Calculate the velocity of the system After the collision

In summary: When you do it the way I suggested, you'll get the same answer with a different 2nd figure. In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving the conservation of momentum in both the x and y directions. The approach involves breaking the problem into two parts and using the assumption that the final velocity is the same for both the first cart and the rock. The final answer is incorrect due to rounding errors, but the correct answer can be obtained by considering the horizontal component of the rock's momentum and taking into account shock absorption or floor denting.
  • #1
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/own data

Homework Equations

m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1p +m2v2p

The Attempt at a Solution

I asumed that the momentum in the y direction is constant, and that in the x direction it is conversved.
Also, i thought of it as 2 parts to this problem. The momentum of the first cart plus that of the rock has to equal the combined momentum.
This combination plus the negative momentum of the 2nd cart, must equal the desired velocity of the entire system.
I don't think this logic is correct since i didnt get the right answer, so clarification on that should help me solve the problem.
anyway here's the math
(x direction)
Vrx = 1.20cos30
Mc1Vc1 + MrVr = McVc1f + MrVrf * here i assume that the final velocity is going to be the same for both of them.
plugging in the values i get this
Vf=300/(Mc1 + Mr)
Vf = .75m/s

Now, the the momentum of the entire system should be equal to the rock and the first cart minus the second.

(Mc2+Mr)Vf - Mc2Vc2 = M(system)V(system)

I get V = .359
Ans : .205 m/s

Any help is appreciated, thanks!
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  • #2
Is it clear to you what all these symbols stand for ? A list would be helpful.

First collision: what is the 300 ? Fill in the correct momentum to get a better value for vf.

Second collision: if you don't show what you are doing, only give the result you get, it is very difficult to guess what goes wrong. Most physicists have very limited telepathic capabilities. The expression is correct and the answer I get is indeed 0.2049 m/s.

I tried some possible errors but couldn't reverse-engineer the .359 whatever I tried !
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  • #3
MrJoseBravo said:
Mc1Vc1 + MrVr = McVc1f + MrVrf
Are you sure that is correct? That expression would apply in the case of a perfectly elastic collision. I would assume that the rock collides with the cart and stays in the cart.
  • #4
Oh. Sorry. If you assumed that the velocities of the cart and the rock are the same after the collision then that should be correct.
  • #5
BvU, my apologies for not expressing things cleary enough

so i did (300)(.6) +(100)(1.2) for the initial momentum of the first cart and the rock, which gives
300 = Mc1Vc + MrVr
so 300=(Mc1+Mr)Vf
300/(Mc1+Mr) = Vfx

As for the equation, aleph, are you saying that the coefficient of restitution comes into play here? if so, I am a little confused on how to implement that, however i do know how to find it.

The second calculation i did this

400(.75) - 400(.3) = MfVf

(300-120)/800 = .225 m/s

Looks like i did the calculation wrong at the end there BvU and for any grief that might have caused.
Regardless the answer is still wrong!
  • #6
I got the same answer as BvU. It would appear that you rounded a little too heavily. The value for the velocity of cart 1 and the rock that I got is .709808. Other than that everything is correct.
  • #7
Dear Jose,

No need for apologies. I now understand the .75 m/s, and it's not good. Reason: momentum is a vector. To get (horizontal) speed of car + rock, you can add horizontal momentum of car and only the horizontal component of momentum of rock. I though that's what you intended to do, because you did write Vrx = 1.20 cos30 .
The vertical component of the momentum of the rock is somehow absorbed by the car, either in shock absorbers or by denting the floor.

So that settles the first part. Forgot the numbers, but you get some horizontal momentum (in fact you don't need the speed of the first car after rock has settled an before the connecting collision with car 2). That one you did just fine. IF you re-do it, you'll get the book (?) answer :smile:

FAQ: Calculate the velocity of the system After the collision

1. What is the formula for calculating velocity after a collision?

The formula for calculating velocity after a collision is v = (m1v1 + m2v2) / (m1 + m2), where v is the final velocity of the system, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects involved in the collision, and v1 and v2 are their respective velocities before the collision.

2. Is there a difference between velocity and speed in the context of a collision?

Yes, there is a difference between velocity and speed in the context of a collision. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the magnitude and direction of an object's motion, while speed is a scalar quantity that only represents the magnitude of an object's motion.

3. How does the conservation of momentum apply to calculating velocity after a collision?

The conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a system remains constant before and after a collision, as long as there are no external forces acting on the system. This means that the total momentum of the system before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision, which can be used to calculate the final velocity of the system.

4. What factors can affect the velocity of a system after a collision?

The velocity of a system after a collision can be affected by several factors, including the masses and velocities of the objects involved, the angle and speed of the collision, and any external forces acting on the system.

5. Can the velocity of the system after a collision be negative?

Yes, the velocity of the system after a collision can be negative. This indicates that the direction of the system's motion has changed after the collision, and the system is now moving in the opposite direction than it was before the collision.

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