Buoyancy Systems in Closed & Semi-Closed Systems

In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of using buoyancy in a closed or semi-closed system to generate electricity in areas with limited access to other renewable resources. The original poster shares their idea and progress in creating a working prototype, but is advised by commenters that their idea goes against the principle of conservation of energy. The conversation ends with the original poster expressing their gratitude to the forum community and their intention to commercialize their invention.
  • #1
A few months ago I was seeking an answer to a question about using buoyancy in a closed or semi closed system to generate electricity on anything of a useful scale. I came across the thread below on these forums.


I was exploring this topic to see if there was a way to generate green electricity in places like my parents farm where there is not a lot of wind, sun is sporadic and not a heck of a lot of water. The solution I came up with was not dissimilar to the one presented in the thread above. But after reading the posts therein it quickly becomes apparent that you cannot get something for nothing.

The big hurdle in this case is the mechanical compression of air to release at depth is not energy efficient and that their are better and more efficient ways to generate electricity.

So the problem as I saw it was is there a way to compress air with no mechanically moving parts and heat in the system through friction. I decided to investigate and found out quickly that greater minds than mine had investigated such Holy Grail concepts and come up with the same answer "You can't get something for nothing!"

So I abandoned the idea as to difficult as any great closet scientist like me always does.

That was until about a month ago when the answer was shown on a pseudo scientific TV show. The solution was not to generate electricity but to achieve another task. Nevertheless they were compressing air with no moving parts and using the energy stored therein to exert a lifting force.

It still was not a closed system and their was an external energy input, in fact was probably worse than using an air compressor. A day later was watching a history show on the Romans and discovered they had achieved the critical portion of the solution to this problem some 1800 years ago. These two combined with my aviation knowledge as a pilot gave me an idea and I rushed to the hardware store to buy some stuff to make a prototype.

A week later I had a working system. It compresses air with no moving parts, uses an input energy source provided by nature, again no moving parts, dissipates the heat generated through friction and generates electricity. And also as of today has been filed through my patent lawyer for consideration. <--- hence why I am being vague.

Once my lawyer gives me the thumbs up me will release the solution here. It is so beautifully simple.

I would like to pass on my thanks to everyone who commented on the thread above.

To the people who supply and maintain this forums I applaud you. It took me a while to find these forums again and to find out now that it is geared to students and learning is all that much better as the journey to the solution began here. I plan to take this commercial. I’m a UK businessman now. What I am not is a real scientist so will be looking back to this community in the near future for support in getting the physics and engineering right to make it work well in places where it is needed. I therefore think it only more than fare that some proceeds go back into resources like this, the places that grow and foster the most important renewable resource, the human mind.



Sorry all. I read incorrect. This is not just for students. Still the same points though.

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Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
I would be keen to know your apparatus/invention :) this is my sort of thing... as i am an engineering student :)

Please keep me informed when your lawyer does give you the green light :D
  • #3
Mustaka said:
The big hurdle in this case is the mechanical compression of air to release at depth is not energy efficient and that their are better and more efficient ways to generate electricity.
No. Conservation of energy has nothing to do with efficiency. Even if all parts of your apparatus were 100% efficient, the best you could do is produce exactly zero output energy.
So the problem as I saw it was is there a way to compress air with no mechanically moving parts and heat in the system through friction.
Again, there is no need for this: it is much simpler to assume 100% efficiency (no friction) when analyzing a hypothetical machine. Friction is not what kills type 1 pmms, conservation of energy is.
A week later I had a working system. It compresses air with no moving parts, uses an input energy source provided by nature, again no moving parts, dissipates the heat generated through friction and generates electricity. And also as of today has been filed through my patent lawyer for consideration. <--- hence why I am being vague.
Sorry, no. You've made an error. Because you are being vague, we can't help you find it, but from what you said above, it would be natural for us to assume that you simply don't know how to analyze what you've made. You need a beginner's guide to understanding conservation of energy. A high school or college freshman level physics textbook is where you should probably start.

As this appears to be nothing but a brag about an invention that you've come up with, there is no real content to discuss and perpetual motion, since it isn't science, is not something we discuss here anyway. Thread locked.

FAQ: Buoyancy Systems in Closed & Semi-Closed Systems

1. What is buoyancy and how does it work in closed and semi-closed systems?

Buoyancy is the upward force that a fluid exerts on an object immersed in it. In closed and semi-closed systems, buoyancy works by displacing the fluid around an object, resulting in an upward force that counteracts the weight of the object. This allows the object to float or remain suspended in the fluid.

2. What factors affect buoyancy in closed and semi-closed systems?

The two main factors that affect buoyancy in closed and semi-closed systems are the density of the fluid and the volume of the object. The greater the density of the fluid, the greater the buoyant force will be. Similarly, the greater the volume of the object, the greater the buoyant force will be. Other factors that can affect buoyancy include the shape and weight distribution of the object, and the depth and pressure of the fluid.

3. What are the differences between closed and semi-closed buoyancy systems?

Closed buoyancy systems are completely sealed and do not allow any exchange of fluid with the surrounding environment. This means that the buoyant force is constant and does not change. On the other hand, semi-closed buoyancy systems allow for some exchange of fluid with the surrounding environment, which can affect the buoyant force. Semi-closed systems also have the ability to control the amount of fluid inside, allowing for more precise adjustments of buoyancy.

4. How are buoyancy systems used in underwater vehicles and equipment?

Buoyancy systems are essential for underwater vehicles and equipment. They are used to control the depth and movement of the vehicle or equipment, as well as to keep them afloat or suspended. In closed systems, compressed gas is used to regulate the amount of fluid in the system, while in semi-closed systems, pumps and valves are used to control the exchange of fluid with the surrounding environment.

5. What are the safety considerations for using buoyancy systems in closed and semi-closed systems?

When using buoyancy systems in closed and semi-closed systems, it is important to consider the potential risks and safety precautions. These may include proper training and certification for operating the systems, regular maintenance and inspections, and emergency procedures in case of malfunction. It is also important to follow manufacturer instructions and guidelines for proper use and handling of the systems.
