C++ object oriented, classes/methods

  • Comp Sci
  • Thread starter MostlyHarmless
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In summary, students are working on a program that uses two different classes to sort and print a list of songs from a text file. They are running into issues with their output and are seeking help to identify and resolve the issue. The program is also supposed to have the ability to sort and shuffle the list, but this is not currently implemented. The code provided includes the Song and Song_Library classes, as well as a read_songs() function.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The problem statement is very long, but in a pinch, I'm supposed to take a text file and use 2 different classes, Song class, and Song_Library class to sort, print, etc..

I'm running into the problem(among others) of my output being really really dumb. And I think it's in my read_songs() function. But I'll post the entire code for you to see, because, what do I know, I'm just a math major! :)

The program is also supposed to sort the list by either title or length, which it's not, but I'll worry about that after I get it to read correctly. And it is supposed to shuffle the list, which you'll notice I have an empty method for that, it's to come later.

Generally I'd be emailing my GTA, but he seems to have gone to bed since it not due until tomorrow at midnight, but I need to get it done sooner than that. I've got other stuff to worry about tomorrow. :)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Song
   void set(string t, string g, string a, int y, int l);
   void get(string& t, string& g, string& a, int& y, int& l);
   void print();
   string get_title();
   int get_length();

   string Title;
   string Genre;
   int Year;
   string Artist;
   int Length;


class Song_Library
   Song_Library(string filename);
   bool is_empty();
   void sort_title();
   void sort_length();
   void shuffle();
   void print();
   static const int SIZE = 20;
   Song list[SIZE];
   int count;
//Methods for Song class


   Title = "ttt";
   Genre = "ggg";
   Artist = "aaa";
   Length = 0;
   Year = 2013;


void Song::set(string t, string g, string a, int y, int l)

   Title = t;
   Genre = g;
   Artist = a;
   Length = l;
   Year = y;


void Song::get(string &t, string &g, string &a, int &y, int &l)

   t = Title;
   g = Genre;
   a = Artist;
   l = Length;
   y = Year;


string Song::get_title()
 return Title;

int Song::get_length()
 return Length;

void Song::print()
   cout << setw(30) << Title
        << setw(10) << Genre
        << setw(30) << Artist
        << setw(10) << Length
        << setw(10) << Year << endl;

//Methods for Song_Library class
 count = 0;

Song_Library::Song_Library(const string filename)
 fstream infile;

   string title;
   string genre;
   string artist;
   string year;
   string seconds;
   string blank;
   count = 0;
   while (count < SIZE && !infile.eof())
   //   getline(infile, title);
      Song get_title();
      getline(infile, genre);
      getline(infile, artist);
      getline(infile, year);
   //   getline(infile, seconds);
      Song get_length();
      getline(infile, blank);
      int iseconds = atoi(seconds.c_str());
      int iyear = atoi(year.c_str());
      list[count].set(title, genre, artist, iyear, iseconds);

bool Song_Library::is_empty()
  if((count = 0))
    return true;
    return false;

void Song_Library::sort_title()
 for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++)
      // Find location of smallest value in unsorted part
      int location = index;
      for (int pos = index; pos < SIZE; pos++)
         if (list[pos].get_title() < list[location].get_title())
            location = pos;

      // Swap value to end of sorted part
      Song temp = list[index];
      list[index] = list[location];
      list[location] = temp;


void Song_Library::sort_length()
 for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++)
      int location = index;
      for (int pos = index; pos < SIZE; pos++)
          if (list[pos].get_length() < list[location].get_length())
             location = pos;

      Song temp = list[index];
      list[index] = list[location];
      list[location] = temp;

void Song_Library::shuffle()


void Song_Library::print()
   cout << setw(30) << "Title"
        << setw(10) << "Genre"
        << setw(30) << "Artist"
        << setw(10) << "Seconds"
        << setw(10) << "Year" << endl;
   for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++)
   cout << endl;

void read_songs(Song list[], int size, int &count)
   string title;
   string genre;
   string artist;
   string year;
   string seconds;
   string blank;
   count = 0;
   fstream infile;
   while (count < size && !infile.eof())
   //   getline(infile, title);
      Song get_title();
      getline(infile, genre);
      getline(infile, artist);
      getline(infile, year);
   //   getline(infile, seconds);
      Song get_length();
      getline(infile, blank);
      int iseconds = atoi(seconds.c_str());
      int iyear = atoi(year.c_str());
      list[count].set(title, genre, artist, iyear, iseconds);

void print_menu(){
    cout << "Please select one of the following options:\n";
    cout << "0: for quiting\n";
    cout << "1: for printing\n";
    cout << "2: for sorting title\n";
    cout << "3: for sorting length\n";
    cout << "4: for shuffling\n";
    cout << "Please type 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4\n";
int get_option(){
    char option;
    string s;
    while (!( option >= '0' && option <= '4')){
        cout << "Wrong option value\n";
    return option - '0';
int main(int argc, char** argv)

