Bowling Ball Slipping and Rolling: Analyzing Acceleration

In summary, a uniform, spherical bowling ball with mass m and radius R is projected horizontally with an initial velocity of v0 = 6.00 m/s. Due to kinetic friction, it begins to slip along the floor until it reaches a time ts, where it transitions to rolling without slipping at angular speed ws and translational velocity vs. The linear acceleration during this time is given by a = -u_kg, where u_k is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the ball and the floor. The angular acceleration is given by a = -7/2u_kg. At time ts, the ball must satisfy the condition for rolling without slipping, which is that the linear and angular velocities must be equal (vs = wsR).
  • #1
A uniform, spherical bowling ball of mass m and radius R is projected horizontally along the
floor at an initial velocity v0 = 6.00 m/s. The ball is not rotating initially, so w0 = 0. It
picks up rotation due to (kinetic) friction as it initially slips along the floor. The coefficient of
kinetic friction between the ball and the floor is μk. After a time ts, the ball stops slipping and makes a transition to rolling without slipping at angular speed ws and translational velocity _s. Thereafter, it rolls without slipping at constant velocity.

(b) Find an equation for the linear acceleration a of the ball during this time. The acceleration should be negative, since the ball is slowing down.
(c) Find an equation for the angular acceleration a of the ball while it is slipping. It will be
simpler if you use the sign convention that clockwise rotations are positive, so > 0.
(d) What constraint on w and v must take effect at time t = ts, the moment when the ball
stops slipping and begins rolling without slipping?

Here is my attempt:
b) slipping = rw + deltavt = vt
and then you get a derivative of it to get a = u_kg
c) a = torque / I
r(ru_kmg / 2/5mr^2) + dv/dt = -u_kg
and we get like -7/2u_kg from this...

please help!
Physics news on
  • #2
Friction is the only horizontal force acting on the ball. Use Newton's 2nd law for translation and rotation to find the linear and angular accelerations.

For (d), what's the condition for rolling without slipping?
  • #3


Thank you for sharing your attempt at solving this problem. Here is a possible response to the questions:

b) To find the linear acceleration, we can use the equation: a = (vf - vi)/t. Since the ball is slowing down, vf = 0 m/s and vi = 6.00 m/s. We can also express the final time as ts, so the equation becomes: a = (0 - 6.00)/ts. This simplifies to a = -6.00/ts.

c) To find the angular acceleration while the ball is slipping, we can use the equation: a = τ/I. The torque acting on the ball is due to the friction force, which is given by μkmg. The moment of inertia for a uniform spherical ball is 2/5mr^2. Therefore, the equation becomes: a = (μkmg)/((2/5)mr^2). Using the sign convention that clockwise rotations are positive, we can express this as a = -μk(5g)/(2r).

d) At time t = ts, the ball stops slipping and starts rolling without slipping. This means that the linear velocity and angular velocity must be equal at this point. Mathematically, this can be expressed as: v = ωr. Since the ball is rolling without slipping after this point, we can also say that the linear velocity is equal to the product of the angular velocity and the radius: v = ωr. Combining these two equations, we get: ωr = ωr. This constraint ensures that the ball rolls without slipping.

I hope this helps. Keep up the good work!

FAQ: Bowling Ball Slipping and Rolling: Analyzing Acceleration

1. What factors affect the rolling and slipping of a bowling ball?

The main factors that affect the rolling and slipping of a bowling ball are the surface of the bowling lane, the weight distribution of the ball, and the amount of friction between the ball and the lane. The surface of the lane can be altered by oil patterns, which can affect the ball's trajectory. The weight distribution of the ball can impact its stability and how it reacts to the lane's surface. And the amount of friction between the ball and the lane can determine how much the ball will slip or roll.

2. How does the angle of release affect the acceleration of a bowling ball?

The angle of release can greatly impact the acceleration of a bowling ball. When a ball is released at a steeper angle, it will have a higher initial acceleration due to the force of gravity pulling it down the lane. However, as the ball travels down the lane, it will also experience more friction and will eventually slow down. On the other hand, a ball released at a shallower angle will have a lower initial acceleration, but will maintain its speed for a longer distance due to less friction.

3. What is the difference between rolling and slipping motion in a bowling ball?

Rolling motion occurs when the ball's center of mass is moving in a straight line and its rotational motion is minimal. This is the ideal motion for a bowling ball to maintain its speed and direction. Slipping motion, on the other hand, occurs when the ball's center of mass is moving in a curved path and its rotational motion is significant. This type of motion can cause the ball to lose speed and change direction, making it harder to control.

4. How can we measure the acceleration of a bowling ball?

The acceleration of a bowling ball can be measured using a variety of methods, such as using a high-speed camera to track its motion, using a motion sensor to measure its velocity and acceleration, or using a force plate to measure the forces acting on the ball. By analyzing the data collected, we can determine the ball's acceleration and how it changes over time.

5. What role does the coefficient of friction play in the slipping and rolling of a bowling ball?

The coefficient of friction between the ball and the surface of the lane greatly affects how the ball will move. A higher coefficient of friction means that there is more resistance between the ball and the lane, causing the ball to slow down and potentially slip. A lower coefficient of friction means less resistance, allowing the ball to maintain its speed and roll smoothly down the lane.
