Breaking Filaments using magnets.

  • Thread starter TFM
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In summary, bringing a strong magnet close to an operating incandescent light bulb can result in breaking the filament due to the force on the filament becoming comparable with gravity. To estimate the field strength that can cause problems with a 60W bulb, the density of tungsten and the diameter of the filament are needed. Using the equation for density, the current flowing through the wire can be determined. Then, using the equation for force and substituting the current and weight per unit length of the filament, the magnetic field can be calculated. The final result is approximately 5.94 * 10^-3 Weber/m^2.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Bringing a strong magnet close to an operating incandescent light bulb has the effect of breaking the filament. Breakage might be expected when the extra force on the filament becomes comparable with gravity. Estimate the field strength likely to cause problems with a 60W bulb, in which the diameter of the tungsten filament is 0.1mm. (Density of tungsten = [tex] 19.3 x 10^3 kg.m^-^3 [/tex].)

Homework Equations

[tex] Density = \frac{mass}{volume} [/tex]

[tex] VI = P [/tex]

[tex] \int B\dot dl = \mu_0 I_{encl} [/tex] <--not sure on the relevance

[tex] F = q[E + v \times B] [/tex] I think this should be equal to [tex] F = mg [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I can work out individual components, such as the current flowing through the wire (assuming that the source is 240V), but I can't seem to be able to make a connection between everything to get a useful formula.

Anyone got any ideas what would be the best thing to do first in this exercise?

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  • #2
you use 240V light bulbs? The standard in the US is 120V.

Anyway you can work out the current. So figure the force in terms of the current rather than qv in your fourth equation. (Really force per unit length of the filament so you can equate it to weight per unit length).
  • #3
Well here in England we have 240V mains, so I'm assuming the lights run off the same.

Anyway, the current is thus:

[tex] I = \frac{P}{V} = \frac{60}{240} = 0.25 Amps [/tex]

so now I have to change the force Equation into Current:

[tex] F = q(E + v \times B) = qE +qV \times qB = qE + I \times qB [/tex]

But I don't think this is quite right?

  • #4
I didn't mean to suggest merely substituting I for qv; rather that you find the appropriate equation using I and B. This must be in your text, its fundamental. Incidentally you'll be looking for the force per unit length, as well as the weight per unit length of the filament.
  • #5
I can't seem to find it at the moment, but I have this equation in the back of my mind of

[tex] F = BIl [/tex], where B is the magnetic field, I the current and l the length of wire (Although this bit is unknown)

  • #6
Thats right. (Not precisely correct as a vector equation if that's what the bold indicates, but since you assume the field is at right angle to the current, its right using amplitudes).

So just find the weight for an equal length and equate.
  • #7
I'm not using bold text, its just how Latex is displaying it (I use vector arrows above when diesgnating vectors, it makes it more clear). So

[tex] F = BIl [/tex]


[tex] F = mg [/tex]

[tex] I = 0.25 Amps [/tex]

[tex] m = \pi * r^2 * l * \rho [/tex]


[tex] B = \frac{Il}{mg} [/tex]

Insert m:

[tex] B = \frac{0.25 l}{\pi * r^2 * l * \rho g} [/tex]

cancel the l

[tex] B = \frac{0.25}{\pi * r^2 * \rho g} [/tex]

and inserting values gives:

B = 168

look about right?

Also, is the unit the weber?

  • #8
B is weber/m^2
  • #9
Excellent, so the value for B is 168 Weber/m^2


  • #10
TFM said:
I'm not using bold text, its just how Latex is displaying it (I use vector arrows above when diesgnating vectors, it makes it more clear). So

[tex] F = BIl [/tex]


[tex] F = mg [/tex]

[tex] I = 0.25 Amps [/tex]

[tex] m = \pi * r^2 * l * \rho [/tex]

Whoa hold your horses, up to here everything is fine. There is an algebra error in the equation below, don't forget your solving for [tex]B[/tex]
TFM said:

[tex] B = \frac{Il}{mg} [/tex]
  • #11
Thats a very silly mistake...It should be

[Tex] mg = BIl [/Tex]

[tex] B = \frac{mg}{Il} [/tex]


[tex] B = \frac{\pi * r^2 * \rho g}{I} [/tex]

giving a value of: 0.00428 Amps.

Does this look better?

  • #12
Much better :smile:

However can you show me the exact numbers you used to get your numerical answer? Ie did you round Pi or anything? The reason I ask is because I got value of about 6*10^-3.
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  • #13
I used a spreadsheet to determine the value, so pi is as accurate as whatever accuracy ios given by it.

I used:

[tex] \frac{\pi * 0.00005^2 * (19.3 * 10^3) * 9.8}{0.25} [/tex]

this gives me a value for the B field of [tex] 5.94 * 10^{-3} [/tex]

(not the previous answer, I wrote the density the wrong way round :bugeye:)


FAQ: Breaking Filaments using magnets.

1. How do magnets break filaments?

Magnets break filaments by creating a strong magnetic field that exerts a force on the filaments, causing them to break apart.

2. What types of magnets are best for breaking filaments?

Neodymium magnets are the strongest type of permanent magnets and are typically used for breaking filaments. They have a very strong magnetic field that can easily break filaments.

3. Can any type of filament be broken using magnets?

No, only filaments that are magnetic or have magnetic particles in them can be broken using magnets. For example, iron oxide is a commonly used magnetic material in filaments.

4. Are there any safety precautions to take when breaking filaments using magnets?

Yes, it is important to handle powerful magnets with caution to avoid injury. It is also recommended to wear protective eyewear when using magnets to break filaments.

5. Can magnets be used to break filaments in any environment?

Magnets can be used to break filaments in most environments, but their strength and effectiveness may vary depending on factors such as temperature and humidity. It is best to use magnets in a controlled environment for consistent results.
