Calculate 5Σ r=0 r(r+1): Find the Sum!

  • Thread starter Nubcake
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I'm just suggesting that the "method of differences" might be more appropriate for the precalc section than the calculus solution. In summary, the conversation discusses various ways to calculate the sum of a series with changing common difference, including using the "method of differences" and a calculus approach. However, since the post was in the precalc section, it may be more appropriate to use the "method of differences" method.
  • #1
Calculate 5 [itex]\Sigma[/itex] r=0 r(r+1)
(Sorry I don't know how to do the proper notation online)

How do you calculate the sum for this since the common difference is changing?
I tried to write them out separately so the sum of r x sum of r+1 but I don't know how you put that in the sum formula.

Sn = n/2[2a + (n-1)d]
Sn = n/2[a + L]
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  • #2
Hi Nubcake,
Given terms that grow like r2, how fast do you think the sum will grow?
  • #3
Nubcake said:
Calculate 5 [itex]\Sigma[/itex] r=0 r(r+1)
(Sorry I don't know how to do the proper notation online)
I don't know what you're asking.
Nubcake said:
How do you calculate the sum for this since the common difference is changing?
I tried to write them out separately so the sum of r x sum of r+1 but I don't know how you put that in the sum formula.

Sn = n/2[2a + (n-1)d]
Sn = n/2[a + L]
  • #4
Nubcake said:
Calculate 5 [itex]\Sigma[/itex] r=0 r(r+1)
(Sorry I don't know how to do the proper notation online)
Do you mean [itex]\displaystyle \sum_{r=0}^{5}r(r+1)\ ?[/itex]
  • #5
Nubcake said:
Calculate 5 [itex]\Sigma[/itex] r=0 r(r+1)
(Sorry I don't know how to do the proper notation online)

How do you calculate the sum for this since the common difference is changing?
I tried to write them out separately so the sum of r x sum of r+1 but I don't know how you put that in the sum formula.

Sn = n/2[2a + (n-1)d]
Sn = n/2[a + L]

Assuming you meant the sum as SammyS wrote it, there are at least a couple of ways to do it.

The most elementary way, but one that involves making a non-trivial observation, is to use what's called the "method of differences". Observe that [itex](r+1)^3 - r^3 = 3r(r+1) + 1[/itex] What happens if you write out the sum of the left hand side? What terms cancel?

The less elementary way, but one that's easier to see if you know just a little calculus, is to let [itex]f(x) = x^{r+1}[/itex]. Now differentiate twice, and work out the value at x = 1, i.e. calculate [itex]f''(1)[/itex]. What do you notice?
  • #6
Curious3141 said:
The less elementary way, but one that's easier to see if you know just a little calculus, is to let [itex]f(x) = x^{r+1}[/itex]. Now differentiate twice, and work out the value at x = 1, i.e. calculate [itex]f''(1)[/itex]. What do you notice?
Given that this was posted in the Precalc section, a solution involving calculus might not be applicable here.
  • #7
The most obvious way to do [itex]\sum_{r=0}^5 r(r+1)[/itex] is to write out all six terms and sum them: 0(0+1)+ 1(1+1)+ 2(2+1)+ 3(3+1)+ 4(4+1)+ 5(5+ 1)= 0+ 2+ 6+ 12+ 20+ 30= 70.
  • #8
Mark44 said:
Given that this was posted in the Precalc section, a solution involving calculus might not be applicable here.

That does not mean the OP has no knowledge of it. Besides, it's better to suggest alternative solutions, especially if they're more direct and easier to see. The OP is free to disregard this solution if he so wishes.
  • #9
Mark44 said:
Given that this was posted in the Precalc section, a solution involving calculus might not be applicable here.

Curious3141 said:
That does not mean the OP has no knowledge of it. Besides, it's better to suggest alternative solutions, especially if they're more direct and easier to see. The OP is free to disregard this solution if he so wishes.
I realize that problems are posted to the wrong sections all the time, and that is why I qualified what I said. On the other hand, the OP did post this in the precalc section, so I take that as a clue to the OP's current abilities. A calculus approach might seem more direct and easier to those of us with more knowledge, but would probably be completely mystifying to someone who isn't ready for such an approach yet.
  • #10
Mark44 said:
I realize that problems are posted to the wrong sections all the time, and that is why I qualified what I said. On the other hand, the OP did post this in the precalc section, so I take that as a clue to the OP's current abilities. A calculus approach might seem more direct and easier to those of us with more knowledge, but would probably be completely mystifying to someone who isn't ready for such an approach yet.

I think it's pointless to keep going on about this. It's really for the OP to reply, choose a method and show more work.
  • #11
I agree completely.

FAQ: Calculate 5Σ r=0 r(r+1): Find the Sum!

1. What does the symbol Σ mean in this equation?

The symbol Σ stands for "sum" and it is used to indicate the addition of a series of terms.

2. What does r=0 mean in this equation?

The expression r=0 represents the starting value for the index of summation, which in this case is zero. It indicates that the series of terms will be added starting from the first term.

3. What is the purpose of using r(r+1) in the equation?

The expression r(r+1) is the function being summed in this equation. It represents the terms of the series and is used to generate the sequence of numbers that will be added together.

4. How do I calculate 5Σ r=0 r(r+1)?

To calculate 5Σ r=0 r(r+1), you would first substitute the values of r into the function r(r+1) to generate the sequence of numbers. Then, you would add these numbers together, starting from r=0 and ending at r=5. In this case, the calculation would be: 0(0+1) + 1(1+1) + 2(2+1) + 3(3+1) + 4(4+1) + 5(5+1) = 0 + 2 + 6 + 12 + 20 + 30 = 70.

5. Why is it important to calculate the sum of a series of numbers?

Calculating the sum of a series of numbers can help to better understand the behavior and patterns within the numbers. It can also be used to solve various mathematical problems and equations, such as finding the average or total of a set of values.
