Buoyancy, depth a block will sink in two different liquids

In summary: Thanks for clearing that up.In summary, the bottom of a block of wood in water will be submerged to a depth of 3m.
  • #1

Homework Statement

4. The bottom half of a tank is filled with water (ρ = 1.0 x 103 kg/m3), and the top half is filled with oil (ρ = 0.85 x 103 kg/m3). Suppose that a rectangular block of wood of mass 5.5 kg, 30 cm long, 20 cm wide and 10 cm high is placed in this tank. How deep will the bottom of the block be submerged in the water? (Buoyancy)

Homework Equations

[tex]F_{net} = B - F_g[/tex]

[tex]B = ma[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I thought I would solve for the rate at which the block of wood accelerates in oil. Using that, I would solve for the volume of fluid displaced using the equation [tex]B = ma[/tex] Here is my full work: http://imgur.com/7qcnbbY

Is my reasoning correct?
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  • #2
I don't think you did it right.

The problem wants to know the final equilibrium condition. So the block will have part of it's volume submerged in oil and part of it's volume submerged in water. Can you write a single equation for this?
  • #3
My post deleted ...

... and resuscitated:

The fun part of this problem is whether there exists more than one stable floating position.
Rather than pursue this further for the time being I suggest assuming the safest orientation which is
.3m = horizontal
.2m = horizontal
.1m = vertical

This permits summing of vertical forces = 0 easily.

I found a good paper which goes into the orientation stability question in some - er - depth:

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  • #4
rude man said:
My post deleted ...

... and resuscitated:

The fun part of this problem is whether there exists more than one stable floating position.
Rather than pursue this further for the time being I suggest assuming the safest orientation which is
.3m = horizontal
.2m = horizontal
.1m = vertical

This permits summing of vertical forces = 0 easily.

I found a good paper which goes into the orientation stability question in some - er - depth:


Unfortunately, this link is broken.

You do raise an interesting point, but the OP lacks sufficient detail to allow a coherent analysis. We are not provided with the dimensions of the tank and consequently cannot determine the depth of water or oil in which the block can float.
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  • #5
SteamKing said:
Unfortunately, this link is broken.

You do raise an interesting point, but the OP lacks sufficient detail to allow a coherent analysis. We are not provided with the dimensions of the tank and consequently cannot determine the depth of water or oil in which the block can float.

Sorry, here's the pdf file attached.

It doesn't matter what the dimensions of the tank are so long as there is enough oil depth to cover the top of the block, and enough water depth to let the block float rather than sink to the bottom. Of course, the tank also has to be large enough to house the block horizontally.

I agree, the problem is insufficiently defined.


  • buoyancy.pdf
    526.6 KB · Views: 2,966
  • #6
Thanks for the replies everyone. I talked to my teacher and he said that you could assume that the depth of oil is 10+ cm and the depth of water is 10+ cm. He also said that the net force is zero when the block is submerged in the two liquids, and that I need to find the fraction of each that it's in and that I can determine that by their relative densities.

My attempt with this information was to find the buoyant force knowing it's equal to mg of the block as Fnet = B - Fg = 0. Then I solved for the total density of the fluid displaced. Then I used a system of 2 equations where the first was (density of water * volume in water) + (density of oil * volume in oil) = (volume of object * total fluid density) and the second equation was (volume in oil + volume in water = 6mm^3). That gave me the volume of the block in each liquid. Does that work or have I made a mistake?
  • #7
Your approach looks better. The only mistake I think I see is in your 2nd equation. What is your reasoning for using this equation?
  • #8
paisiello2 said:
Your approach looks better. The only mistake I think I see is in your 2nd equation. What is your reasoning for using this equation?

