Calculating Aircraft Physics for a Simulation Game

In summary, the speaker is attempting to create a realistic aircraft simulation game but is having trouble with the physics calculations. They are specifically struggling with the concepts of rolling resistance and drag, and are seeking help to understand the calculations involved. They also mention an error in the aircraft specifications, and note that the drag formula may need to be adjusted for different speeds during takeoff.
  • #1
I’m attempting to write an aircraft simulation game with believable physics, although it doesn’t have to be precise but I’m having a bit of trouble getting it off the ground so to speak.

When I plug numbers into the drag and rolling resistance formulas, I don’t think I get accurate results, so I must be doing something wrong along the way, as I’m by no means an expert at maths or physics. I’m not looking at lift just yet, but obviously I will at some point.
I’m sure I’m making plenty of silly mistakes, so please correct me where I go wrong. I’ve been attempting to get my head around this for a couple of days but I don’t seem to be making much progress.

For example, let’s take a Tornado GR4 with the following specs:
Weight: 13890kg
Thrust: 38.7kN
Wing area: 26.6m^2

Am I right in thinking I should be looking at rolling resistance rather than static friction in order to get the object (aircraft) moving along the ground?

Rolling resistance: F = C * Nf
Where F is the rolling resistance force
C is the rolling resistance coefficient
Nf is the normal force

Let’s take C to be 0.01 (ordinary car tyres on concrete).

Would the mass of the object be 13890 kg or 13890 / 9.81 = 1415.9 kg?
I’m a bit confused because force in Newtons has the units of kg ms^-2 but mass has the units of kg, although the units given for the weight (force), is in kg? If I were to take 1415.90 kg to be the mass, the normal force (Nf) would be 13890 N (1415.9 * 9.81)? I’m not sure that sounds right though :/

So the force required to get the object moving would have to be greater than 0.01 * 13890 = 138.9N?

For drag: D = Cd * A * 0.5 * r * V^2
Where D is the drag
Cd is the drag coefficient. Say 0.02
A is the reference area (for an aircraft, it’s the wing viewed from above which makes it easier/comparable to calculate the lift?). 26.6 m^2
r is the density of the air. 1.225 kg m^-3 (at sea level)
V is the velocity. Say 44 m^s-1
D = 0.02 * 26.6 * 0.5 * 1.225 * 44^2 = 630.8456 N

So how would I then calculate how much to slow the object down by? This is quite challenging for me as you can probably tell, but I hope to eventually grasp it. I’d appreciate any help that anyone is able to offer :)

Many thanks.
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  • #2
Big problems when the specs list the weight of the aircraft in kilograms. 13890 kg is actually the mass. Weight = mg = 13890(9.8) Newtons. Max takeoff weight is 28000(9.8) N. Adjust rolling friction force accordingly (yes, it's rolling friction, not static or kinetic friction). Your drag formula is based on a certain speed...that should not be max takeoff speed, as drag is dependent on speed, which varies during'd have to use a weighted average speed, since calcs are a bit complex... I'm not sure what you mean by slowing down...F_net = ma, where F_net is the thrust less the friction less the drag.

Related to Calculating Aircraft Physics for a Simulation Game

1. How do you simulate aircraft physics?

To simulate aircraft physics, we use mathematical models and computer simulations. These models take into account various factors such as air resistance, gravity, thrust, and weight to accurately represent the behavior of an aircraft in flight.

2. What types of simulations are used in aircraft physics?

There are two main types of simulations used in aircraft physics: computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and flight dynamics. CFD simulations focus on the aerodynamics of the aircraft, while flight dynamics simulations incorporate both aerodynamics and the aircraft's control systems.

3. How do you account for changing conditions in aircraft simulations?

In order to account for changing conditions, we use real-time data and advanced algorithms to update the simulation in real-time. This allows us to accurately model and predict the behavior of the aircraft under different conditions such as wind, temperature, and altitude.

4. What are the limitations of aircraft simulations?

While aircraft simulations have come a long way in accurately representing the physics of flight, there are still limitations. For example, simulations may not accurately represent extreme weather conditions or rare events. Additionally, the accuracy of the simulation is highly dependent on the accuracy of the input data and the complexity of the model used.

5. How do aircraft simulations benefit the aviation industry?

Aircraft simulations have numerous benefits for the aviation industry. They allow for cost-effective and safe testing of new aircraft designs and technologies. Simulations also aid in pilot training and can help improve the efficiency and performance of existing aircraft. In addition, simulations can help identify potential issues or hazards in the design or operation of an aircraft before they occur in a real-life scenario.

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