    // initialize library from a file
    Song_Library lib("songs.txt");

    // menu loop
    int option = -1;
    while ( option != 0 ){
        option = get_option();

        // handle the user commands
        switch (option){
            case 0:{
                cout << "Have a good day. Program is terminating\n";
            case 1:{
                if ( lib.is_empty()) {
                    cout << "Nothing to print for an empty library\n";
                } else {
            case 2: {
                if ( lib.is_empty()) {
                    cout << "No title to sort for an empty library\n";
                } else {
            case 3: {
                 if ( lib.is_empty()) {
                    cout << "No title to sort for an empty library\n";
                } else {
            case 4: {
                if ( lib.is_empty()) {
                    cout << "No title to shuffle for an empty library\n";
                } else {
    return 0;

Here is the text file being read(This was given to us, don't judge the selection!)

Katy Perry


Wrecking Ball
Miley Cyrus

Rap God
Hip Hop

Wake Me Up!

Counting Stars

Hold On, We're Going Home
Hip Hop
Drake Featuring Majid Jordan

The Fox

Lady Gaga
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Here's your problem:
   //   getline(infile, title);
      Song get_title();
      getline(infile, genre);
      getline(infile, artist);
      getline(infile, year);
   //   getline(infile, seconds);
      Song get_length();

*You* commented out two critical lines of code and replaced them with nonsense. Your Song::get_title() and Song::get_length() don't get a value for the title and length from the input file. They return the current value of the song's title and length data members.

Learn to use a debugger. You would have found this error immediately while walking the debugger through your code.
  • #3
Jesse H. said:

Homework Statement

The problem statement is very long, but in a pinch, I'm supposed to take a text file and use 2 different classes, Song class, and Song_Library class to sort, print, etc..

I'm running into the problem(among others) of my output being really really dumb. And I think it's in my read_songs() function. But I'll post the entire code for you to see, because, what do I know, I'm just a math major! :)

The program is also supposed to sort the list by either title or length, which it's not, but I'll worry about that after I get it to read correctly. And it is supposed to shuffle the list, which you'll notice I have an empty method for that, it's to come later.

Generally I'd be emailing my GTA, but he seems to have gone to bed since it not due until tomorrow at midnight, but I need to get it done sooner than that. I've got other stuff to worry about tomorrow. :)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Song
   void set(string t, string g, string a, int y, int l);
   void get(string& t, string& g, string& a, int& y, int& l);
   void print();
   string get_title();
   int get_length();

   string Title;
   string Genre;
   int Year;
   string Artist;
   int Length;


class Song_Library
   Song_Library(string filename);
   bool is_empty();
   void sort_title();
   void sort_length();
   void shuffle();
   void print();
   static const int SIZE = 20;
   Song list[SIZE];
   int count;
//Methods for Song class


   Title = "ttt";
   Genre = "ggg";
   Artist = "aaa";
   Length = 0;
   Year = 2013;


void Song::set(string t, string g, string a, int y, int l)

   Title = t;
   Genre = g;
   Artist = a;
   Length = l;
   Year = y;


void Song::get(string &t, string &g, string &a, int &y, int &l)

   t = Title;
   g = Genre;
   a = Artist;
   l = Length;
   y = Year;


string Song::get_title()
 return Title;

int Song::get_length()
 return Length;

void Song::print()
   cout << setw(30) << Title
        << setw(10) << Genre
        << setw(30) << Artist
        << setw(10) << Length
        << setw(10) << Year << endl;

//Methods for Song_Library class
 count = 0;

Song_Library::Song_Library(const string filename)
 fstream infile;

   string title;
   string genre;
   string artist;
   string year;
   string seconds;
   string blank;
   count = 0;
   while (count < SIZE && !infile.eof())
   //   getline(infile, title);
      Song get_title();
      getline(infile, genre);
      getline(infile, artist);
      getline(infile, year);
   //   getline(infile, seconds);
      Song get_length();
      getline(infile, blank);
      int iseconds = atoi(seconds.c_str());
      int iyear = atoi(year.c_str());
      list[count].set(title, genre, artist, iyear, iseconds);

bool Song_Library::is_empty()
  if((count = 0))
    return true;
    return false;

void Song_Library::sort_title()
 for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++)
      // Find location of smallest value in unsorted part
      int location = index;
      for (int pos = index; pos < SIZE; pos++)
         if (list[pos].get_title() < list[location].get_title())
            location = pos;

