Bowling Ball Question 1: Solving for Skidding Time and Distance

In summary, the problem involves a bowling ball of radius R = 11 cm thrown down a lane with initial speed v0 = 10.5 m/s. The ball skids before it starts to roll, with a coefficient of kinetic friction between the ball and the lane of 0.32. The problem asks for the time and distance of skidding, as well as the speed when the ball starts to roll. The equations used for the solution involve kinematics and rotational motion, as well as the friction equation Ffriction=(coefficient of friction)(Fnormal).
  • #1
1. The Problem Statement
A bowler throws a bowling ball of radius R = 11 cm down the lane with initial speed v0 = 10.5 m/s. The ball is thrown in such a way that it skids for a certain distance before it starts to roll. It is not rotating at all when it first hits the lane, its motion being pure translation. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the ball and the lane is 0.32.

(a) For what length of time does the ball skid? (Hint: As the ball skids, its speed v decreases and its angular speed ω increases; skidding ceases when v = Rω.)

(b) How far down the lane does it skid?

(c) How fast is it moving when it starts to roll?

Homework Equations

kinematics equations and rotational motion equations; the only friction equation that I know is Ffriction=(coefficient of friction)(Fnormal)

The Attempt at a Solution

(a) I set up the equation: vo+at=vfinal=(initial rotational velocity)+(rotational acceleration)(time)
Then plugged in the only values I know: 10.5m/s-at=vfinal=(rotational acceleration)(time)

This is where I got stuck, so I didn't begin parts (b) or (c).
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  • #2
The ball moves along a horizontal straight line. Its motion consists of a pure translation of its centre of mass and a pure rotation around the CM.

Friction will decelerate translation. The torque of friction accelerates rotation.

Try to write the equations of motion both for translation and rotation.

  • #3
That is where I got stuck. I've attempted several different equations that don't seem to lead to anything significant.
  • #4
Newton's second law for the translation?


FAQ: Bowling Ball Question 1: Solving for Skidding Time and Distance

What is the weight of a standard bowling ball?

A standard bowling ball weighs between 14 to 16 pounds.

What is the material used to make bowling balls?

Bowling balls are typically made from a combination of reactive resin and polyurethane, with some balls also containing additives such as ceramic or glass particles.

How is the weight of a bowling ball distributed?

The weight of a bowling ball is distributed unevenly, with a heavier core in the center and lighter coverstock on the outside.

What is the purpose of finger holes on a bowling ball?

The finger holes on a bowling ball allow the bowler to grip and control the ball while throwing it down the lane.

How does the surface of a bowling ball affect its performance?

The surface of a bowling ball can greatly impact its performance. A smoother surface will create less friction with the lane, resulting in a straighter and less powerful shot. A rougher surface will create more friction, allowing the ball to hook and curve more. Different surfaces are used for different lane conditions and player preferences.

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