Calculating Binding Energy & Forming Deuteron Nucleus

In summary, scientists have calculated the time it takes for the first splitting of U-235 after being bombarded by neutron to occur at 10 to the power of -14 sec.
  • #1
How can the time of binding energy be calculated?If so how long does it take to form deuteron nucleus?
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  • #2
I would say that it is an instantanious process, science only one gamma (photon) is emitted with 2.22MeV.

If one does the analogy with electrons in atoms, your question would also be "How long time does it get for an electron to be recombined to an ion" or "how long time does it get for the electron at n =3 to 'fall' to n = 1 level".

These are quantum states, and one should instead talk about the probability that a deutron is formed under certain circumstances (i.e. density of nucleons, temperature etc).
  • #3
nez said:
How can the time of binding energy be calculated?If so how long does it take to form deuteron nucleus?
Or one could ask, how long does it take for a free neutron to bind with a proton to form a deuteron. Well - can make estimates based on our understanding of effective sizes of nuclei and use something like the speed of light or Heisenberg's uncertainty principle to provide a rough approximation.

But as malawi_glenn indicated, for all intents and purposes, it's instantaneous.
  • #4
I will rephrase my question: According to liquid-drop model scientists have calculated the time(10 to the power of -14)sec for the first splitting of U-235 after being bombarded by neutron.How did they do it?
  • #5
That is a totally different question. From deutron formning to induced fission.
  • #6
Sorry for misleading.The expression I know for calculation is
t=10^-21×10^7.85E sec, where E=19.0-0.36Z^2/A, but I couldn't get the answer (10^-14)sec!
  • #7
is it 10^(7.85E) or 10^(7.85) * E ? Be careful how you write formulas here.If I use the latter form, i got [tex]4.5\cdot 10^{-13} s [/tex]
  • #8
Thank you very much malawi glenn. I was looking for this answer. It was the book's printing mistake.

FAQ: Calculating Binding Energy & Forming Deuteron Nucleus

1. What is binding energy and why is it important?

Binding energy is the amount of energy required to hold together the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. It is important because it determines the stability of an atom and can provide insight into the strength of nuclear forces.

2. How is binding energy calculated?

Binding energy can be calculated using Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2, where E is the energy, m is the mass defect (difference between the mass of the nucleus and the sum of the masses of its individual particles), and c is the speed of light. The resulting energy is the binding energy of the nucleus.

3. What is a deuteron nucleus?

A deuteron nucleus is a form of a hydrogen atom that contains one proton and one neutron in its nucleus. It is also known as a heavy hydrogen nucleus and is the most stable form of hydrogen.

4. How is a deuteron nucleus formed?

A deuteron nucleus is formed through the process of nuclear fusion. This occurs when two lighter nuclei, in this case a proton and a neutron, combine to form a heavier nucleus. This process releases a large amount of energy and is the source of energy in the sun and other stars.

5. What factors affect the formation of a deuteron nucleus?

The formation of a deuteron nucleus is affected by factors such as temperature, pressure, and the number of particles involved. These factors can impact the speed and energy of the particles, which in turn affects their ability to overcome the repulsive force between positively charged protons and form a stable nucleus.

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