Build a PIC-Controlled Robot: All You Need Under $200

In summary, the person is seeking advice on building a PIC controlled robot that can be programmed via their PC with a budget of $200. They are familiar with printed circuits and are considering building a walker robot. Suggestions are made to use a PIC16F84 microcontroller and to read the data sheet from Microchip. It is advised to start with programming in PIC assembler and then move to 'C'. Resources such as CCS and HI_TECH are recommended for compilers. The person is also advised to avoid using Basic Stamp and to check out ready-made robots from Parallax. The suggestion to participate in micromouse competitions and the recommendation to use a PIC Start Plus from Microchip for programming are given. The person expresses gratitude for the advice and
  • #1
Gold Member
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can someone advise me please, i want to build a PIC controled
robot that can be programed via my pc,i have a maximum of
$200 to spend, i have looked at loads of adds on the web
but get confused, I am no stranger to printed circuits so self
assembly would be no problem, the robot maybe a walker?
could i get everything i need for $200?
Engineering news on
  • #2
PIC's are a great way to get into embedded control. You can control all sorts of stuff, with very little circuit effort. Start with a PIC16F84, read the data sheet from Microchip.

You can start off programming with PIC assembler, but I advice moving to 'C'. CCS have a basic C compiler, and HI_TECH provide a more comprehensive compiler. I would aviod using the Basic Stamp and other basic derivatives if you are trying to learn about the PIC and real world embedded programming. Otherwise the basic stamp will give you ease of programming for your robot.

Check out
for some ready made robots that you can buy off the shelf.

If you are really interested in amateur robotics, check out the micromouse competitions (put IEE and micromouse into google.) These require a small robot to traverse a maze, map it, and derive a solution to navigate to the center. I am currently building a micromouse as a hobby. I can give you more pointers if you are interested.

If you are going to build your own circuit, you will need a method of programming your PIC. I advise the 16F84, or if you have a higher processing power requirement and more pins, check out the PIC18F452.

Cheap programmers can be bought, but for serious beginners I recommend the PIC Start Plus from Microchip. You can now buy direct from Microchip Online,,[/URL] and hit buy. I know they sell direct to US and UK. For other countries, just try it.
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  • #3
cider_drinker, thanks for your advice, i do intend to
get into PICs for robotics by building my own i will
start from a kit using the the web sites you have provided.

FAQ: Build a PIC-Controlled Robot: All You Need Under $200

1. What is a PIC-Controlled Robot?

A PIC-Controlled Robot is a type of robot that is controlled by a specialized microcontroller called a PIC (Programmable Interface Controller). This controller allows the robot to receive and execute commands, making it a programmable and versatile machine.

2. How much does it cost to build a PIC-Controlled Robot?

The cost of building a PIC-Controlled Robot can vary depending on the specific materials and components used. However, with careful selection and budgeting, it is possible to build one for under $200.

3. What are the necessary components for building a PIC-Controlled Robot?

The basic components needed for building a PIC-Controlled Robot include a PIC microcontroller, motor drivers, motors, sensors, power source, and a chassis. Additional components such as LED lights and a wireless module can also be added for more advanced features.

4. Do I need programming skills to build a PIC-Controlled Robot?

Some basic programming skills are necessary to build a PIC-Controlled Robot. You will need to be familiar with the programming language used by the PIC microcontroller, which is usually C or assembly language. However, there are plenty of online resources available to help you learn and there are also pre-made codes that you can use for your robot.

5. What can I do with a PIC-Controlled Robot?

The possibilities are endless with a PIC-Controlled Robot. You can use it for educational purposes, such as learning about programming and robotics. You can also use it for fun projects such as building a remote-controlled car or a line-following robot. With some creativity and skills, you can even build a more complex robot with multiple functions.
