C-Parity Oddity of Magnetic Current in SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory

In summary, the beta function is a way of quantifying how energy affects charge, and QCD has ANTI-screening which causes the charge to decrease as you probe at higher and higher energies.
  • #1
Why a magnetic current obviously must be C-
parity odd in the (exact) SU(2) theory? (C^{-1} J_M C=-J_M).
Best regard. Leonid
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Leonid said:
Why a magnetic current obviously must be C-
parity odd in the (exact) SU(2) theory? (C^{-1} J_M C=-J_M).
Best regard. Leonid

Just a wild guess as a source for further discussion:

1) the magnetic current is a pseudovector since it is the curl of the dual SU(2) field tensor
2) thus it changes sign under PT
3) due to CPT invariance it also changes sign under C

Don't know if this is correct.
  • #3
It also follows from the generalized Maxwell's equations with magnetic monopoles. Gauss's law reads [tex]\nabla\cdot\vec{E}=\rho[/tex]. Under C, charge changes sign and since derivatives don't care about C, it must be that [tex]\vec{E}[/tex] also changes sign. Applying this rule to the generalized Faraday law [tex]\nabla\times\vec{E}=J_M + \ldots[/tex], it must be that the magnetic current is also odd if C is a good symmetry.
  • #4

I have heard that in QCD, there is something called the beta function, How is that function usefull and does that have to do with the asymptotic freedom of quarks?
  • #5
ghery said:

I have heard that in QCD, there is something called the beta function, How is that function usefull and does that have to do with the asymptotic freedom of quarks?

In any interacting quantum field theory, there is a beta function - this is the function that explains how a coupling constant varies with the energy you measure it.

For example: consider the electric charge of an electron. It turns out that this number depends on the energy you are probing the electron with. The reason in that in quantum field theory, you can make particle-antiparticle pairs and this has the effect of "screening" the charge. As you probe at higher and higher energies (shorter and shorter distances) you are able to cut through more of that "quantum interference" and so the measured charge increases. The beta function is a way of quantifying that idea.

Now on to QCD: it turns out (due to the nature of nonabelian gauge theories) that QCD has the opposite effect - it has ANTI-screening. So as you probe at higher and higher energies (smaller and smaller distances) the measured charge actually DEcreases! This is the phenomenon known as "asymptotic freedom."

As to how it's useful: it is absolutely VITAL! You cannot do QCD computations without it (and get the right answer!).

Hope that helps!

FAQ: C-Parity Oddity of Magnetic Current in SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory

1. What is the C-Parity Oddity of Magnetic Current in SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory?

The C-Parity Oddity of Magnetic Current refers to the phenomenon observed in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory where the magnetic current, which is a conserved quantity, behaves differently under charge conjugation (C) compared to other conserved quantities like electric current and energy. This oddity is a result of the non-Abelian nature of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory.

2. How does the oddity of magnetic current affect other properties of the theory?

The oddity of magnetic current has implications for several properties of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. For example, it plays a crucial role in the confinement of quarks, the generation of mass for gauge bosons, and the breaking of chiral symmetry. It also affects the behavior of the theory at high temperatures.

3. What are the applications of studying the C-Parity Oddity of Magnetic Current?

Studying the C-Parity Oddity of Magnetic Current is important for understanding the fundamental properties and behavior of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. It also has practical applications in fields like particle physics, quantum chromodynamics, and condensed matter physics.

4. How does the oddity of magnetic current relate to other symmetries in the theory?

The oddity of magnetic current is closely related to other symmetries in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory, such as chiral symmetry and gauge symmetry. It is also connected to the Higgs mechanism, which is responsible for the generation of mass in the theory.

5. Are there any ongoing research or developments related to the C-Parity Oddity of Magnetic Current?

Yes, there is ongoing research in this area, with scientists trying to better understand the oddity of magnetic current and its implications for the theory. Some recent developments include the use of lattice simulations and effective field theories to study this phenomenon and its connection to other properties of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory.

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