Bug moving on a turntable rotating with constant omega

In summary: Centripetal force is always greater than static friction.So the bug can't just overcome static friction and keep going.In summary, the cockroach can only crawl at a maximum speed of around 50 revolutions per minute if it goes in the direction of rotation or opposite to the direction of rotation on the rotating turntable.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A cockroach crawls with constant speed in a circular path of radius b on a phonograph turntable rotating with constant angular speed omega. The circle path is concentric with the center of the turntable. If the mass of the insect is m and the coefficient of static friction with the surface is the table is mu sub s, how fast, relative to the turntable, can the cockroach crawl before it starts to slip if it goes (a) in the direction of rotation and (b) opposite to the direction of rotation?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Best I saw was to pick the reference frame of the turntable. In this fram, the cockroach walks in a circle of radius b.

r^{'} = bcos\theta i+bsin\theta j[/tex]
[tex]v^{'} = -bsin\theta i+bcos\theta j[/tex]
[tex]a^{'} = -bcos\theta i - bsin\theta j[/tex]

The transverse force is zero (the reference frame is rotating with constant angular velocity), so the equation of motion reads as

[tex]F - 2m\omega \times v^{'}-m\omega \times (\omega \times r^{'}) = ma^{'}[/tex]

Omega is entirely in the k direction, and the only force acting on the cockroach in the reference frame is the frictional force, so by evaluating the cross products the equation becomes

[tex]F_{f}= -2m\omega b(cos\theta i+ sin\theta j)-m\omega ^{2}b(cos\theta i -sin\theta j) -mbcos\theta i - mbsin\theta j[/tex]

We can then separate this into components and solve for the max forces in either direction. Since the normal force and the graviational force oppose each other, the frictional force must be less than [tex] \mu_{s}mg[/tex]

so, in the x direction for example,

[tex]-2m\omega b cos\theta - m\omega^{2} b cos\theta-mbcos\theta < \mu_{s}mgcos\theta[/tex]
[tex]-2\omega b - \omega^{2} b-b < \mu_{s}g[/tex]

So, if we solve this for b we can put that into our equation for velocity to find the max velocity the cockroach can travel in either direction. But it doesn't seem totally correct to me. It seems messy...plus, when i used to same process for the cockroach traveling opposing the direction of rotation, it was possible to make b undefined for some values of omega. So, is my approach correct?
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  • #2
Since the bug is moving on a path concentric with the axis of rotation of the turntable, why not describe his speed as an angular velocity with respect to the rotating frame of the turntable? Wouldn't that save a lot trouble adding and subtracting velocities?
  • #3
Compute the bug's angular speeds (CW and CCW) in inertial space. This is the algebraic sum of its speed relative to the table plus the table speed. That gives you the centrifugal force acting on the bug to keep it in its track. Compare to the static friction force.
  • #4

[tex]v^{'}=\dot{r}e_{r}+r\dot{\theta}e_\theta = b\omega_{t}e_{\theta}[/tex]

where omega is the angular velocity of the bug in the reference frame of the turntable. I took r=b and theta = omega*t.

so, given that the angular velocity of the turntable itself is in the k direction, the cross products evaluate to

[tex]\omega \times v^{'}=-b\omega \omega_{t}e_{r}[/tex]
[tex]\omega \times \omega \times r^{'}=-b\omega \omega_{t} e_{r}[/tex]

then the equation of motion in the radial direction is (solved for the force of static friction)

[tex]F_s=mb\omega_{t}^{2}-3mb\omega \omega_{t}=\mu_{s}mg[/tex]

but wouldn't that imply there were two maximum angular velocities that would cause the bug to just overcome static friction? (since omega sub t is squared). seems to me that there should only be one.
  • #5
Dustgil said:
wouldn't that imply there were two maximum angular velocities that would cause the bug to just overcome static friction?
Dustgil said:
(a) in the direction of rotation and (b) opposite to the direction of rotation
  • #6
Dustgil said:
but wouldn't that imply there were two maximum angular velocities that would cause the bug to just overcome static friction? (since omega sub t is squared). seems to me that there should only be one.
Why? Solving for ω your way gives only one value.

Anyway, I think you're going about this the hard way. Just compute centripetal forces on the bug going with & against the turntable. But you need to find two values of ω, not just one.

Anyway, I got different results.

Related to Bug moving on a turntable rotating with constant omega

1. How does a bug move on a turntable rotating with constant omega?

When a bug is placed on a turntable that is rotating at a constant angular velocity (omega), it will experience two types of motion: rotational motion and translational motion. The rotational motion is caused by the turntable spinning, while the translational motion is caused by the bug's legs pushing against the surface of the turntable.

2. What factors affect the bug's movement on a rotating turntable?

The bug's movement on a rotating turntable is affected by several factors, including the turntable's angular velocity (omega), the bug's mass and size, and the coefficient of friction between the bug's legs and the turntable's surface. These factors determine the magnitude and direction of the bug's rotational and translational velocities.

3. Will the bug's movement change if the turntable's angular velocity is increased or decreased?

Yes, the bug's movement will change if the turntable's angular velocity is increased or decreased. If the angular velocity is increased, the bug will experience a greater rotational velocity and may even slide or fall off the turntable due to the increased centrifugal force. If the angular velocity is decreased, the bug may move slower or even come to a stop due to the decreased centrifugal force.

4. Can the bug move in a straight line on a rotating turntable?

No, the bug cannot move in a straight line on a rotating turntable. Due to the rotational and translational velocities caused by the turntable's rotation, the bug will always move in a curved path. However, the curvature of the path can be affected by the bug's size, mass, and the turntable's angular velocity.

5. How does the bug's movement on a rotating turntable relate to centripetal and centrifugal forces?

The bug's movement on a rotating turntable is a result of centripetal and centrifugal forces. The turntable's rotation creates a centrifugal force that pushes the bug away from the center of the turntable, while the bug's legs create a centripetal force that pulls it towards the center. These forces work together to determine the bug's movement on the turntable.

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