      // Swap value to end of sorted part
      Song temp = list[index];
      list[index] = list[location];
      list[location] = temp;


void Song_Library::sort_length()
 for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++)
      int location = index;
      for (int pos = index; pos < SIZE; pos++)
          if (list[pos].get_length() < list[location].get_length())
             location = pos;

      Song temp = list[index];
      list[index] = list[location];
      list[location] = temp;

void Song_Library::shuffle()


void Song_Library::print()
   cout << setw(30) << "Title"
        << setw(10) << "Genre"
        << setw(30) << "Artist"
        << setw(10) << "Seconds"
        << setw(10) << "Year" << endl;
   for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++)
   cout << endl;

void read_songs(Song list[], int size, int &count)
   string title;
   string genre;
   string artist;
   string year;
   string seconds;
   string blank;
   count = 0;
   fstream infile;
   while (count < size && !infile.eof())
   //   getline(infile, title);
      Song get_title();
      getline(infile, genre);
      getline(infile, artist);
      getline(infile, year);
   //   getline(infile, seconds);
      Song get_length();
      getline(infile, blank);
      int iseconds = atoi(seconds.c_str());
      int iyear = atoi(year.c_str());
      list[count].set(title, genre, artist, iyear, iseconds);

void print_menu(){
    cout << "Please select one of the following options:\n";
    cout << "0: for quiting\n";
    cout << "1: for printing\n";
    cout << "2: for sorting title\n";
    cout << "3: for sorting length\n";
    cout << "4: for shuffling\n";
    cout << "Please type 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4\n";
int get_option(){
    char option;
    string s;
    while (!( option >= '0' && option <= '4')){
        cout << "Wrong option value\n";
    return option - '0';
int main(int argc, char** argv)

    // initialize library from a file
    Song_Library lib("songs.txt");

    // menu loop
    int option = -1;
    while ( option != 0 ){
        option = get_option();

        // handle the user commands
        switch (option){
            case 0:{
                cout << "Have a good day. Program is terminating\n";
            case 1:{
                if ( lib.is_empty()) {
                    cout << "Nothing to print for an empty library\n";
                } else {
            case 2: {
                if ( lib.is_empty()) {
                    cout << "No title to sort for an empty library\n";
                } else {
            case 3: {
                 if ( lib.is_empty()) {
                    cout << "No title to sort for an empty library\n";
                } else {
            case 4: {
                if ( lib.is_empty()) {
                    cout << "No title to shuffle for an empty library\n";
                } else {
    return 0;

Here is the text file being read(This was given to us, don't judge the selection!)

Katy Perry


Wrecking Ball
Miley Cyrus

Rap God
Hip Hop

Wake Me Up!

Counting Stars

Hold On, We're Going Home
Hip Hop
Drake Featuring Majid Jordan

The Fox

Lady Gaga
You didn't provide much info to go on to help you debug this, so I'll just list a couple of things I spotted. In main, you call your Song_Library constructor, passing the name of the text file. In the constructor you don't use the passed filename - you use a hard-coded string when you call infile.open. Since you say you're getting output, I have to assume that your code is able to find the text file.

The Song_Library constructor doesn't set iseconds correctly. Here's the relevant code:
   //   getline(infile, seconds);
      Song get_length();
      getline(infile, blank);
      int iseconds = atoi(seconds.c_str());
You have the first line commented out, so seconds is set with some garbage value. A few lines later you convert that garbage value to an int and store it in iseconds. That's guaranteed to give you a bad value for the song's time.

What debugger do you have available? If you know how to use it, that would be very helpful, as you could set a breakpoint at a location where you're not sure you're getting the right value. If you don't have a debugger available (probably not likely) or do have one around but don't know how to use it, you could always fall back to the timeworn debugging technique of liberally adding simple output statements your code that display the value of some variable. If you're getting the expected values, you can remove or comment out those output statements.
  • #4
We have not been made aware of any debuggers. We are just using nano on an Ubuntu server we are accessing via a secure shell.

I uncommented the getline... pieces and took out the other ones, and it is reading and sorting correctly now. Thanks!

