Bragg curve -> observing dependence on velocity

In summary, the stopping power (rate of energy loss) increases as the velocity of the alpha particle decreases.
  • #1
Homework Statement
None, it is just a paper I am trying to understand.
Relevant Equations
We can read: "The velocity dependence of the stopping power, increasing with decreasing velocity, is obvious from Fig.4".

I know why the stopping power depends on velocity as Bethe equation states, but I do not know how I can observe that dependence on a Bragg curve.
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  • #2
pepediaz said:
Homework Statement:: None, it is just a paper I am trying to understand.
Relevant Equations::

We can read: "The velocity dependence of the stopping power, increasing with decreasing velocity, is obvious from Fig.4".

I know why the stopping power depends on velocity as Bethe equation states, but I do not know how I can observe that dependence on a Bragg curve.
Possibly a simple mistake. I think 'Fig. 4' should be 'Fig. 3' - then it makes sense.
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  • #3
ah okay, so it is because at equal displacements (the markers on abscissa), the plotted function starts kinda lineally, but then decays steeply. As a result, energy decreases steeply -> the squared velocity decreases steeply -> the stopping power increases, isn't it?

  • #4
Maybe you can think about it this way. Suppose the stopping power did not depend on the speed of the particle. Then doubling the absorber thickness ##\Delta x## would double the energy loss ##\Delta E##. So, the ratio ##\Delta E/\Delta x## would not change if you double the thickness. So, what would Fig. 4 look like if the stopping power were independent of the speed of the particle?
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  • #5
We would have the Fig.3 as a decreasing line function and Fig.4 as a constant value.

But how do we know from Fig 3 or 4 that it is velocity and not other parameter what creates dependence for dE/dx ?
  • #6
pepediaz said:
We would have the Fig.3 as a decreasing line function and Fig.4 as a constant value.

pepediaz said:
But how do we know from Fig 3 or 4 that it is velocity and not other parameter what creates dependence for dE/dx ?
For a given medium, I can't think of any parameter other than the speed (or energy) of the alpha particle that would be relevant. As the particle slows down, it might capture one or more electrons and so the charge of the particle could change. But, it seems to me that the probability of electron capture would be determined by the speed of the particle. However, I have not studied this topic in any detail. So, I could be wrong.
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  • #7
Let me have another go...

First, note that stopping power is really ##-\frac {dE}{dx}## but the authors have dodged the minus sign by referring to stopping power as the ‘rate of energy loss’. I’ll stick with their usage.

The (empirical) relationship between stopping power and velocity might best be deduced by considering Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. together. Remember Fig. 4 is directly derived from Fig. 3, being essentially a graph of Fig. 3’s gradient vs. absorber thickness. Note ##\frac {ΔE}{Δx}## has been used in Fig. 4 rather than ##\frac {dE}{dx}##.

The kink in Fig. 3 and the peak shown in Fig. 4 are anomalous, as explained at the end of the paper’s 2nd paragraph. So consider absorber thickness (x) up to x=36cm only; i.e. exclude the kink and peak

Consider thickness x=3cm.
From Fig. 3, E ≈ 5.2 MeV so velocity ≈ ##\sqrt {5.2} = 2.3## (funny units).
From Fig. 4, stopping power = ##\frac {ΔE}{Δx}## ≈ 1.0MeV/cm.

Consider thickness x=36cm.
From Fig. 3, E ≈ 1.3MeV so velocity ≈ ##\sqrt {1.3} ≈ 1.1## (funny units).
From Fig. 4, stopping power = ##\frac {ΔE}{Δx}## = 2.0MeV/cm.

Observe that up to x=36cm, the Fig. 3 graph is monotonically decreasing and the Fig.4 graph is monotonically increasing. So we see the general rule: stopping power increases as velocity decreases.
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  • #8
Ah okay, I think that speed (or kinetic energy) is to look when studying stopping power. We see that matter absorbs and scatters alpha particles that traverse it.

I can also see that Fig.4 is the gradient of Fig.3 , and recognise the shape of the functions.

The key on this is that stopping power increases as velocity (kinetic energy) decreases, and we can check that comparing Figs. 3 and 4.

Thank you!
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Likes TSny and Steve4Physics

FAQ: Bragg curve -> observing dependence on velocity

1. What is the Bragg curve and how is it related to velocity?

The Bragg curve is a graph that shows the energy deposition of a charged particle as it travels through a material. It is related to velocity because the shape and range of the curve depend on the speed of the particle. As the particle slows down, the curve rises and reaches a peak before dropping off, indicating that it has deposited most of its energy and stopped.

2. How does the Bragg curve change with increasing velocity?

As the velocity of a charged particle increases, the peak of the Bragg curve shifts to a deeper position in the material. This is because the particle has more kinetic energy and can penetrate further before losing energy and stopping. The curve also becomes narrower and taller, indicating a more focused energy deposition.

3. What is the significance of observing the dependence on velocity in the Bragg curve?

Observing the dependence on velocity in the Bragg curve is important for understanding the behavior of charged particles in materials. It allows scientists to determine the range and energy deposition of different particles, which is crucial in fields such as radiation therapy and particle physics research.

4. How does the Bragg curve differ for different types of particles?

The shape and range of the Bragg curve vary for different types of particles due to their varying masses and charges. Heavier particles, such as protons, have a shorter range and a sharper peak compared to lighter particles like electrons. Additionally, the Bragg curve for particles with the same mass can also differ depending on their charge.

5. Can the Bragg curve be used to determine the type of particle that created it?

Yes, the Bragg curve can be used to identify the type of particle that created it. Each particle has a unique curve shape and range, which can be compared to known data to determine the type of particle. This is a useful tool in particle identification and can also be used to verify the accuracy of particle accelerators and detectors.