My reasoning is that the total volume of the block is the portion submerged in water plus the portion submerged in oil.
  • #9
Sorry, I guess I was thinking you gave us 3 equations:

1) ∑F = B - mg = 0
2) ?
3) V1 + V2 = Vtotal

1) and 3) are correct but 2) looks like an attempt to set up 1) but you didnt do it correctly.
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  • #10
paisiello2 said:
Sorry, I guess I was thinking you gave us 3 equations:
1) ∑F=0
2) ?
3) V1 + V2 = Vtotal

Ah, I see. I thought you were talking about the system of equations. I can't say I've really reasoned out the second equation much, but I think I can defend it by saying that the mass of water displaced plus the mass of the oil displaced is equal to the total mass of fluid displaced by the block.
  • #11
When the block in equilibrium, the net pressure on the block is zero.
Since the density of the block is more than the density of liquid, it will submerge completely in the liquid and partly in the water.
Now net upward pressure on the block = pressure due to liquid + pressure due to water.
  • #12
I'm not sure of your approach eitther. I worry about your " Then I solved for the total density of the fluid displaced. " What do you mean by that? Some kind of average density of the fluids displaced? Not sure how that would pan out.

I used only one equation myself.

Perhaps you can post your result, but if you do, to avoid math errors, use symbols:
h = total height of block in solution (i.e. vertical dimension of block; I would pick h = 10cm.),
m = mass of block
ρo = oil density
ρw = water density
A = area of top (or bottom) of block

... or whatever symbols you like. But avoid number-crunching.
Remember, we're looking for the distance between the oil-water level and the bottom of the block.
  • #13
TheKShaugh said:
Ah, I see. I thought you were talking about the system of equations. I can't say I've really reasoned out the second equation much, but I think I can defend it by saying that the mass of water displaced plus the mass of the oil displaced is equal to the total mass of fluid displaced by the block.
That equality is trivial but that's not what you wrote in post #6. Don't you think you could just use 1) to get your equation?
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  • #14
TheKShaugh said:
... and the second equation was (volume in oil + volume in water = 6mm^3). That gave me the volume of the block in each liquid. Does that work or have I made a mistake?

BTW the block volume is .1m x .2m x .3m = 0.006 m^3 = 6,000,000 mm^3 = 6e6 mm^3.
  • #15
Thanks guys. I just finished my third attempt, could anyone tell me if the third time is indeed the charm?

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  • #16
Looks like you got it although a small typo referring to h3 at the end there.

Another comment I would have is you could have taken a small short cut and just gave the buoyant force as the volume of each liquid displaced. You actually derived the same thing from first principles which is fine, but rather than derive this every time you do these types of problem just jump ahead and write it out directly. Also you can get more complicated kinds of problems where you will want to avoid proving the same result because it will be time consuming.
  • #17
TheKShaugh said:
Thanks guys. I just finished my third attempt, could anyone tell me if the third time is indeed the charm?


Looks good, though I got h2 =0.044m.
Congrats for hanging in!

Related to Buoyancy, depth a block will sink in two different liquids

1. How does the density of a block affect its buoyancy in two different liquids?

The density of a block plays a crucial role in determining its buoyancy in two different liquids. If the density of the block is greater than the density of the liquid, it will sink. However, if the density of the block is less than the density of the liquid, it will float.

2. What determines how deep a block will sink in two different liquids?

The depth at which a block will sink in two different liquids is determined by its density and the density of the liquids. The more dense the block is compared to the liquids, the deeper it will sink. The less dense the block is compared to the liquids, the shallower it will sink.

3. Can the shape of a block affect its buoyancy in two different liquids?

Yes, the shape of a block can affect its buoyancy in two different liquids. A block with a larger surface area will displace more liquid and therefore have greater buoyancy compared to a block with a smaller surface area. This means that the shape of a block can impact how deep it will sink in two different liquids.

4. How do different temperatures of liquids affect the buoyancy of a block?

The temperature of a liquid can affect its density, which in turn can affect the buoyancy of a block. As the temperature of a liquid increases, its density decreases, making it less dense than the block. This can result in the block sinking deeper in the liquid compared to a cooler liquid with a higher density.

5. Is there a maximum depth at which a block can sink in two different liquids?

There is no specific maximum depth at which a block can sink in two different liquids. The depth at which a block will sink is determined by its density and the density of the liquids. However, if the density of the block is significantly greater than the density of the liquids, it may reach a point where it cannot sink any deeper due to the pressure of the liquid pushing back on it.

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