Calc Height Dielectric Oil Coaxial Cylinder Tubes

In summary: From there, you can use the equation for electric potential energy to determine the potential difference between the two tubes, which will also give you the height of the oil.In summary, to solve this problem you will need to use the equations for electric force and electric potential energy, and make sure to correctly calculate the capacitance and electric force in the air section. I hope this helps and good luck with your calculations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Fromm Griffiths
Two long coaxial cylindrical metal tubes (inner radius a, outer radius b) stand vertically in a tank of dielectric oil (susceptibility [itex]\chi_{epsilon}[/itex], mass density [itex]\rho[/itex]. The inner one is maintained at potential V, and the outer one is grounded. To what height (h) does the oil rise in the space between the tubes?

So E=0 when r<a. And the potential from a to b is -V, right?

Homework Equations

[itex]\frac{dC}{dx}=-\frac{\epsilon_{0} \chi_{e} \omega}{d}[/itex]
[itex]F_{gravity}=F_{electric}[/itex] on the dielectric oil
and [itex]F_{electric}=F_{air}[/itex] where the latter is the electric force in the air above the oil.

The Attempt at a Solution

There are two separate sections between the tubes, one air filled and the other oil filled.

C in the air section is [itex]C= \frac{\epsilon_{0} A}{d} = \frac{2 \pi (b-a) (l-h)}{b-a} = 2 \pi (l-h) [/itex]

In the air, [itex]W=\frac{1}{2} CV^{2}[/itex].
[itex]F=-\frac{dW}{dx}=\frac{1}{2}V^{2} -\frac{\epsilon_{0} \chi_{e} \omega}{d} [/itex], where [itex] \omega= 2 \pi (b-a), F=\frac{1}{2}V^{2} -\epsilon_{0} \chi_{e} 2 \pi [/itex]

I think I'm going wrong somewhere, but ideally with the capacitace and voltage you can calculate forces and then use mass density to find the height at which the forces are equivalent.
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  • #2

Dear Fromm Griffiths,

Thank you for your post and for your interest in this problem. I can offer some insights and suggestions for solving this problem.

First, you are correct in your understanding that the potential from a to b is -V, as the inner tube is maintained at potential V and the outer tube is grounded. This creates a potential difference between the two tubes, which leads to the formation of an electric field between them.

Next, you have correctly identified the equations that can be used to solve this problem. However, there are a few points that need clarification.

The first point is regarding the equation for electric force. The equation you have used, F = \frac{1}{2}V^{2} -\epsilon_{0} \chi_{e} 2 \pi, is actually the equation for electric potential energy, not electric force. The correct equation for electric force is F = \frac{1}{2}V^{2}\frac{dC}{dx}, which you have also listed in your post.

The second point is regarding the calculation of capacitance. In the air section, the capacitance is not equal to 2 \pi (l-h), as you have calculated. The correct equation for capacitance is C = \frac{\epsilon_{0} A}{d}, where A is the area of the plates and d is the distance between them. In this case, the area of the plates is not equal to 2 \pi (b-a) (l-h), as you have assumed. Instead, it is equal to 2 \pi (b-a) l, as the plates extend all the way to the bottom of the tank. This means that the correct equation for capacitance in the air section is C = \frac{2 \pi (b-a) l}{b-a} = 2 \pi l.

Finally, your equation for electric force in the air section is also incorrect. The correct equation is F = \frac{1}{2}V^{2}\frac{dC}{dx} = \frac{1}{2}V^{2}\frac{2 \pi l}{dx}. This is because the electric force is directly proportional to the rate of change of capacitance with distance.

To solve this problem, you can equate the electric force in the air section to the weight of the oil in the oil section. This will give you an equation that

Related to Calc Height Dielectric Oil Coaxial Cylinder Tubes

1. How does the height of a coaxial cylinder tube affect the dielectric properties of oil?

The height of a coaxial cylinder tube can affect the dielectric properties of oil in several ways. Firstly, a taller tube will have a larger volume of oil, which can lead to a higher overall capacitance. Additionally, the distance between the two cylinders can also impact the dielectric constant of the oil, as a larger distance can create a stronger electric field and therefore a higher dielectric constant.

2. What is the relationship between the height of the tube and the breakdown voltage of the oil?

The relationship between the height of the tube and the breakdown voltage of the oil is complex and can vary depending on the specific materials and design of the tube. Generally, a taller tube with a larger volume of oil can have a higher breakdown voltage due to the increased distance between the two cylinders. However, other factors such as the dielectric strength of the oil and the voltage gradient within the tube can also play a role.

3. How does the height of the tube impact the impedance of the overall system?

The height of the tube can affect the impedance of the overall system by altering the capacitance and inductance of the system. A taller tube with a larger volume of oil can increase the capacitance and decrease the inductance, leading to a lower overall impedance. However, the specific design and materials of the tube must also be considered in determining the exact impact on impedance.

4. Can the height of the tube be adjusted to improve the efficiency of the system?

Yes, the height of the tube can be adjusted to improve the efficiency of the system. By carefully considering the dimensions and materials of the tube, as well as the specific application, the height can be optimized to achieve the desired level of efficiency. However, other factors such as the frequency and voltage of the system must also be taken into account.

5. How does the height of the tube affect the resonant frequency of the system?

The height of the tube can impact the resonant frequency of the system by changing the overall capacitance and inductance of the system. A taller tube with a larger volume of oil can decrease the resonant frequency, while a shorter tube can increase it. However, the specific design and materials of the tube, as well as the frequency of the system, must be considered to accurately predict the impact on resonant frequency.

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