[C++] Crank-Nicolson advection of gaussian pulse.

In summary, the Gaussian pulse is defined as an initial condition with a width and height of 1, and a position at .78. The code on this page uses the Lax method to solve the advection equation for the Gaussian pulse, but is lost at trying to setup the initial values for the Gaussian.
  • #1
I tried to used the Crank-Nicolson method to solve the advection equation for a Gaussian pulse using the code on this page and I'm lost at trying to setup the initial values for the Gaussian which is passed as an array into the advection matrix.

The Gaussian pulse is defined

initial condition: u(x,0) = exp[-100(x-0.5)^2] as on this page written for the Lax method.

The initial velocity is v = 1, timestep = 9.95x10^(-3), N = 200 and C = 2.

In the following code the matrix u is initialized to 202 elements and I try to initialize the matrix u
with the gaussian pulse for each index between 1 and 200 but something is very wrong. For one I'm not sure how to put the timestep into the gaussian equation. I suppose if x/t = v then tv = x and (9.95x10^(-3))*(velocity = 1) = distance then each timestep solved with advect1D would move the Gaussian to the right a small amount.

The thing I'm not sure about is this part in my code

for (int index = 1; index < 201; index++)
        u(index) = exp(-100*(distance - 0.5)*(distance-0.5));

I initialize every element of u(index) with the same gaussian? Well hopefully someone can help me here's the complete code.

// Advect1D.cpp

// Function to evolve advection equation in 1-d:

//  du / dt + v du / dx = 0  for  xl <= x <= xh

//  u = 0  at x=xl and x=xh

// Array u assumed to be of extent N+2.

// Now, ith element of array corresponds to

//  x_i = xl + i * dx    i=0,N+1

// Here, dx = (xh - xl) / (N+1) is grid spacing.

// Function evolves u by single time-step.

// C = v dt / dx, where dt is time-step.

// Uses Crank-Nicholson scheme.

#include <blitz/array.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace blitz;

void Tridiagonal (Array<double,1> a, Array<double,1> b, Array<double,1> c, Array<double,1> w, Array<double,1>& u);
void Advect1D (Array<double,1>& u, double C);

int main()
    Array<double,1> u(202);
    u = 0;

    double distance = 9.95e-3;

    for (int index = 1; index < 201; index++)
        u(index) = exp(-100*(distance - 0.5)*(distance-0.5));

    double C = 2;

    Advect1D ( u,  C);

    return 0;
void Advect1D (Array<double,1>& u, double C)
  // Find N. Declare local arrays.
  int N = u.extent(0) - 2;
  std::cout<<"N = "<<N<<std::endl;

  Array<double,1> a(N+2), b(N+2), c(N+2), w(N+2);

  a = 0;
  b = 0;
  c = 0;
  w = 0;

  // Initialize tridiagonal matrix
  for (int i = 2; i <= N;   i++)
    a(i) = - 0.25 * C;

  for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++)
    b(i) = 1.;

  for (int i = 1; i <= N-1; i++)
    c(i) = + 0.25 * C;

  // Initialize right-hand side vector
  for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++)
    w(i) = u(i) - 0.25 * C * (u(i+1) - u(i-1));

  // Invert tridiagonal matrix equation
  Tridiagonal (a, b, c, w, u);

  // Calculate i=0 and i=N+1 values
  u(0) = 0.;
  u(N+1) = 0.;
void Tridiagonal (Array<double,1> a, Array<double,1> b, Array<double,1> c,  Array<double,1> w, Array<double,1>& u)
  // Find N. Declare local arrays.
  int N = a.extent(0) - 2;
  Array<double,1> x(N), y(N);

  // Scan up diagonal from i = N to 1
  x(N-1) = - a(N) / b(N);
  y(N-1) = w(N) / b(N);

  for (int i = N-2; i > 0; i--)
      x(i) = - a(i+1) / (b(i+1) + c(i+1) * x(i+1));
      y(i) = (w(i+1) - c(i+1) * y(i+1)) / (b(i+1) + c(i+1) * x(i+1));

  x(0) = 0.;
  y(0) = (w(1) - c(1) * y(1)) / (b(1) + c(1) * x(1));

  // Scan down diagonal from i = 0 to N-1
  u(1) = y(0);
  for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
    u(i+1) = x(i) * u(i) + y(i);
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  • #2
I made some changes to the code and I think I solved it but I'm not sure the solution makes sense. Basically I create a Gaussian pulse function with

width (standard deviation) = 0.247
height = 1;
position = .78

the actual width of the Gaussian is 1.55 from tail to tail and I divide that number by 200 to get the space discretization which is used to find the value of the Gaussian at specific intervals between 0 and 1.55. I output the original Gaussian and the advection equation into a dat file and use gnuplot. Now I'm not sure if the solution I found is correct. I think it makes sense, any ideas?

Heres the source and the gnuplot .plt file below it plus a photo of the beast.

// Advect1D.cpp

// Function to evolve advection equation in 1-d:

//  du / dt + v du / dx = 0  for  xl <= x <= xh

//  u = 0  at x=xl and x=xh

// Array u assumed to be of extent N+2.

// Now, ith element of array corresponds to

//  x_i = xl + i * dx    i=0,N+1

// Here, dx = (xh - xl) / (N+1) is grid spacing.

// Function evolves u by single time-step.

// C = v dt / dx, where dt is time-step.

// Uses Crank-Nicholson scheme.

