Branch point problem and argument along contour

In summary: The function sqrt(Z^2-1) is not holomorphic inside the contour, so the residue theorem does not apply.
  • #1
Hi everyone, I have a couple questions that have been gnawing at my head for some time:

Why is it that on wikipedia for the example logarithms and residue at infinity, (on the methods of conour integration link) that the integral is not zero?
there are no isolated singularities inside the contour, there fore by the residue theorem it should be zero.

Also, when i go around the countour of sqrt(z^2-1) i.e. the one encircling the two branch points in the counter clockwise sense, I always get that lim y to zero- is -isqrt(x^2-1) and y to zero+ is the negative of that. The answer though, is isqrt(1-x^2) and the negative of that for lim 0-. Why am i wrong?

Help would be greatly appreciated

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  • #2
jack5322 said:
Hi everyone, I have a couple questions that have been gnawing at my head for some time:

Why is it that on wikipedia for the example logarithms and residue at infinity, (on the methods of conour integration link)"
that the integral is not zero?
there are no isolated singularities inside the contour, there fore by the residue theorem it should be zero.

The function f is not holomorphic inside the contour, it has a discontinuity ("branch cut") along the interval [0,3], therefore the residue theorem does not apply.

Also, when i go around the countour of sqrt(z^2-1) i.e. the one encircling the two branch points in the counter clockwise sense, I always get that lim y to zero- is -isqrt(x^2-1) and y to zero+ is the negative of that. The answer though, is isqrt(1-x^2) and the negative of that for lim 0-. Why am i wrong?

I don't understand what you mean, could you elaborate on that?
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  • #3
well what happens is this:

we have the function sqrt(Z^2-1) we convert to polar coordinates i.e. sqrt(z+1)*sqrt(z-1)=r*p*e^i(theta_1+theta_2)/2 where theta's are the principle branch that is thetas are in beween zero and 2pi. With this choice of branch the line segment -1<x<1 is the cut line. why do we get the function equals what i was saying earlier on the above and below segments of the cut? that is, why does it equal i*sqrt(1-x^2) above the cut, and -i*sqrt(1-x^2) when we approach the cut from below
  • #4
the contour used in evaluating the problem I'm looking at doesn't involve using the residue at infinity because there is a large circle around the cut line too. It therefore does not enclose the residue at infinity. why isn't there a large circle around the contour in the wikipedia example, it isn't consistent with the one in my book
  • #5
jack5322 said:
well what happens is this:

we have the function sqrt(Z^2-1) we convert to polar coordinates i.e. sqrt(z+1)*sqrt(z-1)=r*p*e^i(theta_1+theta_2)/2 where theta's are the principle branch that is thetas are in beween zero and 2pi. With this choice of branch the line segment -1<x<1 is the cut line. why do we get the function equals what i was saying earlier on the above and below segments of the cut? that is, why does it equal i*sqrt(1-x^2) above the cut, and -i*sqrt(1-x^2) when we approach the cut from below

From what I know the principal branch of sqrt is cut at the negative real numbers, so theta is in the range from -pi to pi. This is consistent with saying that the cut of sqrt(Z^2-1) is along the interval [-1,1]. When writing sqrt(z^2-1)=sqrt(z+1)*sqrt(z-1) you need to be careful however, since you have to use different branches for the two sqrt on the right hand side to make the identity true, see".
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  • #6
i can understand that that is very important information, but for some reason my book uses the branch theta from 0 to 2pi but what would the function be if we took the limit from above and below and why? I'm very puzzeld by this
  • #7
in one example they use the poles inside a larger contour with a the dogbone enclosed in a circle, this turns out to not use the residue at infinity but it still is correct while wikipedias does, why is this?

FAQ: Branch point problem and argument along contour

1. What is the branch point problem?

The branch point problem is a concept in mathematics and physics that refers to the difficulty of defining a single-valued function in a region where the function is multivalued. This often occurs at points where the function is not differentiable, causing a discontinuity in the function's behavior.

2. How does the branch point problem relate to argument along contour?

The argument along contour is a mathematical tool used to analyze functions that have multiple values at certain points. It involves tracing a path around a branch point to determine how the function's value changes. The branch point problem is relevant because it can cause discrepancies in the argument along contour, making it a challenging problem to solve.

3. What are some examples of functions that have a branch point?

One common example is the complex logarithm function, which has a branch point at the origin. Other examples include trigonometric functions such as the tangent function, which has branch points at odd multiples of π/2, and the square root function, which has a branch point at 0.

4. How do scientists deal with the branch point problem?

One approach is to use branch cuts, which are lines or curves in the complex plane that are excluded from the function's domain. This allows for a single-valued function to be defined in a region around the branch point. Other techniques include using analytic continuation, which involves extending a function's domain to include the branch point, and using Riemann surfaces to study the behavior of multivalued functions.

5. Why is the branch point problem important?

The branch point problem is important because it can have significant implications in various fields such as physics, engineering, and mathematics. It can affect the accuracy of calculations and predictions, and it is crucial to understand and properly address this problem in order to obtain reliable results in scientific research and applications.

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