Calculating Complex Integrals using Cauchy Formula on a Circular Path | z = 4

In summary, the problem involves finding the integral of \frac{ \mbox{d} z}{ z(z+3) } along the contour L:|z|=4. The integral is assumed to be in the positive orientation unless otherwise stated. The Cauchy formula can be used to solve the integral by breaking it up into simpler integrals using partial fraction reduction. The residues at z=0 and z=3 can be found by substituting z= e^{i\theta} and z= 3+ e^{i\theta}, respectively. The integral is zero because the polynomial is of degree greater than 1, and the residue at -3 is not considered because it is outside the contour.
  • #1

Homework Statement

[tex]\oint_{L} \frac{ \mbox{d} z}{ z(z+3) }[/tex] and [tex]L:|z|=4[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

what is assumption, is it oriented positive or negative? and Cauchy formula, can it be done like this?
[tex]\frac{ 1 }{ 3 } \left( \oint_{L} \frac{ \mbox{d} z}{ z } - \oint_{L} \frac{ \mbox{d} z}{ z+3 } \right)[/tex]
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  • #2
If nothing else is said, the integral is assumed to be in the positive orientation, counter-clockwise.
Yes, your partial fraction reduction is correct and the integral can be done in that way. Letting [itex]z= e^{i\theta}[/itex] in the first integral and [itex]z= 3+ e^{i\theta}[/itex] in the second will give very simple integrals, giving the residues at z= 0 and z= 3.
  • #3
thanks for answer, I got 0, is it possible? and please tell me why residue in 3, not -3?
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  • #5
player1_1_1 said:
thanks for answer, I got 0, is it possible? and please tell me why residue in 3, not -3?

Sure the pole is at -3. And 0 is right. In fact, it's generally true that if f(z) is a polynomial of degree greater than 1 then the integral is zero around a contour that encloses all of the poles.

FAQ: Calculating Complex Integrals using Cauchy Formula on a Circular Path | z = 4

1. What is the Cauchy formula used for?

The Cauchy formula is used for calculating complex integrals along a circular path. It is a powerful tool in complex analysis and is based on the Cauchy-Goursat theorem, which states that the integral of a function along a closed path is equal to the sum of the residues of the function at its singularities within the path.

2. What is a circular path in the context of complex analysis?

A circular path, also known as a contour, is a closed curve that completely encloses a region in the complex plane. It is typically used in Cauchy's formula to simplify the calculation of complex integrals by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts.

3. How is the Cauchy formula derived?

The Cauchy formula can be derived using the Cauchy integral theorem, which states that if a function is analytic (i.e. differentiable) at all points within a closed contour, then the integral of that function along the contour is equal to 0. This theorem is then used to derive a formula for calculating complex integrals along a circular path.

4. What is the significance of the point z = 4 in the Cauchy formula?

In the Cauchy formula, the point z = 4 represents a singularity of the function being integrated. A singularity is a point at which a function is not defined or behaves in an unusual way. In this case, the function has a pole (a point where the function approaches infinity) at z = 4, and the Cauchy formula takes this into account when calculating the integral.

5. How is the Cauchy formula used in real-life applications?

The Cauchy formula is used in a variety of real-life applications, including in physics, engineering, and economics. It is particularly useful in solving certain types of differential equations and in the study of fluid dynamics. It also has applications in signal processing and image reconstruction.
