Calc Equilibrium Forces in Rigid Bodies

In summary, the conversation discusses how to calculate the upward forces acting on a rigid body to maintain equilibrium, specifically in the case of a table with multiple legs. The equations and methods for solving the problem are also mentioned. The issue of generalizing to more than 3 legs and the effect of surface elasticity are also brought up. Ultimately, the problem requires advanced knowledge of plate theory and does not have a simple solution.
  • #1

Given a rigid body, to keep the body equilibrium, multiple upward forces act on the body with each a known displacement from the center of mass. How can we calculate the upward forces?

Now imagine we have a table, with 3 legs of neglible mass, the center of mass is at the center of the table, the displacements of the table legs are known. To make the table in equilibrium, we have the following equations:

f0 + f1 + f2 = -fw (F0, F1 and F2 are upward forces acted by the table legs, FW is the weight of the table)
D0 x F0 + D1 x F1 + D2 x F2 = 0 (this is the sum of torques caused by forces acted by the table legs, D0, D1 and D2 are displacements from the center of mass of the table)
the above equation turns out to be: (assuming z-axis is the vertical axis)

[x0 y0 0]^T x [0 0 f0]^T + [x1 y1 0]^T x [0 0 f1]^T + [x2 y2 0]^T x [0 0 f2], then all together gives the following system of equations:

f0 + f1 + f2 = -fw
y0*f0 + y1*f1 + y2*f2 = 0
-x0*f0 - x1*f1 - x2*f2 = 0

We can solve the above by Gaussian elimination or matrix inversion.

The problem is, how can we generalize to handle more than 3 table legs?

With 4 legs, we have

f0 + f1 + f2 + f3 = -fw
y0*f0 + y1*f1 + y2*f2 + y3*f3 = 0
-x0*f0 - x1*f1 - x2*f2 + x3*f3 = 0

However, we only have 3 equations but we have 4 unknowns here

Thanks in advance for any help

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  • #2
There is no way to tell. You only need 3 points of support. A 4th one is a redundancy. Realistically, on a perfect surface, one of the legs is going to be a bit short, resulting in only 3 legs used for support. On a real surface, there will be a bit of a give, so all 4 legs may touch at once. Then the exact lengths of all 4 legs and elastic properties of the surface will determine the force distribution.

If you don't account for the properties of the surface, you can't resolve the problem. If you do, there is your missing 4th equation.
  • #3
Thank you for your reply

So, with 4 legs of the same given length, and a given elasticity of the surface then, how do we come up with the 4th equation??

Thank you very much
  • #4
It is a very difficult problem requiring advanced knowledge of plate theory, the solution of which depends on the degree of elasticity of the supporting surface, table legs, and table surface itself. See here for some info regarding its solution, but no solution is given.
  • #5

Hi vc,

Thank you for your question. The equations you have provided are the correct way to calculate the equilibrium forces in a rigid body. In order to handle more than 3 table legs, we need to add more equations to the system. This can be done by considering the moments of the forces about a different point on the body, in addition to the center of mass. This will give us more equations to solve for the unknown forces.

For example, let's say we choose a point A on the table, and we know the distance from this point to each of the table legs (d0, d1, d2, d3). The equations for equilibrium will now be:

f0 + f1 + f2 + f3 = -fw
y0*f0 + y1*f1 + y2*f2 + y3*f3 = 0
-x0*f0 - x1*f1 - x2*f2 + x3*f3 = 0
-d0*f0 + d1*f1 + d2*f2 + d3*f3 = 0

Now we have 4 equations and 4 unknowns, and we can solve for the equilibrium forces using the same methods as before. This can be extended to any number of table legs by choosing additional points and finding their distances to each leg.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.

FAQ: Calc Equilibrium Forces in Rigid Bodies

1. What is the concept of equilibrium forces in rigid bodies?

Equilibrium forces in rigid bodies is the state when all the forces acting on a body are balanced, resulting in no net force and no net torque. This means that the body is either at rest or moving at a constant velocity.

2. What are the conditions for a rigid body to be in equilibrium?

For a rigid body to be in equilibrium, there are two conditions that must be met: the sum of all the forces acting on the body must be zero, and the sum of all the torques must also be zero. This ensures that there is no net force or net torque acting on the body.

3. How do you calculate the forces in equilibrium for a rigid body?

To calculate the forces in equilibrium for a rigid body, you must first draw a free body diagram and identify all the forces acting on the body. Then, using Newton's second law of motion (F=ma), you can set up equations to solve for the unknown forces. The equations must satisfy the two conditions for equilibrium mentioned above.

4. What is the difference between static and dynamic equilibrium?

Static equilibrium refers to a body at rest, where all the forces and torques acting on it are balanced. Dynamic equilibrium, on the other hand, refers to a body in motion at a constant velocity, where the forces and torques are also balanced. In both cases, there is no net force or net torque acting on the body.

5. How is the center of gravity related to equilibrium forces in rigid bodies?

The center of gravity is the point at which the entire weight of a body can be considered to act. In a rigid body in equilibrium, the center of gravity must be directly above the point of support, or the body will topple over. This is because the weight of the body must act downwards from the center of gravity, and the support force must act upwards at the point of support, creating a balanced torque.

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