Calculating Change in Kinetic Energy for a Crate Pulled Up an Incline

In summary: For part (b) you can use the Vf you found here and the result you found in (a) to solve for part (b). You should get 7.668 m/s for part (b).In summary, a crate with an initial speed is pulled by a 150 N force up a rough incline for a distance of 9.17 m. The change in kinetic energy of the crate is 533.0427 J and the speed of the crate after being pulled 9.17 m is 7.668 m/s.
  • #1
A crate is pulled by a force (parallel to the
incline) up a rough incline. The crate has an
initial speed shown in the figure below. The
crate is pulled a distance of 9.17 m on the
incline by a 150 N force.
The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 .
a) What is the change in kinetic energy of
the crate?
Answer in units of J

b) What is the speed of the crate after it is
pulled the 9.17 m?
Answer in units of m/s

For part A i tried
F-mg[sin theta - (friction x cos theta)] and got 135.232 but got wrong answer then i tried multiplying it by the distance and got it wrong.
Also i tried using F - [ μ m g cos θ ] and got it wrong
Someone please help me
Physics news on
  • #2

The question appears to be incomplete. Do you know the angle, initial speed and coefficient of friction? If so, your calculation of
"F-mg[sin theta - (friction x cos theta)]"
looks like a good start. Here F = 150, friction = μmg. The result of the calc is the total force on the mass, which you can use in F = ma to find the acceleration. Once you have that, you can use accelerated motion formulas to find the Vf and then the Ek to complete part (a).
  • #3

ok i got part a which was


how do i get part B
i tried

V= square root 2(553.0427)/11
but got the wrong answer
  • #4

Didn't you find the Vf in part (a) ? Once you found the acceleration, you would have used d = Vi*t + .5*a*t² to find the time and then
Vf = Vi + a*t to get Vf. Only after knowing Vf are you in a position to do the energy calc for the (a) answer.
  • #5

I would start by reviewing the given information and making sure that all the units are consistent. The force is given in Newtons, the distance in meters, and the acceleration of gravity in meters per second squared. This is important to ensure that the final answer is in the correct units of Joules (J) for energy.

Next, I would use the formula for kinetic energy, which is KE = 1/2 * m * v^2, where m is the mass of the crate and v is its velocity. Since the initial speed is given in the figure, I would use that as the initial velocity in the equation.

For part A, I would calculate the final kinetic energy by plugging in the mass of the crate (which is not given but can be assumed to be constant) and the final velocity, which can be calculated using the formula v^2 = u^2 + 2as, where u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration (which can be calculated using F=ma), and s is the distance traveled.

For part B, I would use the same formula to calculate the final velocity, using the initial velocity, acceleration, and distance given in the problem.

It is also important to note that the frictional force and the angle of the incline may affect the calculations, so it is important to make sure that these factors are taken into account when solving the problem. I would also double-check my calculations and make sure to round to the correct number of significant figures.

FAQ: Calculating Change in Kinetic Energy for a Crate Pulled Up an Incline

1. How do you calculate the change in kinetic energy for a crate being pulled up an incline?

To calculate the change in kinetic energy, you will need to know the mass of the crate, the incline angle, and the speed of the crate before and after being pulled up the incline. The formula for change in kinetic energy is ΔKE = 1/2mv2 - 1/2mv02, where m is the mass of the crate, v is the final velocity, and v0 is the initial velocity.

2. What is the relationship between the incline angle and the change in kinetic energy?

The incline angle does not directly affect the change in kinetic energy. It only affects the force required to pull the crate up the incline. The steeper the incline, the greater the force required to overcome the gravitational force acting on the crate, but the change in kinetic energy will remain the same.

3. How does the mass of the crate impact the change in kinetic energy?

The mass of the crate directly affects the change in kinetic energy. The greater the mass, the more kinetic energy the crate will have. This means that a heavier crate will have a larger change in kinetic energy compared to a lighter crate when pulled up the same incline with the same initial and final velocities.

4. Can the change in kinetic energy be negative?

Yes, the change in kinetic energy can be negative if the final velocity is less than the initial velocity. This means that the crate is slowing down as it is pulled up the incline, and therefore losing kinetic energy.

5. What are some real-world applications of calculating change in kinetic energy for a crate pulled up an incline?

One real-world application is in transportation, where the change in kinetic energy of a vehicle is important in determining fuel efficiency and braking distance on inclines. It is also relevant in engineering, as understanding the change in kinetic energy of objects being moved up inclined planes is crucial in designing efficient and safe systems, such as elevators and roller coasters.
