Calculating Charge and Electric Field Inside a Spherical Cavity

In summary, the conversation discusses a spherical charged ball with a radius of "a" and a spherical cavity with a radius of b<a at its center. The (radial) field is given as E(r)= 0 for 0≤r<b and E(r)= (Ear^2)/a^2 for r>b. The conversation then goes on to ask questions about evaluating the total charge, volume charge density, total volume charge, surface-charge density, and potential function for different scenarios. The conversation also discusses using Gauss' Law to evaluate the total charge and the electric flux. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of using proper equations and integration methods to accurately solve for these values.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A spherical charged ball of radius "a" has an empty spherical cavity, of radius b<a, at its center. There is no charge outside the ball and no sheet-charge on its outer surface. The (radial) field has given value Ea on the outer surface; inside the ball it is given as

E(r)= 0 for 0≤r<b
E(r)= (Ear^2)/a^2
a) Evaluate the total charge by using the integral form of Gauss' law.
b) Evaluate the volume charge density ρ(r) for 0<r<a from the differential form of Gauss's Law.
c) Integrate your answer to part b to evaluate the total volume charge (between a and b)
d) Specify the radius of any sheet-charge and evaluate the surface-charge density on it, directly from the given information.
e) Show that your answers to parts c and d agree with your answer to part a.
f) Evaluate E(r) outside the ball, r>a, and complete the graph of this function.
g) Evaluate the potential function at any r greater than or equal to zero, and graph this function.

Homework Equations

Electric flux= EA=Q/εo
Potential V(x)=-∫E(r)dr+C

The Attempt at a Solution

a) Since there is no sheet charge on its outer surface or charge outside the ball I assume I can place gaussian surface anywhere

Electric flux= EA=Q/εo


but the answer is 4πεoEa*a^2

My guessed would be r=a since the gaussian surface area could be anywhere, then

Q=4πε0Ea*a^2 ?b) ∇.E=ρ/εo
ρ=(4rεo*Ea)/a^2 ?


Q=from b to a∫[(4rεo*Ea)/a^2](4π^2dr)
Q=(16πεo*Ea)/a^2 [r^4/4] a to b
Q=(4πεo*Ea)/a^2 [r^4] a to b
Q=[(4πεo*Ea)/a^2](a^4-b^4) ?d)&e) I'm lost

f) I think this question is too tricky because it seems so simple. If we set the gaussian surface outside the sphere the Electric flux will equal EA, just like the first question a) except that this time we don't use (Ea*r^2)/a^2). So

Electric flux= EA=Q/εo
E(r)=Q/(4πr^2*εo) ?

g) V(x)=-∫E(r)dr, now 0≤r<∞

V(x)= -∫E(r)inside dr + ∫E(r) outside dr
V(x)= -∫Ea*r^2)/a^2 dr + ∫Q/(4πr^2*εo) dr
V(x)=-(Ea/a^2 (from a to r)∫r^2 dr + Q/4πεo (from ∞ to r)∫1/r^2 dr )
V(x)=- Ea/a^2 [r^3/3]from a to r + Q/4πεo [1/r] from ∞ to r
V(x)=- Ea/3a^2 [r^3-a^3] + Q/4πεo [1/r-0]
V(x)= Q/4πrεo - Ea/3a^2 [r^3-a^3]
V(x)= Q/4πrεo - Ea*r^3/3a^2 + Ea*a^3/3a^2
V(x)= (3Qa^3-QEa*r^3+QEa*a^3)/4πrεo3a^2
V(x)= Q(a^3-Ea*r^3+Ea*a^3)/12πrεoa^2 ?

I'm willing to go letter by letter step by step
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  • #2

FAQ: Calculating Charge and Electric Field Inside a Spherical Cavity

What is an E&M charged disk?

An E&M charged disk is a physical object that has a net electric charge and is made up of a thin, flat circular surface. This electric charge creates an electric field around the disk, which can interact with other electrically charged objects.

How do you calculate the electric field of a charged disk?

The electric field of a charged disk can be calculated using the formula E = σ/2ε0, where E is the electric field strength, σ is the surface charge density, and ε0 is the permittivity of free space.

What is the relationship between the electric field and distance from a charged disk?

The strength of the electric field decreases as the distance from a charged disk increases. This relationship follows an inverse square law, meaning that the electric field strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the disk.

Can a charged disk produce a magnetic field?

Yes, a charged disk can produce a magnetic field when it is rotating or when there is a current flowing through it. This is known as electromagnetic induction and is a fundamental principle in electromagnetism.

How does a charged disk behave in a uniform electric field?

When placed in a uniform electric field, a charged disk will experience a net force due to the interaction between its own electric field and the external field. This force will cause the disk to accelerate in the direction of the electric field lines.
