Box on an inclined surface with Force of Friction and angled applied Force.

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the force required to move an object up an inclined surface, taking into account the coefficient of kinetic friction and the applied force's angle with the ramp. The force equations for the x and y components of all forces are set up to solve for the magnitude of the applied force, with the acceleration up the incline given.
  • #1
Incline Surface force

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  • #2
In that case:


Being μ the coefficient of kinetic friction and N the normal reaction of the ramp.
As the applied force makes 30º with the ramp, it's y component is going to contribute to a decrease in friction, and so being Fy=N=sin(30)F, you have:

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  • #3
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  • #4
You are given the acceleration up the incline so you can calculate [itex]F_x[/itex]. Set up your force equations for the x and y components of all forces. Knowing the horizontal force will allow you to solve for the magnitude of [itex]F_a[/itex] and you can get [itex]F_a[/itex] from that.
  • #5
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  • #6
Fnet=Fcos(30)-mgsen(20)-μN , with N=mgcos(20)-Fsen(30)

Related to Box on an inclined surface with Force of Friction and angled applied Force.

1. What is the force of friction on a box on an inclined surface?

The force of friction on a box on an inclined surface is equal to the coefficient of friction multiplied by the normal force exerted on the box.

2. How does the angle of the applied force affect the motion of the box on an inclined surface?

The angle of the applied force can either increase or decrease the motion of the box on an inclined surface, depending on the direction of the force and the angle of the incline. If the force is parallel to the incline, it will increase the motion, while if it is perpendicular, it will decrease the motion.

3. What is the relationship between the force of friction and the applied force on a box on an inclined surface?

The force of friction is directly proportional to the applied force on a box on an inclined surface. This means that as the applied force increases, so does the force of friction, and vice versa.

4. Can the force of friction ever be greater than the applied force on a box on an inclined surface?

No, the force of friction can never be greater than the applied force on a box on an inclined surface. This is because the force of friction is always equal to or less than the applied force in order to prevent the box from sliding down the incline.

5. How does the coefficient of friction affect the motion of the box on an inclined surface?

The coefficient of friction determines the amount of resistance between the box and the inclined surface. A higher coefficient of friction will result in a greater force of friction, which can slow down or prevent the box from sliding down the incline.
