show that there exists a finite number M such that the absolute value of the function is always less than or equal to M for all values within the interval. This can be done by using the definition of bounded functions and mathematical techniques such as limits and inequalities.

3. Can a function be bounded on a closed interval but unbounded on an open interval?

Yes, a function can be bounded on a closed interval but unbounded on an open interval. For example, the function f(x) = 1/x is bounded on the closed interval [1, 2] but unbounded on the open interval (0, 2].

4. Are all continuous functions bounded on a closed interval?

No, not all continuous functions are bounded on a closed interval. For example, the function f(x) = x is continuous on the closed interval [0, 1] but is unbounded.

5. Can a discontinuous function be bounded on a closed interval?

Yes, a discontinuous function can be bounded on a closed interval. For example, the function f(x) = 1/x is discontinuous at x = 0 but is bounded on the closed interval [1, 2].
