Calculating Bullet Accuracy: A Game %Guide

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of calculating bullet accuracy in terms of percentage based on factors such as bullet's max effective range, bullet mass and velocity, and gravity. The main source of inaccuracy is attributed to the person holding the rifle, and it is suggested to introduce random pointing variation to simulate this in a game. The equations for projectile motion are mentioned as a way to calculate the variation in the bullet's trajectory. Air resistance is considered to be negligible in this scenario.
  • #1
Hi. I was wondering if it's possible to calculate bullet accuracy in terms of percentage in a series of ranges, given bullet's max effective range, a series of ranges, bullet mass and velocity with gravity (assuming no wind resistance, or any frictional resistance). I'm looking for a simple/basic formula, if there is any (this is for a game). When I say accuracy, I mean in terms of how far the bullet is from the axis of the barrell since technically the bullet can never go above it (technically accuracy should be judged without a series of shots and how close they are to a target). 100% accuracy means it would stay perfectly straight. The way I see it is, the closer a target is the more accurate the bullet is because it still has enough force to keep going straight so accuracy and range should scale proportionally and thus at a further range the bullet would be less accurate due to gravity pulling the bullet down, so the faster a bullet travels the further it can go?
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  • #2
Okay I don't understand your question. As I get it, you want to have a game that has shooting in it but you want to introduce variation in where the bullet goes. What I would do is assume the gun shoots the same every time and introduce random pointing variation. In other words, I would start with the direction pointed and add a small term to the azimuth and to the elevation. Something in the order of a minute of arc. Now, as far as the trajectory, the distance traveled depends on speed which varies with distance, the trickiest part of the process. The fall depends only on the time, that's easy. So what assumptions are you making regarding the velocity? Without air you are talking ballistic trajectories. Distance = speed * time. So a target 100 units away with a bullet traveling 50 units/sec would travel 2 sec and fall gt^2 = 4g units (aim high!). Is this close?
  • #3
With or without air, I'm guessing the main source of inaccuracy would be the person holding the rifle (trembling slightly and allowing varying recoil). Thus, you'd just put a random (guassian) angular offset on the initial firing direction, which seems to be what most games are doing now anyway.

With air it might be quite interesting mathematically: The buffetted bullet is doing a random walk in some sense, which normally gives [itex]\sqrt N[/itex] effects, except that the early part of the walk is being amplified to have greater effects than the late part. (Presumably, this would reduce to saying the angular size of that guassian depends on the distance to target.)
  • #4
cesiumfrog said:
With or without air, I'm guessing the main source of inaccuracy would be the person holding the rifle

Depends upon the person. There are also barrel imperfections and oscillations, as well as those dratted gusting cross-winds, that will still take their toll on the best shooter in the world. In fact, if a barrel isn't crowned correctly, just the gas erupting from the muzzle can throw a bullet off track.
  • #5
hmm well assuming that your not making some new game for the PS3, you should probably stick to just randomizing the angular discplacement of the barrell, as that would be the least computationally difficult, and its quite reasonable from the gamers perspective.
  • #6
well what you're asking for is the variation of the bullet from its straight line path due to gravity. u can calculate this using projectile motion, and yes its dependant on speed. let's start the equations.lets consider the initial height from which the bullet is fired to be the reference position,or the zero height pt, then the equation simplifies to: y=(1/2)gt^2 + Voy*t. g is the gravitational acceleration or 9.8 m/s^2, and Voy is the initial y-velocity which is zero. the whole equation becomes y=(1/2)gt^2.where y is our current position.Now for the x-calculations or the range, since no x-accelerations then x= Vox*t Vox is the initial speed of the bullet and time is the time it spends in the air which is determined by the first equation. If u need to calculate the accuracy in terms of range then combine the 2 equations u get: y=(1/2 g)(x/Vox)^2 since all except y and x are constants u can get the variation of height of the bullet with every x meters. Mass is irrelevant, but as u see the larger Vox the smaller y thus smaller variations, Air resistance is negligeable in your case, because its very complicated.

FAQ: Calculating Bullet Accuracy: A Game %Guide

1. How do I calculate the accuracy of a bullet in video games?

To calculate the accuracy of a bullet in video games, you need to know the distance from the shooter to the target, the size of the target, and the number of shots fired. Then, divide the number of shots that hit the target by the total number of shots fired. This will give you a percentage that represents the accuracy of the bullet.

2. Is there a specific formula for calculating bullet accuracy in video games?

Yes, there is a formula for calculating bullet accuracy in video games. It is accuracy = (shots hit/target size) * 100%. This formula takes into account the distance from the shooter to the target and the size of the target, giving a more accurate representation of the bullet's accuracy.

3. How can I improve my bullet accuracy in video games?

There are a few ways to improve your bullet accuracy in video games. First, practice and get familiar with the game's mechanics and controls. Second, adjust your aim sensitivity to find a setting that works best for you. Third, try using different weapons to see which ones you have the most accuracy with. And finally, work on your hand-eye coordination and reflexes through exercises and drills.

4. Does bullet accuracy differ between different video games?

Yes, bullet accuracy can differ between different video games. This is because each game has its own unique mechanics, physics, and controls that can affect the accuracy of bullets. It is important to understand and adapt to these differences when calculating and improving bullet accuracy in different video games.

5. Can I use the same method for calculating bullet accuracy in all video games?

While the basic formula for calculating bullet accuracy is the same, there may be slight variations in how it is applied in different video games. It is important to pay attention to the specific mechanics and controls of each game to ensure the most accurate calculation of bullet accuracy.
