Calculate force in north/east directions given 2 components

In summary, the question is asking for an explanation of how to combine two vectors with radial velocities and directions to find the north and east components of the resultant vector. The provided answer involves using trigonometric functions to calculate the components. A diagram may be helpful for further clarification.
  • #1
Rachael Hardman

My question is about using vector components to find a force in a particular direction.

I already have the answer, I just don't understand it and would like an explanation if anyone has one.

If I have two vectors with radial velocities (in this case it's measurements of ocean current speed and direction) of [itex] \nu_{R1} [/itex] and [itex] \nu_{R2} [/itex] whose directions, [itex] \theta_1 [/itex] and [itex] \theta_2 [/itex] respectively, correspond to the angle they make with the x-axis (anticlockwise i.e. 0 -> 360 degrees), how can I combine these to find the vector value in both the north and east directions (i.e. 90% and 0%)?

The answer I've found is:

[itex] u = \dfrac{\nu_{R1}\cos(\theta_2)-\nu_{R2}\cos(\theta_1)}{\sin(\theta_2-\theta_1)} \qquad v=\dfrac{\nu_{R2}\sin(\theta_1)-\nu_{R1}\sin(\theta_2)}{\sin(\theta_2-\theta_1)}, [/itex]

where [itex] u [/itex] and [itex] v [/itex] are the north and east components respectively.

I've checked this numerically and it works - a sound explanation would be great though!

Please let me know if any clarification is needed or any diagrams/etc are required.

Many thanks,
  • #3
Rachael Hardman said:
how can I combine these to find the vector value in both the north and east directions (i.e. 90% and 0%)?

Can you explain what you mean by "the vector value in both the north and east directions", preferably with a diagram? When I saw that, the first thing I thought of was the components of the vector sum of the two velocities (i.e. what is called the "resultant vector" in many textbooks). The two components in your notation would be simply be $$v = v_{R1} \cos \theta_1 + v_{R2} \cos \theta_2 \\ u = v_{R1} \sin \theta_1 + v_{R2} \sin \theta_2$$ See for example

FAQ: Calculate force in north/east directions given 2 components

What is the formula for calculating force in north/east directions given 2 components?

The formula for calculating force in north/east directions given 2 components is F = √(N² + E²) where N is the north component and E is the east component.

How do I determine the direction of the force when given the north and east components?

To determine the direction of the force, you can use the inverse tangent function (tan^-1) to find the angle of the force. The angle will be equal to tan^-1(E/N) for the north/east direction.

Can I use negative values for the north and east components when calculating force?

Yes, you can use negative values for the north and east components when calculating force. Negative values indicate that the force is acting in the opposite direction.

What units should I use when inputting the north and east components?

The units for the north and east components should be consistent, whether it is in meters, feet, or any other unit of measurement. Make sure to use the same units for both components to get an accurate result.

Is it possible to calculate the magnitude of the force without the north and east components?

No, it is not possible to calculate the magnitude of the force without the north and east components. These components are necessary to determine the magnitude and direction of the force.
