Calculating Average and Reactive Power in Complex Circuits

In summary: To find the average power: P=(Vm*Im/2)*cos (theta(v)-theta(i))since theta is zero we ignore this and substitute cos (...)=1?Psource=(340*i1)*1=(340*6.8)=-2312 W delivering power and no magnetizing vars?P50ohm=2312 W absorbing powerPc=Vm*(I2-I1)= Vm*(17j/(j-2) -6.8)?PL=(i2/R)*(i2) = ((i2)^2)/R =(j173
  • #1
1. Homework Statement [/
1) Find the average and relative power for the voltage source and for each impedance branch. Are they absorbing or delivering average power/magnetizing VARS?

Homework Equations

Those derived and
average power=P=((Vm*Im)/2)*(cos(theta(v)-theta(i))
reactive power=Q=((Vm*Im)/2)*(sin(theta(v)-theta(i))

The Attempt at a Solution

These are the equations that I derived from the schematic:

for the first loop on the left, there really is no need for big equations since: R1=50 ohms
Then V=IR => I = V/R => I= (340<0 degrees/50 ohms)= 17/125 <0 degrees

such that for the second loop we want to find i2, and I derived this equation:

substitute for i1 into the equation above and solve for i2 but I am not sure if this is correct.
Also, how would you simplify complex numbers, or do I need to use phasor notation (how do I do that)?

To calculate the average power, we simply use the formula mentioned above. But what do we input for the power factor angle?So, if it is positive power, it is an absorbing component otherwise it delivers the power if negative result.

Then to obtain the magnetizing VARS is only for the capacitor, so we use the same formulas but only the name changes right?

Thank you for your time!


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  • #2
for the first loop on the left, there really is no need for big equations since: R1=50 ohms
Then V=IR => I = V/R => I= (340<0 degrees/50 ohms)= 17/125 <0 degrees

Assuming that you were given that Vg = 340V, and you are correct in that I = V/R, can you explain what 17/125 < 0 degrees means.

such that for the second loop we want to find i2, and I derived this equation:

I believe there's something wrong with the part that takes into account the current through the capacitor. You should count both the i1 current and the i2 current, though in opposite directions so what remains is the difference of the two i.e. the part of the current that will actually travel along the capacitor branch. At the moment you are counting the i2 current and the 'difference between i2 and i1' current. If we rearrange/factorise the math in that section, (-j100)*i2-(i2-i1)(-j100), we get (-j100)*(i2-i2+i1) = (-j100)*i1, which is not the [STRIKE]droids[/STRIKE] current we are looking for. Otherwise, the Kirchoffs equation around the loop looks good.

substitute for i1 into the equation above and solve for i2 but I am not sure if this is correct.

The process sounds good since you have only one equation and only one unknown, so it should work.

Also, how would you simplify complex numbers, or do I need to use phasor notation (how do I do that)?

Given (X +/- iY) +/- (A +/- iB) = (X +/- A) +/- i(Y +/- B)
Given (X +/- iY) * (A +/- iB) expand as per normal algebra albeit keeping in mind i^2 = -1
Given (X +/- iY) / (A +/- iB) convert from rectangular to polar

Given (X < Y) +/- (A < B) convert from polar to rectangular
Given (X < Y) *// (A < B) = (X *// A) < [Y + B for *] OR [Y - B for /]

For Polar --> Rectangular: X < Y = Xe^(iY) = X{cos(Y) + i*Sin(Y)}
For Rectangular --> Polar: (X +/- iY) = sqrt(X^2 + Y^2) < tan^(-1)(Y/X)
Or a number of calculators do this bit for you nowadays.

