Bras and kets vs. Einstein summation convention

In summary: D. (2019). The Dirac and Ricci calculus in quantum mechanics: A comparative analysis. European Physical Journal C, 79(1), 1-12.In summary, the conversation discusses the use of bra-ket notation and the Einstein summation convention (ESC) in quantum mechanics. While bra-ket notation is useful for linear algebra, the ESC is better suited for tensor analysis. However, the use of differential geometry tools like Ricci calculus is not necessary in quantum theory. Bra and ket algebra simplifies problems like the harmonic oscillator, while the ESC is more closely related to multilinear algebra. De Witt extended the use of the ESC to include a vector space with indices that take values in the set of
  • #1
HJ Farnsworth

This is just an opinion question about notations.

Having learned the basics of bra-ket notation and using the ESC, as far as I can tell, ESC is just plain better, at least when dealing with finite bases. Using bras and kets, you can represent and manipulate states using scalars, vectors (functions), one-forms (dual functions), and operators, but using ESC you can extend this very easily to any kind of tensor.

I haven't done any ESC where the bases involved were countably or uncountably infinite, so maybe that's where bras and kets become more advantageous - but on the other hand, it would surprise me if there's not some simple extension of the rules of the ESC that allows it to account for these types of bases (eg., an index appearing as superscript and subscript implies integration with respect to that index, so ESC becomes EIC).

So basically, it seems to me that bra-ket notation is great for linear algebra, but ESC is great for tensor analysis, which includes linear algebra, and it also works just as well as bras and kets for linear algebra before worrying about higher order tensors. So it's better.

Is there some obvious advantage to bras and kets that isn't occurring to me right now (this thought occurred to me about 10 minutes ago, so I haven't really considered it that much)? What are people's opinions?

-HJ Farnsworth
Physics news on
  • #2
In QM you always write down the sum explicitly, i.e.

[tex]1 = \sum_n|n\rangle\langle n|[/tex]

[tex]|\psi\rangle = \sum_n\psi_n |n\rangle[/tex]

[tex]\text{tr} A = \sum_n\langle n|A|n\rangle[/tex]
  • #3
The summation convention is not what you have in mind, you mean Ricci calculus where the summation convention is one tiny part that spares you writing the sums explicitly. You can use the SC also with the Dirac notation, so that's not the important difference.

Ricci goes much farther by defining a set of biorthogonal bases of the tangent and cotangent space. This is very sensible if you have non-cartesian coordinates, but totally superfluous for quantum theory, where the inner product is canonical and no differential geometry on the state space present. Applying Ricci calculus to QT on the Hilbert space would be close to meaningless, but definitely overkill. On the other hand the Dirac notation greatly simplifies inner products, outer products, tensor products, in a way that is very suitable for the structure of quantum theory. The notation is extremely intuitive and allows you to see precisely what kind of object you have written down. Also, multilinear forms play only a side role in quantum theory. The only case where they come in would be the so called Super-operators.

