Bucket launched into cloud of star dust.

In summary, a bucket with mass M and area A is launched with initial velocity v0 from a space station into a cloud of dust with density ρ. As the bucket moves through the dust, it collects dust until it comes to a stop. To solve for the position of the bucket x=x(t), the equation of momentum is used, taking into account the change in momentum of the dust particles and the bucket. Integrating this equation results in an expression for x(t) which shows that the bucket will come to a stop at a finite distance. The concept of external forces is discussed, with the conclusion that the total force in the bucket-particle system is zero. The conservation of energy is also considered, but it is noted that the collision
  • #1

Homework Statement

An empty bucket (mass M, area A) is launched with velocity v0 from a space station into a cloud of dust (density ρ). As the bucket moves through the dust it will collect dust in it until the bucket comes to a stop. Solve the place of the bucket x=x(t).

2. The attempt at a solution

Okay. Here is my attempt to solve this.

momentum of the bucket dp = v*dm + dv*m.

As a particle of dust with mass dm collides with the bucket its momentum changes by u*dm, where u=-v is the change of the velocity of the particle. On the other hand the change in momentum of the particle has to be the same as the change in momentum of the bucket. So...

dp = u*dm = -v*dm
1/v*dv = -2/m*dm
Let's integrate v=v0...v, m=M..m
ln(v0/v) = -2*ln(m/M)
v = v0*(M/m)On the other hand mass of the bucket M will change by
m(x) = M + A*ρ*x
where x is the length of traveled distance.

and this coupled with the equation of velocity we get.
dx/dt = v0*(1+ρ*A*x/M)^-2
v0*dt = (1+ρ*A*x/M)^2 * dx
Lets integrate again t=0..t x=0..x and we get

v0*t = x + k*x^2 + 1/3*k^2*x^3 where k=ρ*A/M

Now by solving x, which I'm not going to do here, we get x=x(t)
Have I done this right? Is there simplier way to do this?
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  • #2
Let's say

total momentum of the whole system is P(t) at some time t.





dmdv is very small,so we can neglect it

[tex]dP=Fdt=mdv+dmv[/tex] becase there's no external force on this system we put F=0

[tex]dm=\rho Avdt\Rightarrow m(t)=M+\rho Ax[/tex]



[tex]v(t)(M+\rho Ax)dt=M_0v_0dt[/tex]

[tex]\int(M+\rho Ax)dx=\int M_0v_0dt[/tex]

[tex]Mx(t)+\frac{\rho Ax(t)^2}{2}=M_0v_0t[/tex]
  • #3
azatkgz said:
[tex]Mx(t)+\frac{\rho Ax(t)^2}{2}=M_0v_0t[/tex]

So let's solve x(t):
[tex]x(t)=\frac{-M_0+\sqrt{M_0^2+2\rho AM_0v_0t}}{\rho A}[/tex]

and v(t):
[tex]v(t)=\frac{dx}{dt}=\frac{M_0v_0}{\sqrt{M_0^2+2\rho AM_0v_0t}}[/tex]

[tex]v(t)\to0[/tex] when [tex]t\to\infty[/tex] as it should. But

[tex]x(t)\to\infty[/tex] when [tex]t\to\infty[/tex] doesn't make sense. It is obvious that the bucket will come to a stop at a some finite point x.
  • #4
azatkgz said:
Let's say

[tex]dP=Fdt=mdv+dmv[/tex] becase there's no external force on this system we put F=0

Is it sure we can say that there is no external forces on the bucket? What about the particles hitting the bucket? Couldn't the hitting be considered as an external force?
  • #5
If particles are hitting him ,then bucket also is hitting them.So total force in bucket-particle system is zero.
  • #6
Okay. What about conservation of energy?
Shouldn't [tex]E=\frac{1}{2}M_0v_0^2=\frac{1}{2}(M_0+\rho Ax(t))(v(t))^2[/tex] with all values of t.

But when x(t) and v(t) solved from [tex]Mx(t)+\frac{\rho Ax(t)^2}{2}=M_0v_0t[/tex] are put into
[tex]E=\frac{1}{2}(M_0+\rho Ax(t))(v(t))^2[/tex]

We get
[tex]E=\frac{1}{2}M_0v_0^2(m_0^2+2\rho AM_0v_0t)^{-\frac{1}{2}}[/tex]

So something is not right with the solution.

Well on the other hand there are the same problems with solution
[tex]v_0t = x + kx^2 + /frac{1}{3}k^2x^3[/tex] where [tex]k=/rho A/M[/tex].
  • #7
deccard said:
Okay. What about conservation of energy?
Shouldn't [tex]E=\frac{1}{2}M_0v_0^2=\frac{1}{2}(M_0+\rho Ax(t))(v(t))^2[/tex] with all values of t.

Ah! Of course it shouldn't! The collision is inelastic so kinetic energy is not preserved. But still it bothers me that
[tex]x(t)\to\infty[/tex] when [tex]t\to\infty[/tex]. I don't understant it!

Related to Bucket launched into cloud of star dust.

1. What is a bucket launch?

A bucket launch is a method of launching a payload, usually a small object or instrument, into the atmosphere using a bucket attached to a rope or cable. The bucket is swung in a circular motion until it reaches a high enough velocity to release the payload into the desired trajectory.

2. Can a bucket launch reach the clouds?

Yes, a bucket launch can reach the clouds depending on the height and velocity of the launch. With a strong enough swing and release, a bucket launch can reach heights of several hundred feet, which may be enough to reach the lower clouds.

3. Why would someone launch a bucket into a cloud of star dust?

A bucket launch into a cloud of star dust could be used for scientific purposes, such as collecting samples of the dust for analysis. It could also be used for artistic or recreational purposes, such as creating a visual effect or capturing a unique photo opportunity.

4. How does the bucket protect the payload from the environment in a cloud of star dust?

The bucket itself may not provide much protection for the payload, but the container or instrument inside the bucket can be designed to withstand the harsh environment of a cloud of star dust. This can include heat shields, radiation shielding, and other protective measures.

5. What kinds of objects can be launched with a bucket launch?

A bucket launch can be used to launch a variety of objects, including small instruments such as weather balloons or cameras, as well as larger objects like drones or even small rockets. The size and weight of the object will determine the necessary strength and velocity of the launch.
