Calculate Heat Required for 28.5g Lead Increase from 15 to 37°C

In summary: The heat of reaction for the following reaction is -6535 kJ. What will be the amt. of heat in kJ evolved during the combustion of 12.0 g of C6H6?The answer to this question is that the heat of reaction will be -6535 kJ and the amount of heat that will be evolved is 12.0 kJ.
  • #1
Soaring Crane
The heat capacity of lead is 0.130 J/g C. How many joules of heat are required to raise the temperature of 28.5 grams of lead from 15 to 37?

For this problem the formula that must be used is q = m*C*deltaT, where mass is expressed in g?

q = m*C*deltaT

q = (0.130 J/g*C)*(28.5 g Pb)*(37 - 15 C) = + 81.5 J

Is my sign correct?

The formula q = m*C*deltaT, where m is expressed in grams per g/mol (Pb's molar mass), is not being asked in this question, right?

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  • #2
Your answer is correct.

When asked how much heat is required or evolved, you don't have to worry about the sign. The terms "required" and "evolved" already describe the thermicity of the process. If you are asked for the change in enthalpy, however, you must be careful with the sign.
  • #3
Sign Conventions

For example, since "heat evolved" in these problems is used, the answer for both will be expressed with a + sign in kJ, too?

The value of the heat of reaction for the following reaction is -6535 kJ. What will be the amt. of heat in kJ evolved during the combustion of 12.0 g of C6H6?

The amt. of heat evolved for a reaction with H2 and Cl2 is -186 kJ. How many kJ of heat would evolve from reaction of 25.0 g Cl2?

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  • #4
The most commonly used convention assigns a negative sign to heat evolved (dH < 0 => exothermic). The idea is that you are trying to monitor the heat content of the system. If the system loses heat, its heat content drops, and H(fin) - H(in) < 0

However, if someone asks you "how much heat is evolved", it is unnecessary to answer with a negative number. This might make someone think that the heat is in fact absorbed (double negative). So, I dislike the wording of the second question - it is at best redundant.

FAQ: Calculate Heat Required for 28.5g Lead Increase from 15 to 37°C

What is the formula for calculating heat required for a specific material?

The formula for calculating heat required is Q = mcΔT, where Q is the heat required, m is the mass of the material, c is the specific heat capacity of the material, and ΔT is the change in temperature.

What is the specific heat capacity of lead?

The specific heat capacity of lead is 0.13 J/g°C.

How do I calculate the change in temperature (ΔT) for a material?

To calculate ΔT, subtract the initial temperature from the final temperature. In this case, it would be 37°C - 15°C = 22°C.

What is the mass of the lead in this problem?

The mass of the lead in this problem is 28.5 grams.

What is the final answer for the heat required for a 28.5g lead increase from 15 to 37°C?

The final answer for the heat required for a 28.5g lead increase from 15 to 37°C is 106.47 Joules.