Now I'm having trouble with the shuffle method. Its compiling but I'm getting a segmentation fault. I think, its because of the way I've tried to sort it has no way of guaranteeing that each position I'm the array has a unique assignment and that each position is used. This is because I had very little idea of how to randomize the sort. So my code for this method is not much more than a shot in the dark. So a nudge in the right direction would be great.

Here is my code for that method right now:

void Song_Library::shuffle()
 int location = random();
 for(int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++)
   Song temp = list[index];
   list[index] = list[location];
   list[location] = temp;

And again, there is not much reasoning behind this.
Last edited:
  • #5
Where are you getting your random function? There's a rand() function in cstdlib, but I don't see a random function. location needs to be set to a valid index in your list of Song instances.

Also, I believe you are using SIZE as the maximum possible index in your list. You should be using the actual size (I think you call it count) in your loop, rather than the maximum size.
  • #6
Mark44 said:
Where are you getting your random function? There's a rand() function in cstdlib, but I don't see a random function. location needs to be set to a valid index in your list of Song instances.
As I said, it was a misguided effort. The random() function, was what I thought was like a "default" operator.

Ok, so do I need to change it to " int location = index" and then move it down into my for loop.

I was using my other sort methods as examples for this one. Following that thought process, would it make since to have essentially the same code as the other sort methods and but change the part where it determines what needs to be swapped?

(and maybe I should have started with this)
For example:

void Song_Library::sort_length()
 for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++)
      int location = index;             
      [B][I]for (int pos = index; pos < SIZE; pos++)
          if (list[pos].get_length() < list[location].get_length())
             location = pos;[/I][/B]

      Song temp = list[index];
      list[index] = list[location];
      list[location] = temp;   

In this sort method, the part in bold is the code that is determining what to sort(right?).

So would my shuffle method resemble this, but with different code in bold?

Also, I believe you are using SIZE as the maximum possible index in your list. You should be using the actual size (I think you call it count) in your loop, rather than the maximum size.

Yeah, I was actually thinking I needed to change that because every time I run the program it prints 20 lines everytime regardless of how much data is in the file.

I was waiting to fix that because, I was thinking I needed to change every instance of "SIZE" to "count"? Is that right?
  • #7
Ok, I've got my shuffle working, (a classmate pointed me in the direction of some sample code from our lecture notes)

Here is the shuffle method I used:

void Song_Library::shuffle()
 int Swap;
 Song temp;
 for(int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++)
     for(int pos = index; pos < SIZE; pos++)
         Swap = rand() % SIZE;
         temp = list[Swap];
         list[Swap] = list[index];
         list[index] = temp;

It works, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's right, and I'm not sure what everything here is doing.

First, is the "srand(time(0))" - I don't know what this is doing.

Next, the example in the notes wasn't exactly this, but it was very similiar, however, they had a the for loop inside of a for loop like I have, but in this instance, I don't feel both are necessary.
I commented out one of the loops, and it still works, but like I said, that doesn't mean it's right. Can you verify this?
  • #8
Jesse H. said:
As I said, it was a misguided effort. The random() function, was what I thought was like a "default" operator.
You could use the rand() function. It's not an operator.
Jesse H. said:
Ok, so do I need to change it to " int location = index" and then move it down into my for loop.
I'll have to think about that.
Jesse H. said:
I was using my other sort methods as examples for this one. Following that thought process, would it make since to have essentially the same code as the other sort methods and but change the part where it determines what needs to be swapped?
Sounds like a good idea.
Jesse H. said:
(and maybe I should have started with this)
For example:

void Song_Library::sort_length()
 for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++)
      int location = index;             
      [B][I]for (int pos = index; pos < SIZE; pos++)
          if (list[pos].get_length() < list[location].get_length())
             location = pos;[/I][/B]

      Song temp = list[index];
      list[index] = list[location];
      list[location] = temp;   

In this sort method, the part in bold is the code that is determining what to sort(right?).

So would my shuffle method resemble this, but with different code in bold?

Yeah, I was actually thinking I needed to change that because every time I run the program it prints 20 lines everytime regardless of how much data is in the file.

I was waiting to fix that because, I was thinking I needed to change every instance of "SIZE" to "count"? Is that right?
No, but you need to understand what SIZE and count represent. SIZE is the maximum number of elements in your list of Song objects. count is the actual number of elements in this list. If the input text file has only 14 songs in it, count should reflect that. All or most of your functions should be using count, not SIZE. Otherwise, unless your textfile contains exactly SIZE (20) songs, the loops will be processing some garbage data.

