Calc III: Use of variables in functions

In summary, the variables x, y, and z in an equation correspond to their respective counterparts on the Cartesian plane and are not just dummy variables. In a specific application, they are either given or assigned by the user. Swapping them around would result in the same graph in a different coordinate system. This is demonstrated in a problem involving fencing a rectangular pasture, where the choice of which variable represents which dimension does not change the final answer.
  • #1
I'm confused about whether or not I'm thinking about this correctly:

If I'm given an equation eg. 3x^2-2xy=3z+1 (just a random eg.)

Is it a correct assumption to think of the x,y and z in the equation as corresponding

to x,y and z as I'd think of them on the cartesian plane...They're not just dummy variables

but in this case actually represent something they arent going to switch them around

on me and use y in place of z and x in place of y...

because x=sqrt(y) (right side of parabola) isn't the same as y=sqrt(x) is this

assumption that x and y and z are used on purpose --and arent just 'dummy variables'
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  • #2
I'm not sure I understand your question. In a specific application you are either told what "x, y, z" mean or you assign them yourself (and it would be a good idea to say what "x, y, z" mean at the beginning). If, in a problem, one person derives y= x2 and another x= y2, they really have the same thing- one graph has just swapped the x,y coordinates of the other. No, they are not just "dummy variables"- but swapping them around would just give the same graph in a different coordinate system.

If, for example, I have a problem that says "A farmer has 400 yards of fencing. He wants to fence a rectangular pasture in which he can use a river bank as one side (and so needs no fencing). What are the dimensions that will give the largest area?"

It is my choice whether I use x to mean the length of the side along the river bankand y the side perpendicular to it or vice-versa. If I do choose x to be the length of the side along the river bank, my equations become, "length of fencing used: x+ 2y= 400, area= xy" and I get x= 200 yards, y= 100 yards. If I choose it the other way around, y is the length of the side along the river bank, the equations become y+ 2x= 400, area= xy and I get y= 200 yards, x= 100 yards, but those are exactly the same answer.

FAQ: Calc III: Use of variables in functions

What is the purpose of using variables in functions?

Variables allow for flexibility and generalization in functions. They allow us to represent an unknown quantity and manipulate it using mathematical operations, making it easier to solve complex problems.

Can variables be used in any type of function?

Yes, variables can be used in all types of functions, including polynomial, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions. They are an essential part of mathematical modeling.

How do variables affect the graph of a function?

Variables can affect the graph of a function in various ways, depending on the type of function and the specific variable used. For example, changing the coefficient of a variable in a linear function will result in a steeper or flatter slope, while changing the exponent of a variable in an exponential function will shift the graph up or down.

What are independent and dependent variables in a function?

An independent variable is the input of a function, while a dependent variable is the output. In other words, the value of the dependent variable depends on the value of the independent variable. Variables can be both independent and dependent in a function, depending on the context.

How can variables be used to solve real-world problems?

Variables are essential for solving real-world problems, as they allow us to represent and manipulate quantities that may vary in a given situation. By setting up equations with variables, we can use them to find unknown values and make predictions about real-world scenarios.

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