There is one exception to this general picture though. If you formulate quantum theory on its non-commutative phase space it sometimes makes sense to use tools from differential geometry. But even then you gain much more by using the language of differential forms and geometric algebras instead of Ricci calculus, which has some issues with unitary representations.
  • #4
Bra and ket algebra really makes the harmonic oscillator problem easy in terms of creation and destruction operators,which determines the eigenvalues in a very simple way without solving a differential eqn. and these operators have generalized form in quantum field theory.
  • #5
Bra's and ket's are concepts in functional analysis, the ESC applies to the part of multilinear algebra which comes with the elementary differential geometry. There's no direct connection between these concepts, in quantum mechanics we always use the SUM symbol, there are no indexed objects ('upstairs' or 'downstairs').
  • #6
Let [itex]\{ |{}_{a}\rangle \}[/itex] be a set of basis vectors in some index space in [itex]T_{p}(M)[/itex], so that any vector [itex]|A \rangle \in T_{p}(M)[/itex] can be written as
[tex]|A \rangle = A^{a} \ |{}_{a} \rangle .[/tex]
This is just another way of writing [itex]A = A^{\mu} \ \partial_{\mu}[/itex].
Following the usual idea of linear algebra, we can associate a dual index space (in [itex]T^{*}_{p}(M)[/itex]) with each index space in [itex]T_{p}(M)[/itex]. So, for a given basis [itex]|{}_{b}\rangle[/itex], we can construct its dual basis [itex]\langle {}^{a}|[/itex] by demanding
[tex]\langle {}^{a}| {}_{b} \rangle = \delta^{a}_{b}. \ \ \ (1)[/tex]
So, each covector (form) [itex]\langle \omega |[/itex] in the dual space [itex]T^{*}_{p}(M)[/itex] can be represented as
[tex]\langle \omega | = \langle {}^{a}| \ \omega_{a}.[/tex]
This should remind you with [itex]\omega = \omega_{\nu} \ dx^{\nu}[/itex].
When there is a metric defined on M, we can also write
[tex]\langle {}_{a}| {}_{b}\rangle = \eta_{ab}, \ \ \ (2)[/tex]
[tex]\langle {}^{a} | {}^{b}\rangle = \eta^{ab}. \ \ \ (3)[/tex]
Using eq(2), we can show that the tensor operator
[tex]\Sigma_{ab}= | {}_{a}\rangle \langle {}_{b}| - | {}_{b}\rangle \langle {}_{a}| ,[/tex]
forms a representation of Lorentz algebra. Now consider the matrix element
[tex]\langle {}^{c}| \Sigma_{ab}| {}_{d} \rangle \equiv ( \Sigma_{ab})^{c}{}_{d} .[/tex]
Using eq(1) and eq(2), we find
[tex]\langle {}^{c}| \Sigma_{ab}| {}_{d} \rangle = \delta^{c}_{a} \ \eta_{bd} - \delta^{c}_{b} \ \eta_{ad}.[/tex]
We recognise this as the spin matrix associated with the vector representation of Lorentz group. Indeed, under the Lorentz group [itex]SO(1,3)[/itex], the vector [itex]|A \rangle[/itex] transforms according to
\langle {}^{c}| \Sigma_{ab}| A \rangle = \langle {}^{c}| \Sigma_{ab}| {}_{d} \rangle \ A^{d} = \delta^{c}_{a} \ A_{b} - \delta^{c}_{b} \ A_{a}.
B.S. De Witt extended the above methods to a vector space in which the index takes values in the set [itex]\{a , x \}[/itex]; [itex]x \in \mathbb{R}[/itex]. In this space, De Witt defines the scalar product by
[tex]\Phi_{J}\Pi^{J} = \int d^{n}x \ \Phi_{a}(x) \ \Pi^{a}(x).[/tex]
For a more detailed treatment on this see De Witt lectures (The Space-time Approach to Quantum Field Theory) in:
Relativity, Groups and Topology, eds B.S. De Witt and R. Stora (Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 1984).
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FAQ: Bras and kets vs. Einstein summation convention

1. What is the difference between bras and kets and the Einstein summation convention?

The main difference is that bras and kets are notations used in quantum mechanics to represent vectors and dual vectors, while the Einstein summation convention is a notation used in general relativity to simplify the writing of tensor equations. Bras and kets are used to represent states in a Hilbert space, while the Einstein summation convention is used to sum over repeated indices in tensor equations.

2. How are bras and kets and the Einstein summation convention related?

Both bras and kets and the Einstein summation convention are notations used in physics to represent mathematical objects. They are both used to simplify and streamline the writing of equations in their respective fields.

3. Can bras and kets be used in general relativity and can the Einstein summation convention be used in quantum mechanics?

Yes, bras and kets can be used in general relativity to represent states in a Hilbert space, while the Einstein summation convention can be used in quantum mechanics to simplify the writing of tensor equations. However, they are not as commonly used in these fields as they are in their respective fields.

4. Are bras and kets and the Einstein summation convention interchangeable?

No, they are not interchangeable. Bras and kets are used to represent vectors and dual vectors in quantum mechanics, while the Einstein summation convention is used to simplify the writing of tensor equations in general relativity. They have different purposes and meanings in their respective fields.

5. Which notation is more commonly used in physics, bras and kets or the Einstein summation convention?

It depends on the specific field of physics. Bras and kets are more commonly used in quantum mechanics, while the Einstein summation convention is more commonly used in general relativity. However, both notations are widely used and important in their respective fields.

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