Building Solar Cell Battery Light

In summary: What parts would you recommend?A battery that can last an extremely long time, a somewhat reliable LED and solar panel, and a circuit that can be exposed to the elements.
  • #1
Hello. As a memorial I am trying to build a light-sensitive unit that will make an LED continuously glow at night. I want to put this in an extremely remote place and be reasonable confident that it will continue to operate indefinitely. The idea is that once it becomes dark, a photodiode will permit current to flow through the LED until dawn. Once the sun rises, a solar cell will recharge the battery. I want the circuit to be able to continue doing this without any component replacement or repairs for as long as possible (greater than five years would be ideal).

Is this a feasible idea? What parts would you recommend? I need a rechargeable battery that can last an extremely long time (is there a way to substitute a capacitor?). I also need a somewhat reliable LED and solar panel. The longer the circuit can last, the better- it will be exposed to the elements, but I plan on encasing as much of the circuit as possible in resin. I am not concerned with cost.

Also, if anyone has a decent circuit schematic for this sort of setup, I would appreciate it. I have a few, but options are always nice.

Thank you for any advice.
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  • #2
There is a circuit in this thread that may be useful:

It is a redrawing of a commercial circuit, but looks very clever.

You could have simpler circuitry, but you would then need at least 3 NiMH batteries and 6 solar cells to operate a white LED.

A common application for this is the solar garden light, although these are often poor quality and only light for a few hours after a sunny day.

Your application would really need a serious solar panel and a long-life lead-acid battery such as the ones that are used in electric wheelchairs.

A possible source of parts for this (although not a good as the above) would be this:
However that is intended to be switched on as required, not run continuously when it is dark. So, some expertise would be required to convert it.
or this one:
which doesn't include the battery.

Is this a feasible idea?
Probably not, unless you have somone who can help you.
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FAQ: Building Solar Cell Battery Light

1. How does a solar cell battery light work?

A solar cell battery light works by converting sunlight into electricity. The solar cells in the light absorb photons from the sun and create an electrical current. This current is then stored in a battery for later use.

2. What materials are used to build a solar cell battery light?

Solar cell battery lights are typically made with silicon, which is a semiconductor material. Other materials used may include metals, glass, and plastic for the casing and wiring.

3. What are the benefits of using a solar cell battery light?

There are several benefits to using a solar cell battery light, including reducing your carbon footprint, saving money on electricity bills, and providing a reliable source of lighting in remote or off-grid areas.

4. How long does a solar cell battery light last?

The lifespan of a solar cell battery light can vary depending on the quality of materials used and the amount of sunlight it receives. On average, a solar cell battery light can last anywhere from 5-10 years.

5. Can a solar cell battery light be used in all weather conditions?

Most solar cell battery lights are designed to be weather-resistant and can withstand rain, snow, and extreme temperatures. However, excessive cloud cover or shading may affect their performance.
