Calculating coefficients of spherical harmonic expansion of electric field

In summary: So, in summary, the author is trying to find spherical harmonic expansion coefficients for the electric field of an antenna. They assumed the theta and phi components of the electric field could be expanded as a sum of spherical harmonics, and found the coefficients by multiplying each (normalized) spherical harmonic term with the data and integrating. However, this seems incorrect, the error between the reconstructed and measured electric fields increases as the order of the expansion increases.
  • #1
I have data for the radiation pattern of antenna, given as the theta and phi components of the electric field (E_theta, E_phi), with 0<theta<180 deg, 0<phi<360 deg.

I want to describe this data as a spherical harmonic expansion. So, my task is to find the spherical harmonic expansion coefficients.

I assumed the theta and phi components of the electric field can be individually expanded as a sum of spherical harmonics, and found the coefficients by multiplying each (normalized) spherical harmonic term with the data and integrating, since the spherical harmonics are orthonormal.

However, this seems incorrect, the error between the reconstructed and measured electric fields increases as the order of the expansion increases.

What could be going wrong? I am trying to figure out if the error is conceptual or computational in nature.

I saw a paper which says the measured data has to be converted from spherical to Cartesian coordinates (convert (E_theta, E_phi) to (E_x, E_y, E_z)), and then each of Cartesian components has to be expanded in terms of spherical harmonics. Is this necessary, and if so, why? Why doesn't the spherical harmonic expansion hold good in spherical (theta,phi) coordinates?
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  • #2
Spherical harmonic expansion coefficients for electric field

I have data for the radiation pattern of antenna, given as the theta and phi components of the electric field (E_theta, E_phi), with 0<theta<180 deg, 0<phi<360 deg.

I want to describe this data as a spherical harmonic expansion. So, my task is to find the spherical harmonic expansion coefficients.

I assumed the theta and phi components of the electric field can be individually expanded as a sum of spherical harmonics, and found the coefficients by multiplying each (normalized) spherical harmonic term with the data and integrating, since the spherical harmonics are orthonormal.

However, this seems incorrect, the error between the reconstructed and measured electric fields increases as the order of the expansion increases.

What could be going wrong? I am trying to figure out if the error is conceptual or computational in nature.

I saw a paper which says the measured data has to be converted from spherical to Cartesian coordinates (convert (E_theta, E_phi) to (E_x, E_y, E_z)), and then each of Cartesian components has to be expanded in terms of spherical harmonics. Is this necessary, and if so, why? Why doesn't the spherical harmonic expansion hold good in spherical (theta,phi) coordinates?
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  • #3
It should work fine with theta/phi, I'm not sure the motivation to convert to Cartesian it seems to me that would be an ambiguous conversion.

[tex]A_{lm} = \int Y^*_{lm}(\theta, \phi) g(\theta, \phi) d\Omega [/tex]

[tex]g(\theta, \phi) = \sum_{l=0}^{\infty}\sum_{m=-l}^{l} A_{lm} Y_{lm}(\theta, \phi)[/tex]

For expanding some function g.
  • #4

The radiation pattern of a simple dipole radiator in spherical coordinates is given in Panofsky and Phillips, "Classical Electricity and Magnetism" first edition, pags 222-225, including the near field, transition field, and far field. Multipole radiation is also covered beginning on page 225.
Bob S
  • #5
(Duplicate posts merged into the Classical Physics thread)
  • #6
What kind of functions admit a spherical harmonic expansion? I understand that spherical harmonics provide a set of orthonormal basis functions and any 2 dimensional function expressed in spherical coordinates can be expanded in terms of spherical harmonics.
  • #7
I believe any function of the two angular variables that parametrize a 2D sphere (that is, a spherical surface of the sort which would be embedded in 3D Euclidean space) can be expanded in terms of spherical harmonics. As far as I know, the harmonics are a complete basis.
  • #8
Am I having a problem because the field I am trying to represent is a vector field (electric field)? From what I have read on the internet, it seems I have to either express it in terms of vector spherical harmonics with scalar coefficients, or scalar spherical harmonics with vector coefficients.
  • #9
In general you need vector spherical harmonics (SH)--remember that antennas produce polarized radiation. Scalar SH may be used in some cases. The foundations were worked out in the 1980's, and by now there are many treatments and refinements of the SH expansions needed to extrapolate near field measurements to far field antenna patterns. This book can get you started:

Hansen, Spherical Near-Field Antenna Measurements, IEE/Perigrinus, 1988.

FAQ: Calculating coefficients of spherical harmonic expansion of electric field

1. What is a spherical harmonic expansion of electric field?

A spherical harmonic expansion of electric field is a mathematical representation of the electric field in terms of spherical harmonics, which are solutions to the Laplace equation in spherical coordinates. It allows for a more efficient and accurate way of describing the electric field in a spherical system compared to traditional Cartesian coordinates.

2. How do you calculate the coefficients of a spherical harmonic expansion?

The coefficients of a spherical harmonic expansion can be calculated by integrating the product of the electric field and a spherical harmonic function over the surface of a sphere. The integral is typically evaluated using numerical methods or by using pre-calculated tables of values.

3. What is the significance of calculating coefficients of a spherical harmonic expansion?

The coefficients of a spherical harmonic expansion provide information about the spatial distribution and strength of the electric field in a spherical system. They can also be used to analyze the symmetry and multipole moments of the electric field, which can be helpful in understanding the underlying physical phenomena.

4. Can a spherical harmonic expansion be used for any electric field configuration?

Yes, a spherical harmonic expansion can be used to describe any electric field configuration in a spherical system, as long as the field satisfies the Laplace equation. However, for more complicated electric field configurations, higher order spherical harmonics may be needed to accurately represent the field.

5. Are there any limitations to using a spherical harmonic expansion for calculating electric field coefficients?

One limitation of using a spherical harmonic expansion is that it is only applicable in spherical systems, and cannot be used for electric fields in other coordinate systems. Additionally, as mentioned before, higher order spherical harmonics may be needed for more complex electric field configurations, which can make the calculations more time consuming and computationally intensive.
