Calculate Velocity of Object in Elliptical Orbit

In summary, the orbital period of Mercury is 88.3 days, the orbital period of Pluto is 5.39 years, and the semi-major axis of the Earth is 150 million kilometers.
  • #1
i was wondering, is there a particular formula to calculate the velocity of a object in an elliptical orbit. Let's say a satellite orbiting around the earth, and the orbit is elliptical, so how do u calculate the velocity at a certain distance from earth. I tried using the v^2=GM/r, but that's only for circular orbits.
thx for ur time
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  • #2
Welcome to the forums!

The generalized form is called the Vis-Viva equation:


Where [itex]\mu[/itex] is G*M or 398600.4 km^3/sec^2 for Earth,
r is the distance from the center of the Earth and
a is the semimajor axis of the ellipse.

You'll see that for a circular orbit, a = r for all points on the "ellipse" and you get the expected [tex]\sqrt{\frac{\mu}{r}}[/tex]. You can also get the escape velocity by plugging in infinity for a.
  • #3
There are two things that must be remembered

1. Conservation of Angular Momentum
2. Conservation of Energy at any moment

Writing the above equations as function of r,v
and calulate r or v whatever required
  • #4
THanx a lot for the help, even though in high school we haven't learned that formula yet, but it was really helpfull.
  • #5
Originally posted by matrix_204
even though in high school we haven't learned that formula yet,

Do you understand it? The way you worded that, it sounds like you didn't.

It really isn't any more difficult than sqrt(mu/r). a is half the distance of the longest line in the ellipse, r is the current position. Plug and chug.
  • #6
i also found it using the conservation of energy, except with the formula i was a little confused but somehow i got the answer, with it, so i guess that's an alternate way of doing it as well. but the idea of conservation energy was good because that's how much we are taught so far. and i did understood too, n e ways. thnx again
  • #7
Yes those two equations are basic foundation for deriving formula
  • #8
General Math or Physics

Each planet moves around the sun in an elliptical orbit. the orbital period, T,of a planet is the timeit takes the planet to go once around the sun. the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the 3/2 power of the length of its semi-major axis. what is the orbial period (in days) of Mercury whose semi-major axis is 58 million km? what is the period (in years) of Pluto whose semi-major axis is 6,000 million km? the semi-major axis of the Eart is 150 million km.
how do you solve this

FAQ: Calculate Velocity of Object in Elliptical Orbit

1. How do you calculate the velocity of an object in an elliptical orbit?

The velocity of an object in an elliptical orbit can be calculated using the following formula:
v = √(GM[(2/r) - (1/a)])
Where v is the velocity, G is the gravitational constant (6.67 x 10^-11 m^3/kg*s^2), M is the mass of the central body, r is the distance from the center of the central body to the object, and a is the semi-major axis of the elliptical orbit.

2. What is the difference between velocity and speed in an elliptical orbit?

Velocity and speed are often used interchangeably, but they have different meanings in an elliptical orbit. Velocity refers to the speed of an object in a specific direction, while speed is the total distance traveled by the object in a given amount of time. In an elliptical orbit, the velocity of an object changes as it moves closer or farther away from the central body, while the speed remains constant.

3. Can the velocity of an object in an elliptical orbit be negative?

Yes, the velocity of an object in an elliptical orbit can be negative. This means that the object is moving in the opposite direction of the orbit, towards the central body. This can occur at the farthest point of the orbit, known as the apoapsis, when the object is slowed down by the gravitational pull of the central body.

4. How does the velocity of an object in an elliptical orbit change as it moves around the central body?

The velocity of an object in an elliptical orbit is not constant and changes as the object moves around the central body. As the object moves closer to the central body, the velocity increases due to the stronger gravitational pull. As the object moves farther away, the velocity decreases due to the weaker gravitational pull. The velocity is highest at the periapsis, the closest point to the central body, and lowest at the apoapsis, the farthest point from the central body.

5. What factors affect the velocity of an object in an elliptical orbit?

The velocity of an object in an elliptical orbit is affected by several factors, including the mass of the central body, the distance from the central body, and the shape of the orbit. Objects with a larger mass will have a stronger gravitational pull and therefore a higher velocity. Objects with a smaller distance from the central body will also have a higher velocity due to the stronger gravitational force. Additionally, the shape of the orbit can also affect the velocity, with more circular orbits having a more constant velocity compared to highly elliptical orbits.

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