Build an Electromagnet Project to Lift Objects

In summary, a project to build an electromagnet for lifting objects involves creating a coil of wire and passing an electrical current through it to generate a magnetic field. This magnetic field can attract and lift certain objects made of ferromagnetic materials. Additional materials such as a power source, switch, and iron core may be needed to complete the project. It is a fun and educational experiment for understanding the principles of electromagnetism.
  • #1
Hi Everyone, I hope this is ok to post in this section this is my first time on here. I recently was watching a show on maglev trains (I know this is not new technology but I found it really interesting). I love to tinker with little projects in my shop and was wanting to build a gadget to lift using an electromagnet. This is what I had in mind and was hoping for some help to tell me if my thinking is way off or not.

From what I've researched an electromagnet will repel a permanent magnet. I would have two platforms connected on rails to keep them centered. When the electromagnet is energized it would repel the permanent magnet attached to the top platform, thus lifting any weight on top (Picture Below).

Thanks any help/suggestions/corrections would be appreciated.:smile:



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  • #2
You will also need some way to work out the force between the two magnets.

... though I don't know what sort of permanent magnets you have access to.
Don't forget to include the weight of the plate and the permanent magnet with the load.

Your electromagnet and PSU in the sketch seem optimistically small for your load - but you'll find that out.
You'll also want something to hold the plate horizontal or it may twist and jam the guides in the holes.
Consider using a potentiometer too - to vary the magnetic field strength.
  • #3
Greetings, Mr((?Dr) Bridge,
I believe some 'maglev' systems use the principle of induced fields to generate the opposing magnetic
field to lift the vehicle off the track. I (somewhat remotely) recall a system, using fixed magnets in the
levitating train, which are approximated to either an aluminum track below, or closed circuit coils of wire.
By this, i mean that the coils are not supplied with current from an outside source, but rather, develope an induced
current as a magnet passes by (in the train) overhead. The induced current produces an opposing
magnetic field which generates the lift for the train. An energy source is still needed to propel the train
along the track - I am unsure of the details about this aspect. If only an aluminum track is present, the
principle is the same. Experiment: make a disk of aluminum, say 3 - 4 inches diameter, with a 3/8ths steel
bar protruding from the center. Mount this in a drill press, and spin at some safe, sane speed (perhaps 100 rpm).
Hold a strong magnet close to the outer, bottom aspect of the Al disk as it spins. You may be surprised at
the repelling force generated as you bring the magnet close (several mm) to the spinning disk. Stop the disk movement and repeat. Nothing there, now!
Anyway my 'quick reply'. Hope this adds to your project!
  • #4
An addendum to my message that I just finished. These trains have roller supports for the train, to
allow the train to go from 'no movement' to moving status, during which the 'cars' will lift, freeing the
wheels from the track while train is at speed.
stanleysmd; best of luck with your endeavor!
  • #5
  • #6
stanleysmd said:
Greetings, Mr((?Dr) Bridge,
"Simon" is fine :)

I believe some 'maglev' systems use the principle of induced fields to generate the opposing magnetic field to lift the vehicle off the track.
This is correct - either magnets on the train lifting against an aluminium track (Germany) or magnets on the track pushing against the train (Japan).

I used to have a maglev demo that was a transformer coil with a cut iron core - it would levitate an aluminium plate with a hole in the middle (for the iron core to pass through) and ran off mains. The AC meant that the plate bounced a lot.

This is more sophisticated:

The spinning disk approach:

FAQ: Build an Electromagnet Project to Lift Objects

1. How does an electromagnet work?

An electromagnet works by using an electric current to create a magnetic field. When an electric current passes through a wire, it creates a circular magnetic field around the wire. By coiling the wire and passing a current through it, the magnetic field becomes stronger and can attract or repel other magnetic objects.

2. What materials do I need to build an electromagnet?

To build an electromagnet, you will need a battery, wire, a nail or other ferromagnetic material, and a power source. You may also need a switch and other small materials for assembling the circuit.

3. How can I make my electromagnet stronger?

To make your electromagnet stronger, you can increase the number of coils in the wire, increase the amount of current passing through the wire, or use a stronger power source. You can also use a ferromagnetic core, such as an iron nail, to help concentrate the magnetic field.

4. What objects can an electromagnet lift?

An electromagnet can lift a variety of objects, depending on its strength. Small objects made of iron, nickel, or cobalt are easily lifted by a basic electromagnet. Stronger electromagnets can lift heavier objects, including cars and other large metal objects.

5. Are there any safety precautions I should take when building an electromagnet?

Yes, there are a few safety precautions to keep in mind when building an electromagnet. Be sure to use caution when working with electricity and always use insulated wires. Make sure the power source is disconnected when making adjustments to the circuit. And finally, be careful when handling strong electromagnets as they can attract or repel objects quickly and forcefully.
