Broke Freezing: NW Weather Crisis

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, on the coldest day of the year, NW residents were dealing with -38 degrees F wind chill. Roads were a sheet of ice and water pipes were a major worry. Fortunately, the weather warmed up a bit later in the day.
  • #36
the Chickens are cool here, Natural ice skating is rare here before new year but it happens


Snow is moving in tonight and it will get even colder after that.

Probably because there is a going on.
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  • #37
zoobyshoe said:
Actually, my goal is to get someone to spew up on a keyboard and wreck it.

The last keyboard I wrecked at work was because I picked up a juice box, apparently squishing it too hard, and a fountain spewed from the straw across my keyboard. A friend of mine mocked me that I hadn't yet mastered what his three-year-old son had.
  • #38
GeorginaS said:
The last keyboard I wrecked...

Which just makes me itch to know your total number of keyboards wrecked.
  • #39
Andre said:
Awesome pic. It's like you live in a Van Gogh painting.
  • #40
zoobyshoe said:
I just realized if you put all three together you get: KFC.

Which should be a springboard for chicken temperature humor. But I can't think of anything.


It goes back to the triple point of chicken fat.
  • #41
Ivan Seeking said:
It goes back to the triple point of chicken fat.

That's it exactly!
  • #42
zoobyshoe said:
Which just makes me itch to know your total number of keyboards wrecked.

That was only my second. My first I spilled just a wee bit of coffee on while playing Asheron's Call one morning. A fair sized group of us were in a fairly scary dungeon when my "s" stuck pressed down (I thought that I'd mopped up all of the coffee and that only a few drops had landed on keys and not between them) and wouldn't come back up again. I wasn't sure what was going on, save that my avatar was running in circles, and I'd lost complete control of the keyboard and couldn't message my gang that I was having technical difficulties. Things went from bad to worse and I had to do a hard shut-down to make my computer happy or at least quiet. The keyboard didn't recover.

So, but, okay, two. That's not bad in, what? Over 16 years on a computer regularly. It was a nice keyboard, though, and they don't make them any more. It was sad, actually but a learning experience.

Now, for alloys at Canadian room temperatures, Ivan. :-p

And to get back on track, the cold snap finally broke this morning and the temperature rose to -23C (-9F), and people were jubilant. I encountered a woman just as I got into the building at work this morning, and we commented on how pleased we were by the nicer temperature. And then I said to her, "And that's precisely how we know we're Canadian. We're fist-pumping happy for -23C weather." She laughed pretty hard.

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