-c6. Find the GCF and the LCF of A and B.

  • MHB
  • Thread starter karush
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In summary, to find the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of A and B, we take the lowest and highest powers of each prime in the given numbers, respectively. The GCF of A and B is (2)(3)(11^2)(13) and the LCM is (2^3)(3^3)(5^3)(7^3)(11^2)(13^3).
  • #1
Gold Member
Find the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of A and B.
Write your answers as a product of powers of primes in increasing order.
$A=2^3 3 \cdot 5^3 \cdot 11^2 \cdot 13 $
$B = 2 \cdot 3^3 \cdot 7^3 \cdot 11^2 \cdot 13^3 $
$GCF(A,B) = \boxed{?}$
$LCM(A,B) = \boxed{?}$

ok apparently this is just by observation
but its kinda subtle so I went with $GCF(A,B) = \boxed{11^2}$ $LCM(A,B) = \boxed{2}$
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I am afraid you are misunderstanding "greatest common factor". That is not a single prime that is in both numbers, it is the largest number that evenly divides both. I see that A has \(\displaystyle 2^3\) as a factor and B has 2 as a factor so the GCF has 2 as a factor. A has 3 as a factor and B has \(\displaystyle 3^3\) so the GCF has 3 as a factor. A has \(\displaystyle 5^3\) as a factor but B does not have a power of 5 as a factor so the GCF does not have a power of 5 as a factor. B has \(\displaystyle 7^3\) as a factor but A does not have a power of 7 as a factor so the GCF does not have a power of 7 as a factor. Both A and B have \(\displaystyle 11^2\) as a factor so the GCF has \(\displaystyle 11^2\) as a factor. A has 13 as a factor and B has \(\displaystyle 13^3\) as a factor so the GCF has13 as a factor.

The GCF is \(\displaystyle (2)(3)(11^2)(13)\)

For the GCF we took the lowest power of each prime. For the LCM (least common multiple) take the highest power. The LCM of A and B is \(\displaystyle (2^3)(3^3)(5^3)(7^3)(11^2)(13^3)\).

FAQ: -c6. Find the GCF and the LCF of A and B.

1. What is the GCF of A and B?

The GCF (Greatest Common Factor) of two numbers A and B is the largest number that divides both A and B without leaving a remainder. It is also known as the greatest common divisor (GCD).

2. How do you find the GCF of A and B?

To find the GCF of two numbers A and B, you can use the prime factorization method. First, find the prime factors of both A and B. Then, identify the common prime factors and multiply them together to get the GCF.

3. What is the LCF of A and B?

The LCF (Least Common Factor) of two numbers A and B is the smallest number that is a multiple of both A and B. It is also known as the least common multiple (LCM).

4. How do you find the LCF of A and B?

To find the LCF of two numbers A and B, you can use the prime factorization method. First, find the prime factors of both A and B. Then, identify the common prime factors and multiply them together with any remaining prime factors to get the LCF.

5. What is the relationship between GCF and LCF?

The GCF and LCF are both measures of the common factors between two numbers. The GCF is the largest common factor, while the LCF is the smallest common multiple. The GCF and LCF are related by the equation: GCF x LCF = A x B, where A and B are the two numbers.

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