Building A noise cancelling program.

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of using active noise cancellation technology to eliminate the sound of a running faucet in an adjacent room. It is possible to do so, and there are various methods and software libraries that can be used. However, the effectiveness of the noise cancellation may be limited by factors such as the frequency of the noise and the presence of multiple reflections in the room. Additionally, physical sound insulation may also be required in order to effectively eliminate the noise.
  • #1

If there is a fixed noise like a faucet running, and I sit in a deskchair at a fixed location in an adjacent room, do you think it would be possible the build a program for either the desktop speaker (also fixed), or another computer somewhere else in the room which would cancel out the effect to the faucet? If not, why wouldn't it be possible? If so, are there any good references for how to go about doing this?

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  • #2
It is definitely possible. The field of engineering is called "Active Noise Cancellation". You can buy systems that do this already.

As for how to do it, I would recommend looking at sound processing software libraries, for example "pyo" for Python. You will of course need a microphone.
  • #3
The most effective noise cancellation will be when the sensing mike and the loudspeaker are as close to the noise source as possible. The loudspeaker needs to produce sounds that are exactly opposite in phase and of equal amplitude to the noise you are trying to eliminate by destructive interference. Your 'system' needs to be able to identify the unwanted signal so the mike must be much closer to the noise source than the wanted source. Earphones are the easiest to treat, for this reason because you 'know' exactly what sound you want to hear - it has an electronic source. The region where you get cancellation gets tighter, the further apart you site the speaker and the mike. The snag about your particular application is the sound you are trying to eliminate because it's largely HF (hiss) and the wavelength will be only a few tens of cm and cancellation region will be very local.
If you could be sure that the noise source is located in a small area (i.e. noise not getting to you via the extended pipe system but just from the faucet) then you could possibly put a microphone and Speaker right next to the faucet. You could then get an small range of angles from the noise source where the cancellation is significant.
Afaik, most of the noise reduction systems that are available rely on the noise being easily identifiable - like, for instance, when you put a mike in the engine compartment and reduce the noise in the cab - but then the frequencies are low to mid range (much easier).
You could have some fun trying to make it work - you could finally 'help it along' by moving your head about to get the best result (crick your neck haha). It's great that processors work so fast these days that real time DSP is very achievable.
  • #4
Running water is low frequency. Tap hiss is not.

I have seen a marine installation of this that uses active cancellation for HVAC and engine noise (all low frequency) with padding (foam etc in the deck, overheads and ceilings) for high frequency.
  • #5
d3mm said:
Running water is low frequency. Tap hiss is not.

I have seen a marine installation of this that uses active cancellation for HVAC and engine noise (all low frequency) with padding (foam etc in the deck, overheads and ceilings) for high frequency.

It may be that the unwanted noise is mid / low frequency; we'd need to be told.
You re-iterate the point that physical sound insulation is also required when the source is 'mechanical'. This could be something that the OP needs to take into account.

I suppose it may be possible to use a directional microphone arrangement to select the source of the noise but getting the phases correct, in view of multiple reflections in the room, could be a limiting factor.
I imagine that a 'sweet spot' could be generated though, at the expense of other parts of the room.

Related to Building A noise cancelling program.

1. What is noise cancelling technology and how does it work?

Noise cancelling technology is a method of reducing unwanted sound in a specific environment. It works by using a microphone to capture the surrounding noise and then creating an opposite sound wave to cancel out the unwanted noise.

2. What are the benefits of using a noise cancelling program?

The main benefit of using a noise cancelling program is the ability to block out unwanted noise, creating a more peaceful and focused environment. This can be particularly useful in busy or loud environments, such as offices or public transportation.

3. How accurate is noise cancelling technology in completely eliminating noise?

Noise cancelling technology is very effective in reducing unwanted noise, but it may not completely eliminate all noise. The effectiveness may also depend on the quality of the program and the environment in which it is used.

4. Are there any potential negative effects of using noise cancelling technology?

Using noise cancelling technology for extended periods of time may cause a feeling of pressure in the ears or a sense of disorientation. It is important to take breaks and not use the technology excessively.

5. Can noise cancelling technology be used for different types of noise?

Yes, noise cancelling technology can be used for a variety of noise types, including low-frequency sounds like traffic and high-frequency sounds like chatter. However, some programs may be more effective for certain types of noise than others.

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