Jesse H. said:
Ok, I've got my shuffle working, (a classmate pointed me in the direction of some sample code from our lecture notes)

Here is the shuffle method I used:

void Song_Library::shuffle()
 int Swap;
 Song temp;
 for(int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++)
     for(int pos = index; pos < SIZE; pos++)
         Swap = rand() % SIZE;
         temp = list[Swap];
         list[Swap] = list[index];
         list[index] = temp;

It works, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's right, and I'm not sure what everything here is doing.
Writing code where you don't understand what the code is doing is not a good idea. It would be a good idea to hand-simulate what your code is doing with a small set of data, say four songs. Assume that your list starts out sorted in some way (by artist, by song title, whatever). Working with a piece of paper and a pen or pencil, see if you can figure out what your list might look like after each loop iteration.
Jesse H. said:
First, is the "srand(time(0))" - I don't know what this is doing.
srand(...) seeds the random number generator. Generally you need to to this only once.
Jesse H. said:
Next, the example in the notes wasn't exactly this, but it was very similiar, however, they had a the for loop inside of a for loop like I have, but in this instance, I don't feel both are necessary.
I commented out one of the loops, and it still works, but like I said, that doesn't mean it's right. Can you verify this?
It sounds like you might be talking about a sort function, not a shuffle function.
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  • #9
Writing code where you don't understand what the code is doing is not a good idea. It would be a good idea to hand-simulate what your code is doing with a small set of data, say four songs. Assume that your list starts out sorted in some way (by artist, by song title, whatever). Working with a piece of paper and a pen or pencil, see if you can figure out what your list might look like after each loop iteration.

The only thing I didn't understand was the srand(...) part. From there I can follow what the loops are doing, which is why I questioned the need for a nested for loop.

It sounds like you might be talking about a sort function, not a shuffle function.

The function I was looking at was actually labeled as a shuffle() method.

It was dealing with a deck of cards, and the first for loop was telling it to run 7 times, presumably for hands?

No, but you need to understand what SIZE and count represent. SIZE is the maximum number of elements in your list of Song objects. count is the actual number of elements in this list. If the input text file has only 14 songs in it, count should reflect that. All or most of your functions should be using count, not SIZE. Otherwise, unless your textfile contains exactly SIZE (20) songs, the loops will be processing some garbage data.

What were you saying No to?
This part of the code was what was confusing me, because what you said makes sense and it was what I expected but when I changed the instances of SIZE to count that needed to be changed, it wouldn't print anything, so after I got everything figured out, I added cout statements to tell me what value of count was at each method, I figured out that it was passing as 0 after the is_empty() method. Then I saw that I had, if((count = 0)) rather than if(count == 0), so when ithe main function called is_empty() it would reset count to 0. So all is good now. And the program is working as intended! So, thanks!
  • #10
The "No" was in response to your question, which was quoted just above my reply.
Jesse H. said:
I was waiting to fix that because, I was thinking I needed to change every instance of "SIZE" to "count"? Is that right?
Mark44 said:
No, but you need to understand what SIZE and count represent.

What I meant was that you shouldn't do a blanket replacement of SIZE to count everywhere, only where it was necessary to make that change.
Jesse H. said:
And the program is working as intended! So, thanks!
Excellent! I personally get a lot of satisfaction when I have written some code and it works just right!

Related to C++ object oriented, classes/methods

1. What is an object-oriented programming language?

An object-oriented programming language, such as C++, is a type of programming language that is based on the concept of objects and their interactions. This means that the code is organized around objects that have properties and methods, rather than just a series of instructions.

2. What is a class in C++?

A class in C++ is a blueprint or template for creating objects. It defines the properties and methods that all objects of that class will have. Classes allow for code reusability and organization, making it easier to manage and maintain larger projects.

3. What are methods in C++?

Methods in C++ are functions that are associated with a specific class. They are used to manipulate and interact with the data within an object. Methods can be public, which means they can be accessed from outside the class, or private, which means they can only be accessed from within the class.

4. How do you create an object in C++?

To create an object in C++, you first need to define a class. Then, you can use the class name and the keyword "new" to instantiate an object. For example, if you have a class called "Car", you can create an object of that class by writing "Car myCar = new Car();" This will create an instance of the Car class and assign it to the variable "myCar."

5. What is inheritance in C++?

Inheritance in C++ is a mechanism that allows a class to inherit the properties and methods of another class. This means that a child class can use all the features of its parent class, and can also add its own unique properties and methods. This promotes code reuse and helps to create more efficient and organized code.

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