Cable rotations formulae or method

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of using a rotating cable to block projectiles. The participants also mention the difficulty in calculating the stopping power of the cable and suggest removing variables to simplify the calculation. They also reference the use of synchronized guns and propellers in aerial warfare as a similar concept.
  • #1
Kyle Harris
Hello, and thank you for your time.

I observed a wire vibrating is good at blocking things trying to pass through their area.
for example a rope spinning around can stop a tennis ball thrown through that area.
obviously the speed of the rope allows it to "protect" an larger area than its gauge.

On this background, does anyone know how i could calculate the stopping power of
a cable rotating.

for example a 5mm gauge cable rotating at x speed and with enough slack to cover x amount of space could stop a projectile at x mph velocity.sorry if the question is poor as i have no engineering background.

any suggestions welcome.

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  • #2
That does not work. For many realistic values you will have a non-zero probability that the particle gets through without a collision, and if it collides the motion afterwards depends on where exactly it hits and many other details that are hard to define in general.

If your rope makes one revolution in the time the projectile needs to travel its own length, then you will certainly get some collision.
  • #3
this reminds me of back in the early days of aerial warfare where they finally figured out how to sync guns and propeller
so as to shoot through the prop without destroying it
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Likes billy_joule
  • #4
thank you for your reply mfb

davenn might be onto something there
if they can work out when to fire than surely the opposite of when not to fire is possible.

supposed we remove variables
"one revolution in the time the projectile needs to travel its own length"
also sounds interesting.
for example if an object travels at 10mph and is 10 cm long
how could i roughly work out the revolutions needed?

its at times like this i wish i were as smart as an engineer.
  • #5
First you convert the 10mph to proper units: roughly 5m/s. It travels 10cm in 10cm/(5m/s) = 1/50s = 20ms.
If your string makes 50 revolutions per second (quite fast), it will certainly hit it in some way.
  • #6
You must also consider the differential velocity. If the screen is like a skipping rope there will be two “walls” to pass through near the middle. But at either the top or bottom there will be a horizontal movement in the same direction as the projectile. That will allow the projectile to pass with a higher probability.
The probability profile plotted against against height of the object's trajectory will depend on length and speed of the projectile, along with the direction and rate of rotation of the wire generated “cage” of revolution.

Related to Cable rotations formulae or method

1. What are cable rotations formulae?

Cable rotations formulae are mathematical equations that are used to calculate the rotation of a cable or wire under tension. They take into account factors such as the tension force, cable length, and material properties to determine the amount of rotation that will occur.

2. How are cable rotations formulae used?

Cable rotations formulae are used in engineering and physics to design and analyze cable systems, such as suspension bridges, cable-stayed bridges, and cranes. They help engineers determine the maximum load that a cable can withstand and the expected amount of rotation under different conditions.

3. What is the difference between cable rotations formulae and cable sag equations?

Cable rotations formulae calculate the rotation of a cable under tension, while cable sag equations determine the amount of sag or deflection in a cable due to its own weight. Both are important in cable design and can be used together to ensure the structural integrity of a cable system.

4. Are there different cable rotations formulae for different types of cables?

Yes, there are different formulae for different types of cables, as the material properties and geometry of the cable can affect the amount of rotation. For example, the formula for steel cables will be different from that of a fiber rope. It is important to use the appropriate formula for the specific type of cable being analyzed.

5. Can cable rotations formulae account for changes in temperature?

Yes, some cable rotations formulae can account for changes in temperature, as this can affect the material properties of the cable and ultimately impact its rotation. It is important to consider all factors, including temperature, when using cable rotations formulae for accurate results.
