Calc 1 proof IVT Rolles theorem

In summary, if x is a very large negative number, then f(x)=-1000000. If x is a very large positive number, then f(x)=1000000.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

Use the intermediate value theorem and rolles theorem to prove that the equation has exactly one real solution

The Attempt at a Solution

Let the interval be [a,b] and let f(a)<0 and f(b)>0
Then by the IVT there must be at least one zero between a and b.
since f'(x) doesn't = 0 anywhere and its always >0, therefore f(x) is increasing throughout its entire domain. Therefore f(a) cannot = f(b) anywhere.

I feel like I am doing a bad job at explaining this, but this is my first proof for class ever, other than geometry in high school and i was bad at it. Is there anything terribly wrong or that could be improved upon at all?
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  • #2
462chevelle said:

Homework Statement

Use the intermediate value theorem and rolles theorem to prove that the equation has exactly one real solution
3. The Attempt at a Solution
Let the interval be [a,b] and let f(a)<0 and f(b)>0
No, you can't do this. You need to find numbers a and b for which the two inequalities are true. Just try a few values to see if you can get the function to change sign going from one number to the other.
462chevelle said:
Then by the IVT there must be at least one zero between a and b.
since f'(x) doesn't = 0 anywhere and its always >0, therefore f(x) is increasing throughout its entire domain. Therefore f(a) cannot = f(b) anywhere.

I feel like I am doing a bad job at explaining this, but this is my first proof for class ever, other than geometry in high school and i was bad at it. Is there anything terribly wrong or that could be improved upon at all?
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  • #3
My confusion is that there is no points where f(a)=f(b) so i don't really know what to do with rolles theorem. Ill rewrite that part with some numbers.
  • #4
Let me change what I said. Use the IVT first. That will show that there is at least one root.
  • #5
alright, so if i make the interval [0,2] i get a - then a +. so that would satisfy the IVT. then i use my info that the derivative is always positive so the function is always increasing, therefore only crosses the x-axis once. How do i factor in rolles theorem? or would i have to use contradiction or something? Or could i say, that since there is no interval where f(a)=f(b) then if the function is increasing in one point then it must be increasing throughout the entire domain.
  • #6
I think you have to use contradiction. From the IVT, you know that there is a zero (around 1.2, BTW). Call this a.

Now suppose that there is another solution b ≠ a, such that f(b) = 0.
What does Rolle's say?
What do you know about f'(x)?
  • #7
You have already said
since f'(x) doesn't = 0 anywhere and its always >0, therefore f(x) is increasing throughout its entire domain. Therefore f(a) cannot = f(b) anywhere.
So if f(a)= 0 then we cannot have f(b)= 0 for any other b. that is, f(x)= 0 has at most one solution.

As others have said you cannot simply assert
Let the interval be [a,b] and let f(a)<0 and f(b)>0
until you know that there exist values of x where f(x)< 0 and where f(x)> 0.

You are given that f(x)= 2x- 2- cos(x). Further, you know that cos(x) has value only between -1 and 1. Suppose x is some very large, negative, number, say x= -1000000. What can you say about f(x)? Suppose x is some very large, positive, number, say x= 1000000. What can you say about f(x)?

FAQ: Calc 1 proof IVT Rolles theorem

What is Calc 1 proof IVT Rolles theorem?

Calc 1 proof IVT Rolles theorem is a fundamental theorem in calculus that states if a function is continuous on a closed interval and has equal values at the endpoints, then there must be at least one point within the interval where the derivative of the function is equal to zero.

What is the significance of IVT Rolles theorem?

IVT Rolles theorem is significant because it provides a way to prove the existence of a root or solution to an equation. It also helps in identifying the critical points of a function, which can be used to find the maximum and minimum values of the function.

What is the difference between IVT and Rolles theorem?

The Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT) states that if a function is continuous on a closed interval, then it takes on every value between the values at the endpoints of the interval. Rolles theorem is a special case of IVT, where the function has equal values at the endpoints and a derivative of zero at some point within the interval.

How is IVT Rolles theorem used in real-life applications?

IVT Rolles theorem has various applications in real-life problems involving optimization, such as finding the maximum and minimum values of a function. It is also used in physics, engineering, and economics to determine critical points and extrema of a function.

What are the common mistakes made when applying IVT Rolles theorem?

Some common mistakes when using IVT Rolles theorem include not verifying the conditions of the theorem, such as continuity and equal values at the endpoints. Another mistake is assuming that the point where the derivative is zero is the only root of the equation, when in fact there may be multiple roots within the interval.
