Bungee jumping dynamics assignment

In summary: If the jumper were to increase their mass (m) then the resistance would also increase. In order to account for air resistance we need to find a new constant called b.To find b we first need to find J. J is proportional to velocity * area (A). So, to find J we need to find A. We can find A by using one of the conservation of energy equations or by using the equation of motion. Next, we need to find g. g is the acceleration due to gravity. We can find g by using the equation of motion or using a calculator. Once we have g, we can use it to find b. Finally, we can use the equation of motion or a calculator to find d.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A formula has been determined: d=l+h+ (l(SRT(m(m+150))+m)/75), where d is the depth jumped to, l is the length of the rope, h is the height of the jumper and m is the mass of the person. The question is:
At present, the model does not include air resistance. Show and discuss all changes that would have to be made to the model to include air resistance, which is proportional to the velocity of the jumper.

b. Discuss the difficulties involved with the mathematics of this model.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm supposed to determine a constant of air resistance (which I have called b) from the information that Air resistance (which I have called J): is proportional to: velocity but I'm so stuck I have no direction
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hello Jess, :welcome:

Oops, according to the guidelines in PF we need you to at least make an attempt before we can help you. Just saying "dunno" isn't good enough. Also, we now have no idea at what level you need guidance. At high school level the derivation of the model in the exercise is already quite a task, and here you are asked to bring in a refinement and discuss the complications !

How do you think this "d=l+h+ (l(SRT(m(m+150))+m)/75)" was determined ? Where are ##g## and the spring constant of the chord ?
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Likes berkeman
  • #3
To get you started, the jumper is in free fall until the rope stretches which occurs at its max, unstretched length (L). So, I would say that the velocity would be the length of the rope divided by elapsed time (v=L/t) or using one of the equations of motion and assuming the initial velocity is zero, velocity = acceleration * time (v=at). Air resistance not only is proportional to velocity but it is also proportional to shape.

FAQ: Bungee jumping dynamics assignment

1. What is bungee jumping and how does it work?

Bungee jumping is an extreme sport in which a person jumps off a tall structure while attached to a long elastic cord. The cord stretches and recoils, allowing the person to bounce up and down until they come to a stop. The process involves calculating the length of the cord, the weight of the person, and the distance from the jump point to the ground to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

2. How is the length of the bungee cord determined?

The length of the bungee cord is determined by a mathematical formula that takes into account the weight of the person, the distance from the jump point to the ground, and the desired level of bounciness. This is crucial in ensuring that the person does not hit the ground or the water with too much force, which could result in injury.

3. What factors affect the dynamics of a bungee jump?

The dynamics of a bungee jump are affected by several factors, including the weight of the person, the length and elasticity of the cord, the height of the jump, and external factors such as wind and weather conditions. These factors can impact the speed, acceleration, and overall experience of the jump.

4. How do you ensure the safety of a bungee jump?

Safety is a top priority in bungee jumping, and it is ensured through careful planning and calculations. Professionals use specialized equipment and follow strict protocols to ensure that the bungee cord is correctly attached and the length is appropriate for the person's weight. Regular maintenance and safety checks are also performed on the equipment and the jumping site.

5. Is bungee jumping safe?

With proper precautions and experienced professionals, bungee jumping can be a safe activity. However, there are always risks involved in any extreme sport, and it is essential to follow all safety guidelines and listen to the instructions of the professionals. It is also important to be in good physical health and not have any underlying medical conditions that could be aggravated by the jump.

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