Brian Cox video Discusses Cosmology and CERN supercollider

In summary, the 15-minute video by Brian Cox on CERN's supercollider is an entertaining and informative discussion aimed at the general public. It also includes some humorous comments about New Zealanders and Margaret Thatcher. The video is used in advanced high school physics classes in New York and provides a good introduction to particle physics, including how the shape of DNA can be derived from the Standard Model. However, some may find fault with Cox's omission of the role of expanding spacetime in early particle formation.
  • #1
This is quite an entertaining 15 minute video that provides a high level discussion for a general public audience.

[A physics teacher and childhood friend uses the video in her advanced placement HS physics classes in New York. Her students are one group of US kids that I know get a good science grounding.]

Cox even gets a zinger in about New Zealanders [which I did not understand] and also a zinger about Margret Thatcher [which I understand and do not find appropriate].

Brian Cox: CERN's supercollider

I did have one question: Cox says the shape of DNA can be gleaned from the Standard Model of particle physics mathematics...What's that mean??

If I had a criticism, and it's minor, it would be that he does not mention a dynamic ['empty'] expanding spacetime produces early particles...
Physics news on
  • #2
Naty1 said:
I did have one question: Cox says the shape of DNA can be gleaned from the Standard Model of particle physics mathematics...What's that mean??
You can derive the shape the DNA has from rules in chemistry, you can derive these rules from electron orbitals, you can derive these from quantum mechanics, and you can derive the existence of such systems from the Standard Model.

FAQ: Brian Cox video Discusses Cosmology and CERN supercollider

What is the main topic of the Brian Cox video?

The main topic of the Brian Cox video is cosmology and the CERN supercollider.

Who is Brian Cox?

Brian Cox is a renowned physicist, professor, and science communicator known for his work in particle physics and cosmology.

What is cosmology?

Cosmology is the study of the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe.

What is the CERN supercollider?

The CERN supercollider, also known as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator used for high-energy physics experiments.

What is the significance of the CERN supercollider in cosmology?

The CERN supercollider plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of the universe by allowing scientists to recreate and study the conditions of the early universe, test theories of particle physics, and search for new particles.
