Buoyancy and Harmonic Oscillation

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a cork floating on water and the equilibrium position of its bottom surface. The equations for finding the equilibrium depth and the behavior of the cork's position over time are discussed. The effects of friction and the Q value are also considered. The correct setup for the problem is determined and the solution for the cork's position is found.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A cork with a density [tex]\rho[/tex]0 in the form of a cube of side length l floats on water with a density of [tex]\rho[/tex]w. The pressure in water depends on depth h from the surface as P=[tex]\rho[/tex]w *g*h.

A. Find the equilibrium depth of the bottom surface of the cube (how much length is below the surface)

Let the equilibrium position of the bottom surface be at y=0. At time t=o, the position of the bottom surface (below the equilibrium point) is at y=-A0 and the cube is moving upwards with a speed of V0.

B. Find the behavior of y(t)

C. Find the earliest time it take to reach the origin and the next time it takes to reach it again. Find the maximum speed the cork can have.

D. Friction is now present with friction force -aV(y,t) where a is a contant and V(y,t) is the velocity. Assume the friction results in a very lightly damped motion. Find the Q value.

Homework Equations

All in next part.

The Attempt at a Solution

This problem should be easy enough but I am having some problems.

A. The depth under water is [tex]\frac{P0}{Pw}[/tex] *l

B. I did the force diagram on the block, with Fg in the negative y direction and Fb in the positive y direction.

Fb -Fg = ma

where Fb=[tex]\rho[/tex]w*g*y*l2
and Fg=m*g=[tex]\rho[/tex]o*g*l3

this gives me
[tex]\rho[/tex]w*g*l2*y - m*g=[tex]\rho[/tex]o*g*l3 = m*a

where m= ([tex]\rho[/tex]w+[tex]\rho[/tex])o*l3
a= [tex]\frac{d2*x}{dt2}[/tex]

[tex]\rho[/tex]w*g*l2*y - m*g=[tex]\rho[/tex]o*g*l3 = ([tex]\rho[/tex]w+[tex]\rho[/tex]o)*l3* [tex]\frac{d2*x}{dt2}[/tex]

is this the right setup? my prof. said there was something wrong with this, but I have no idea what..

I am also not sure how to approach part B. The undamped, unforced harmonic osc. eq. is [tex]\frac{d2*x}{dt2}[/tex]+ w02*x=0
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  • #2
any ideas why that setup would be wrong? I am still not seeing the problem with it..
  • #3
the m in m*a should be just rho_o*g*l^3, not (rho_w+rho_o)*g*l^3
  • #4
i see and what is the reason for that? does that still include for the fact that as the block is moving down, water is moving away and v.v.
  • #5
you are summing the forces on the cork, so the m should just be the mass of the cork. the direction the block is moving does not matter in setting up the differential equation, just in the initial conditions.
  • #6
ah, that makes sense. now that i have this equation with something equaling m* a

do i just take the second integral of both sides to get the y(t) function?
  • #7
no, not so simple. in fact, now that i look closely, you are using x and y to mean the same thing in your equations. your equation is of the form: ay'' +by +c = 0. characteristic equation should get you the solution.
  • #8
right my equation is? P0*g*l3*y'' - y*pw*g*l2 + p0*g*l3=0

this has the solution y(t)= A * cos (w*t + [tex]\phi[/tex])

so how do i figure out [tex]\phi[/tex]

I know [tex]\omega[/tex] from F=Fb which gives me [tex]\omega[/tex]= sqrt (pW*g/pO*l)

FAQ: Buoyancy and Harmonic Oscillation

1. What is the concept of buoyancy?

Buoyancy is the upward force exerted by a fluid on an object that is partially or fully submerged in the fluid. It is caused by the difference in pressure between the bottom and top of the object, with the pressure being greater at the bottom. This force is what allows objects to float in a fluid.

2. How is buoyancy related to density?

Buoyancy is directly related to density. An object will float if it has a lower density than the fluid it is placed in, and it will sink if its density is greater than the fluid. This is because the upward force of buoyancy is greater than the downward force of gravity on the object.

3. What is the equation for calculating buoyant force?

The equation for calculating buoyant force is Fb = ρVg, where ρ is the density of the fluid, V is the volume of the submerged object, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. This equation is known as Archimedes' principle.

4. What is harmonic oscillation?

Harmonic oscillation is a repetitive motion that occurs when a restoring force acts on an object to bring it back to its equilibrium position. This type of motion is characterized by a constant frequency and amplitude, and it can be seen in various systems such as springs, pendulums, and waves.

5. How is harmonic oscillation related to buoyancy?

In the case of a buoyant object, the restoring force that brings it back to its equilibrium position is the buoyant force. When the object is displaced from its equilibrium position, it experiences an upward force that brings it back to the surface of the fluid. This creates a harmonic oscillation as the object bobs up and down in the fluid.

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