Build a Soft-Drink Can Crusher Prototype

  • Thread starter Huilen
  • Start date
In summary, the can crusher requires 3 air pressure can crushers to crush a minimum of 3 cans at a time. The required force/pressure can be easily found experimentally.
  • #1
Hi everyone, I'm new here and i need your help. I need to do a soft-drink can crusher for my final project. and we need to create a prototype of a pneumatic mechanical system for crushing the cans into pellets. It must be crush a minimum of 3 cans at a time.SPecifications: 1) the systems operates using air pressure and can be automated by push button or control valves. 2) the cans shall be lifted 3 at a time using vacuum effects to the location to be crushed. Do you have any rough idea how to do this or any link that shows something similar to this project? and i need to know what is the bore size of air cylinder that we need to use and how many force and the pressure is required to crush. :confused: Any idea would be really appreciated. and thanks in advance. :)
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  • #2
You could use 3 of these mounted next to each other:

For the required force/pressure, you can easily find them experimentally.
  • #3
You can use compressed air to move the cans instead of vacuum. A friend of mine designed a commercial system for sorting fresh eggs using puffs of compressed air to push individual eggs onto different conveyors.
  • #4
Huilen said:
Hi everyone, I'm new here and i need your help. I need to do a soft-drink can crusher for my final project. and we need to create a prototype of a pneumatic mechanical system for crushing the cans into pellets. It must be crush a minimum of 3 cans at a time.SPecifications: 1) the systems operates using air pressure and can be automated by push button or control valves. 2) the cans shall be lifted 3 at a time using vacuum effects to the location to be crushed. Do you have any rough idea how to do this or any link that shows something similar to this project? and i need to know what is the bore size of air cylinder that we need to use and how many force and the pressure is required to crush. :confused: Any idea would be really appreciated. and thanks in advance. :)

You may get extra credit for making your design use the minimum energy necessary to crush the cans -- call it "Green" or some similar buzzword.

Do you know the trick for crushing cans with much less energy than a standard crusher uses? Try crushing cans by hand for a bit, and I'll bet you figure out the trick.
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  • #5
berkeman said:
Do you know the trick to crushing cans with much less energy than a standard crusher uses?

I know how I do it, but that would add unnecessary complexity to the mechanism.
  • #6
Danger said:
I know how I do it, but that would add unnecessary complexity to the mechanism.

No way Jose. Er, I mean Danger. All part of the full cam progression mechanism...
  • #7
Hint -- 4 corners mid-line pre-crush, then a twisting crush. What's the best mechanical way to do that?...
  • #8
I assume that your question is directed at the OP, in order to make him think it through, so I'm not going to tell you my idea.
  • #9
Looks like the OP isn't coming back anytime soon. How do you do it?

BTW, have you seen the bar trick where you bet a guy a dollar (or a pound) to see who can crush a beer can the quickest against their forehead the quickest? You let him go first, and then say "Okay, you win." LOL
  • #10
The way that I do it by hand is to twist it as if wringing out a rag, then squash the ends together. Mechanically, (if I wanted to use that technique) I'd build something like an electric jar opener combined with an arbour press. It seems to me that it would be more practical, and probably just as effective, to simply use a cylindrical housing to confine the can with a piston to compress it.
I've never heard of that bar trick, but it does remind me of an hilarious event from my youth. Some bullet-head from across the border tried to show off with that 'smash the can on your forehead' trick to impress some girls in the bar. His cultural knowledge appeared to be somewhat lacking, since he didn't realize that Canadian cans were made of steel rather than aluminum. He ended up with something like 15 stitches, after he came to. :biggrin:
  • #11
OMG, that's hilarious. Must have been pretty entertaining for the bar!
  • #12
Not just for the bar. Everyone in the tri-county area has been laughing about it for almost 40 years. A bonus is that it only took about 4 Canuck beers to get him pissed enough to try it.
  • #13
had a buddy that made one with 2-15 inch 60 series tires spinning (tread to tread, pretty danged fast) together. one driven w/ chain drive with a 3/4 horse electric motor. that thing would smash a trash can full of cans fast as heck! not totally pneumatic, but very cool, non the less.
I had almost forgotten about that thing, and I do have a big pile of cans...hhuummmm

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Related to Build a Soft-Drink Can Crusher Prototype

1. What is a soft-drink can crusher prototype?

A soft-drink can crusher prototype is a device that is designed to crush empty aluminum cans, making it easier to recycle them. It is typically made of sturdy materials such as metal or plastic, and may be operated manually or electronically.

2. How does a soft-drink can crusher prototype work?

A soft-drink can crusher prototype typically works by using a lever or a motor to apply force to the can, crushing it in the process. Some models may also include a mechanism to hold the can in place while it is being crushed.

3. Why should I use a soft-drink can crusher prototype?

Using a soft-drink can crusher prototype can greatly reduce the amount of space taken up by empty cans in your recycling bin or bag. It also makes it easier to transport the cans to a recycling facility, as they will take up less space in your vehicle.

4. Are there any safety concerns when using a soft-drink can crusher prototype?

As with any device that involves applying force to an object, there is a potential for injury if the proper precautions are not taken. It is important to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer and to use caution when operating the device.

5. Where can I purchase a soft-drink can crusher prototype?

Soft-drink can crusher prototypes can be found at many hardware stores, online retailers, and specialty recycling stores. It is important to read reviews and compare prices before making a purchase to ensure you are getting a quality product at a reasonable price.

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