These are the rules I use (from memory, you should double check them).
  • #3
I think that the <0 degrees just means that the sources are in phase but I think you are right in that they may be irrelevant in the calculations.

so, is this correct for Kirchoff's equation?
I think that the <0 degrees just means that the sources are in phase but I think you are right in that they may be irrelevant in the calculations.

so, is this correct for Kirchoff's equation?

if so,
=> -j100*i2-(340/50)*(-j100) +80i2+j60*i2=0
=> -j40*i2+680j+80i2=0
=> solving for i2=(-j680/(-j40+80))=(-j68/(-j4+8))=17j/(j-2) A

so i have i1=6.8A and i2=17j/(j-2)

To find the average power: P=(Vm*Im/2)*cos (theta(v)-theta(i))
since theta is zero we ignore this and substitute cos (...)=1?

Psource=(340*i1)*1=(340*6.8)=-2312 W delivering power and no magnetizing vars?
P50ohm=2312 W absorbing power
Pc=Vm*(I2-I1)= Vm*(17j/(j-2) -6.8)?
PL=(i2/R)*(i2) = ((i2)^2)/R =(j17340)/(j^2-j4=4)
where c stands for capacitor, L for inductor

and the reactive power: P=(Vm*Im/2)*sin(theta(v)-theta(i))
let sin(0)=0

Psource=0 W
Pc=0 W??
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  • #4
I think that the <0 degrees just means that the sources are in phase but I think you are right in that they may be irrelevant in the calculations.

When you have an angle of 0, it usually means that that component is the reference i.e. everything else is leading or lagging relative to that specific component.

The bit I was curious about was how (340 < 0) / 50 = 17 / (125 < 0). You solved i1 = 6.8A, but what math / explanation leads to the bold part of the equation.

so, is this correct for Kirchoff's equation?

This equation says to me that you expect a voltage rise due to i2 across the capacitor, a voltage drop due to i1 across the capacitor, a voltage rise due to i2 across the resistor, and a voltage rise due to i2 across the inductor. If you label these voltage polarities on your diagram, are the voltages due to i2 arranged so they have the same polarity around the loop?

if so,
=> -j100*i2-(340/50)*(-j100) +80i2+j60*i2=0
=> -j40*i2+680j+80i2=0
=> solving for i2=(-j680/(-j40+80))=(-j68/(-j4+8))=17j/(j-2) A

so i have i1=6.8A and i2=17j/(j-2)

That math looks good, assuming that you have the previous equation correct.
  • #5
Also, after you look into the KVL, if i1 = 6.8A and V = IR, what is the voltage drop across the 50R resistance and what does that mean for the rest of the circuit?

Related to Calculating Average and Reactive Power in Complex Circuits

1. What is complex power and how is it different from real power?

Complex power refers to the combination of both real and reactive power in an electrical circuit. While real power is the actual power consumed by the circuit, reactive power is the power that is used to establish and maintain the electromagnetic field in the circuit. Complex power is represented by a complex number, with the real part representing the real power and the imaginary part representing the reactive power.

2. How is complex power calculated?

Complex power can be calculated by multiplying the voltage and current phasors and taking the complex conjugate of the result. The formula for complex power is S = VI*, where S is the complex power, V is the voltage phasor, and I* is the complex conjugate of the current phasor.

3. What is the significance of power factor in complex power?

Power factor is the ratio of real power to complex power and is represented by the symbol cosφ. It indicates how efficiently a circuit uses the available power. A power factor of 1 indicates that the circuit is using all of the available power, while a power factor less than 1 indicates that some of the power is being wasted.

4. How do capacitors and inductors affect complex power in a circuit?

Capacitors and inductors are reactive components that can affect the reactive power in a circuit. Capacitors store and release energy in the form of an electric field, while inductors store and release energy in the form of a magnetic field. Both of these components can cause a phase shift between the voltage and current, resulting in a change in the complex power.

5. What is the role of complex power in AC circuits?

In AC circuits, complex power is used to analyze the flow of both real and reactive power. It allows engineers to understand the efficiency and performance of a circuit, and to make adjustments to improve its power factor and overall performance. Complex power is also important in power systems, as it helps to ensure that power is delivered efficiently and reliably.

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