#include <blitz/array.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>

using namespace blitz;

void Tridiagonal (Array<double,1> a, Array<double,1> b, Array<double,1> c, Array<double,1> w, Array<double,1>& u);
void Advect1D (Array<double,1>& u, double C);

int main()
    Array<double,1> u(202);
    std::ofstream gaussian;


    u = 0;
    //double distance = 9.95e-3;

    double element = 1.55/200;//1.55 is the width of the gaussian
    std::cout<<"element: "<<element<<std::endl;

    double dx = 0;

    double term = 0;
    double numerator = 0;
    double denominator = 0;

    for (int index = 1; index < 201; index++)
        numerator = -1*pow(dx - .78,2);
        denominator = 2*pow(0.247,2);
        term = numerator/denominator;
        u(index) = exp(term);

        gaussian<<u(index)<<"   "<<dx<<"\n";

        dx += element;

    double C = 2;

    Advect1D ( u,  C);
    dx = 0;

    std::ofstream gaussian_pde;

    for (int index = 1; index < 201; index++)
        gaussian_pde<<u(index)<<"   "<<dx<<"\n";
        dx += element;


    return 0;
void Advect1D (Array<double,1>& u, double C)
  // Find N. Declare local arrays.
  int N = u.extent(0) - 2;
  std::cout<<"N = "<<N<<std::endl;

  Array<double,1> a(N+2), b(N+2), c(N+2), w(N+2);

  a = 0;
  b = 0;
  c = 0;
  w = 0;

  // Initialize tridiagonal matrix
  for (int i = 2; i <= N;   i++)
    a(i) = - 0.25 * C;

  for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++)
    b(i) = 1.;

  for (int i = 1; i <= N-1; i++)
    c(i) = + 0.25 * C;

  // Initialize right-hand side vector
  for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++)
    w(i) = u(i) - 0.25 * C * (u(i+1) - u(i-1));

  // Invert tridiagonal matrix equation
  Tridiagonal (a, b, c, w, u);

  // Calculate i=0 and i=N+1 values
  u(0) = 0.;
  u(N+1) = 0.;
void Tridiagonal (Array<double,1> a, Array<double,1> b, Array<double,1> c,  Array<double,1> w, Array<double,1>& u)
  // Find N. Declare local arrays.
  int N = a.extent(0) - 2;
  Array<double,1> x(N), y(N);

  // Scan up diagonal from i = N to 1
  x(N-1) = - a(N) / b(N);
  y(N-1) = w(N) / b(N);

  for (int i = N-2; i > 0; i--)
      x(i) = - a(i+1) / (b(i+1) + c(i+1) * x(i+1));
      y(i) = (w(i+1) - c(i+1) * y(i+1)) / (b(i+1) + c(i+1) * x(i+1));

  x(0) = 0.;
  y(0) = (w(1) - c(1) * y(1)) / (b(1) + c(1) * x(1));

  // Scan down diagonal from i = 0 to N-1
  u(1) = y(0);
  for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
    u(i+1) = x(i) * u(i) + y(i);

set output 'gaussian.png'
set key bmargin left horizontal Right noreverse enhanced autotitles box linetype -1 linewidth 1.000
plot 'gaussian.dat' using 2:1 with lines ,'gaussian_pde.dat' using 2:1 with lines



  • gaussian.png
    4.3 KB · Views: 1,015
  • #3
What I find irritating at a first glance is that the arrays for the a,b,c diags are of equal size, thus two of them are padded; I'd doubt this improves efficiency or simplifies usage significantly.



Let T be your Matrix with a,b,c diags.

From http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/teaching/329/lectures/node92.html
// Invert tridiagonal matrix equation
  Tridiagonal (a, b, c, w, u);

i take it one should solve

T * u = w

for u by inverting T in the Tridiagonal function.

boost::ublas has an adaptor for banded matrices

and LAPACK of course has this as well

Have you checked the correctness of your own Tridiagonal function with either of them?

Regards, Solkar

Related to [C++] Crank-Nicolson advection of gaussian pulse.

1. What is Crank-Nicolson advection?

Crank-Nicolson advection is a numerical method used to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) that describe the advection of a quantity, such as heat or fluid, through a physical domain. It is a combination of the forward-time and backward-time Euler methods and is known for its stability and accuracy.

2. How does Crank-Nicolson advection work?

In Crank-Nicolson advection, the physical domain is divided into a grid of points. The values at each point are then calculated using a finite difference scheme, which approximates the derivatives in the PDE. This results in a system of linear equations that can be solved iteratively to obtain the solution at each time step.

3. What is a gaussian pulse?

A gaussian pulse is a type of mathematical function that represents a pulse or wave with a bell-shaped curve. It is commonly used to model physical phenomena, such as diffusion or heat transfer, and is characterized by its peak amplitude, width, and center. In the context of Crank-Nicolson advection, a gaussian pulse can represent a quantity being advected through the physical domain.

4. What are the advantages of using Crank-Nicolson advection?

Crank-Nicolson advection has several advantages over other numerical methods for solving PDEs. It is unconditionally stable, meaning that it can handle large time steps without becoming numerically unstable. It is also second-order accurate, which means that it can provide more accurate solutions compared to first-order methods. Additionally, it can handle non-linear advection problems and is relatively easy to implement.

5. What are some applications of Crank-Nicolson advection?

Crank-Nicolson advection has a wide range of applications in various fields, such as fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and atmospheric science. It can be used to model the movement of fluids in pipes and channels, the spread of pollutants in the environment, and the diffusion of heat in materials. It is also commonly used in weather and climate models to simulate the advection of air masses and the transport of heat and moisture.

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